
Defines functions z_grid

Documented in z_grid

#' Plots multiple platemaps with heatmap of scaled values
#' Converts numerical values. well labels, and plate labels into multiple
#' plate heatmaps
#' @param data Numerical values to be plotted
#' @param well Vector of well identifiers e.g "A01"
#' @param plate_id Vector of plate identifiers e.g "Plate_1"
#' @param ncols Number of columns to display multiple heatmaps
#' @param plate Number of wells in complete plate (96, 384 or 1569)
#' @param scale_each boolean, if true scales each plate individually, if false
#'      will scale the pooled values of \code{data}
#' @param each boolean, allowed for backwards compatibility, \code{scale_each}
#'      is now the preferred argument name
#' @param ... additional parameters to plot wrappers
#' @return ggplot plot
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
#' @examples
#' df01 <- data.frame(well = num_to_well(1:96),
#'   vals = rnorm(96),
#'   plate = 1)
#' df02 <- data.frame(well = num_to_well(1:96),
#'   vals = rnorm(96),
#'   plate = 2)
#' df <- rbind(df01, df02)
#' z_grid(data = df$vals,
#'        well = df$well,
#'        plate_id = df$plate,
#'        plate = 96)

z_grid <- function(data, well, plate_id, ncols = 2, plate = 96, each = FALSE,
                   scale_each = FALSE, ...){


    # handle deprecated `each` argument
    if (!missing(each)) {
        warning("argument 'each' has been deprecated, you should use 'scale_each' in the future")
        scale_each <- each

    # transform well labels into row-column values
    platemap <- plate_map_grid_scale(data, well, plate_id, scale_each)

    if (plate == 96L){
        plt <- plt96(platemap, ...) +
                theme_bw() +
                theme(panel.spacing.x = unit(1, "lines"),
                      panel.spacing.y = unit(0.5, "lines")) + # increase spacing between facets
                facet_wrap(~plate_label, ncol = ncols)

    } else if (plate == 384L){
        plt <- plt384(platemap, ...) +
            theme_bw() +
            theme(panel.spacing.x = unit(1, "lines"),
                  panel.spacing.y = unit(1, "lines")) + # increase spacing between facets
            facet_wrap(~plate_label, ncol = ncols)

    } else if (plate == 1536L) {
        plt <- plt1536(platemap, ...) +
            theme_bw() +
            theme(panel.spacing.x = unit(1, "lines"),
                  panel.spacing.y = unit(1, "lines")) + # increase spacing between facets
            facet_wrap(~plate_label, ncol = ncols)

    } else stop("Invalid argument for 'plate'. \nOptions: 96, 384 or 1536.",
    call. = FALSE)

Swarchal/platetools documentation built on March 7, 2024, 10 p.m.