
#' Constrains numbers to 180
#' Limits a numerical vector to 180. If an element in the vector is greater
#'  than 180 then the amount it is greater than 180 by is subtracted from it.
#'  Useful for angles between two vectors, if the angle between two vectors
#'  is 180 degrees this is the maximum difference -- once the angle exceeds
#'  180 degrees the vectors begin to converge again.
#' @param x Vector of angles (in degrees)
#' @return Numerical vector
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sample <- seq(1, 360, 1)
#' fold_180(sample)

fold_180 <- function(x){

  if (!is.vector(x)) stop("Expecting a vector")
  if (!is.numeric(x)) stop("Expecting numerical values")
  if (max(x) > 360){
  	warning("Input values exceed 360, will produce negative values")

  out <- ifelse(x > 180,  360 - x, x)
Swarchal/phenoDist documentation built on May 9, 2019, 3:25 p.m.