describe("resources can be constructed", {
test_that("with zero-length constructor", {
test_that("with URIs as strings", {
r <- resource(c("",""))
expect_s3_class(r, "ldf_resource")
test_that("with URIs as factors", {
r <- resource(factor(c("","")))
expect_type(uri(r), "character")
test_that("with NAs", {
r <- resource(c(NA,NA))
describe("resources can have arbitrary descriptions", {
uris <- c("",
test_that("properties retrieved via uri", {
r <- resource(uris[3:1], description=data.frame(uri=uris, id=1:3))
expect_equal(property(r, "id"), 3:1)
test_that("warning is given if property is missing", {
r <- resource(uris, description=data.frame(uri=uris))
expect_warning(property(r, "id"))
r <- resource(uris, description=tibble::tibble(uri=uris))
expect_warning(property(r, "id"))
test_that("descriptions must include uri", {
expect_error(resource(uris, description=data.frame(id=1:3)))
test_that("description can't contain duplicate uris", {
expect_error(resource(uris, description=data.frame(uri=uris[c(1,1,2,3)])))
test_that("description must contain all uris", {
expect_error(resource(uris, description=data.frame(uri=uris[1:2])))
test_that("description can be filled-in for missing uris", {
r <- resource(uris, description=data.frame(uri=uris[1:2]), fill_missing=TRUE)
expect_equal(uri(r[3]), uris[3])
test_that("description doesn't need to contain entry for NA uris", {
r <- resource(NA, description=data.frame(uri=uris[1:2]))
expect_equal(uri(r), NA_character_) # i.e. no error raised
test_that("description can be a tibble", {
r <- resource("a", tibble::tibble(uri="a",label="A"))
expect_equal(label(r), "A")
test_that("description may be assigned", {
r <- resource("a")
description(r) <- tibble::tibble(uri="a",label="A") # should re-validate
expect_equal(label(r), "A")
describe("accessors", {
uris <- c("",
labels <- c("Apple","Banana","Carrot")
sort_priorities <- 1:3
description <- data.frame(uri=uris,
stringsAsFactors = F)
r <- resource(uris, description)
test_that("for uri", {
expect_equal(uri(r), uris)
test_that("for label", {
expect_equal(label(r), labels)
test_that("for sort priority", {
expect_equal(sort_priority(r), sort_priorities)
describe("curie function", {
uris <- c("",
r <- resource(uris)
test_that("returns full URIs without prefix", {
expect_equal(curie(r), uris)
test_that("compacts URIs with prefix", {
expect_equal(curie(r, c(eg="")),
c("eg:apple", "eg:banana", "eg:carrot"))
test_that("default prefixes set in option", {
expect_equal(curie(r), c("eg:apple", "eg:banana", "eg:carrot"))
describe("formatter", {
uris <- c("",
test_that("defaults to curie", {
r <- resource(uris)
expect_equal(format(r), format(uris))
test_that("uses label if available", {
labels <- c("Apple","Banana","Carrot")
r <- resource(uris, description=data.frame(uri=uris, label=labels, stringsAsFactors = F))
expect_equal(format(r), format(labels))
describe("casting and coercion", {
test_that("may be cast to itself", {
expect_equal(vec_cast(resource("a"), resource()),
test_that("may be cast to character", {
expect_equal(vec_cast(resource("a", description=data.frame(uri="a",label="A",stringsAsFactors=F)), character()),
c("a")) # TODO: can we change this to return the label instead (without breaking other stuff)
test_that("may be cast from a character", {
expect_equal(vec_cast(c("a"), resource()),
describe("merge_description", {
a <- data.frame(uri="a",label="A",stringsAsFactors = F)
b <- data.frame(uri="b",label="B",stringsAsFactors = F)
x <- data.frame(uri="x",label="X",value=10,stringsAsFactors = F)
test_that("rbinds matching descriptions", {
expect_equal(merge_description(a, b), rbind(a,b))
test_that("returns union of columns", {
ax <- merge_description(a, x)
expect_equal(ax$value, c(NA,10))
test_that("matches on URI (deduplicating)", {
expect_equal(merge_description(a, a), a)
# at the moment 1+ cardinality in descriptions will be caught by resource validation
# test_that("matches on URI (stopping on conflict)", {
# az <- data.frame(uri="a",label="Z",stringsAsFactors = F)
# expect_error(merge_description(a, az))
# })
describe("combining", {
test_that("may be cast from a character", {
expect_equal(vec_c(c("a"), resource("b")),
c("a", "b"))
a <- resource("a", data.frame(uri="a",label="A",stringsAsFactors = F))
b <- resource("b", data.frame(uri="b",label="B",stringsAsFactors = F))
test_that("resource descriptions may be concatenated with vec_c()", {
ab <- vec_c(a, b)
expect_equal(description(ab)$label, c("A","B"))
test_that("resource descriptions may be concatenated with c()", {
ab <- c(a, b)
expect_equal(description(ab)$label, c("A","B"))
test_that("data frames may be row-bound with vec_rbind()", {
d_a <- data.frame(x=a)
d_b <- data.frame(x=b)
d <- vec_rbind(d_a,d_b)
expect_equal(description(d$x)$label, c("A","B"))
test_that("data frames may be joined with merge(all=F)", {
withr::local_options(stringsAsFactors = F)
d_l <- data.frame(r=resource(c("a","b"),
d_r <- data.frame(r=resource(c("b","c"),
d <- merge(d_l, d_r, by="r", all=F)
expect_equal(uri(d$r), "b")
expect_equal(label(d$r), "B")
expect_equal(d$v.x, 2)
expect_equal(d$v.y, 3)
# retains redundant description of "a" from d_l
test_that("data frames may be joined with dplyr", {
withr::local_options(stringsAsFactors = F)
d_l <- data.frame(r=resource(c("a","b"),
d_r <- data.frame(r=resource(c("b","c"),
# merge won't combine descriptions
# uris are correct, but the "C" label is missing from d$r
# d <- merge(d_l, d_r, by="r", all=T)
d <- dplyr::full_join(d_l, d_r, by="r")
expect_equal(uri(d$r), c("a", "b", "c"))
expect_equal(label(d$r), c("A", "B", "C"))
expect_equal(d$v.x, c(1, 2, NA))
expect_equal(d$v.y, c(NA, 3, 4))
describe("subsetting", {
test_that("vec_restore.ldf_resource can round trip vectors", {
a <- resource("a", data.frame(uri="a",label="A"))
expect_equal(vec_restore(vec_data(a), a), a)
# commented out the code to do this in vec_restore.ldf_resource as also
# subsets descriptions erroneously when rbinding
# test_that("description is subset when uri is subset", {
# uris <- c("",
# "",
# "")
# labels <- c("Apple","Banana","Carrot")
# sort_priorities <- 1:3
# description <- data.frame(uri=uris,
# label=labels,
# sort_priority=sort_priorities,
# stringsAsFactors = F)
# r <- resource(uris, description)
# expect_equal(description(r[1]),
# data.frame(uri=uris[1],
# label=labels[1],
# sort_priority=sort_priorities[1],
# stringsAsFactors = F))
# })
# subset assignment r[4] <- ""
describe("works with other functions", {
undescribed_r <- resource(c("",
uris <- c("",
labels <- c("Apple","Banana","Carrot")
description <- data.frame(uri=uris,
stringsAsFactors = F)
described_r <- resource(uris, description)
test_that("table of undescribed resources", {
tbl <- table(undescribed_r)
expect_equal(length(tbl), 2)
expect_equal(tbl[[""]], 2)
test_that("table of undescribed resources", {
tbl <- table(described_r)
expect_equal(length(tbl), 3)
expect_equal(tbl[[""]], 1)
# would be nicer if this was the label
# can't do that because factor(r) sees the underlying type is character and doesn't attempt to call as.character
test_that("as.matrix", {
m <- as.matrix(data.frame(r=described_r))
expect_equal(dim(m), c(3,1))
m <- as.matrix(data.frame(r=described_r))
expect_equal(dim(m), c(3,1))
# with description specified as a tibble or sf object
# underlying type could be integer with uri mapping
# sorts by sort priority
# if character gets cast to resource (as the richer type) and the description for that URI is missing, what should happen?
# raise a warning? allow it to happen (to be cleaned up later) or require that the character be cast explicitly
# (with appropriate description) and not allow coercion.
# Printing with `str`, need to do `str(x, max.level=1)`.
# Can we use `property` function with tidy-select? `?tidyr_tidy_select` e.g. `select(x, label(column))`
# extract geo? demonstrate that...
# can show code or label
# can find parent
# can find geometry
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