
Defines functions objectColumns objPolygonCoords objPolylineCoords

# Obj Polyline Coords
# Creates a list object that can be converted into the required JSON for plotting
# coordinates as polylines
# @param obj \code{data.frame} consisting of columns 'lat' and 'lng'
# @param ids vector of ids for each path/line
# @param otherColumns vector of attribute columns (e.g. stroke_fill, stroke_weight)
# that are to be kept in the output
objPolylineCoords <- function(obj, ids, otherColumns){

  if(length(otherColumns) > 0){

    lst_polyline <- lapply(ids, function(x){
      thisRow <- unique(obj[ obj[, 'id'] == x, otherColumns, drop = FALSE])
      coords <- list(obj[obj[, 'id'] == x, c('lat', 'lng')])
      c(c(coords = unname(coords)), thisRow, id = x)


    lst_polyline <- lapply(ids, function(x){
      coords <- list(obj[obj[, 'id'] == x, c('lat', 'lng')])
      c(c(coords = unname(coords), id = x))


# Obj Polygon Coords
# Creates a list object that can be converted into the required JSON for plotting
# coordinates as polygons
# @param obj \code{data.frame} consisting of columns 'lat' and 'lng'
# @param ids vector of ids for each path/line
# @param otherColumns vector of attribute columns (e.g. stroke_fill, stroke_weight)
# that are to be kept in the output
objPolygonCoords <- function(obj, ids, otherColumns){

  if(length(otherColumns) > 0){

    lst_polygon <- lapply(ids, function(x){
      pathIds <- unique(obj[ obj[, 'id'] == x, 'pathId'])
      thisRow <- unique(obj[ obj[, 'id'] == x, otherColumns, drop = FALSE] )
      coords <- sapply(pathIds, function(y){
        list(obj[obj[, 'id'] == x & obj[, 'pathId'] == y, c('lat', 'lng')])
      c(list(coords = unname(coords)), thisRow, id = x)


    lst_polygon <- lapply(ids, function(x){
      pathIds <- unique(obj[ obj[, 'id'] == x, 'pathId'])
      coords <- sapply(pathIds, function(y){
        list(obj[obj[, 'id'] == x & obj[, 'pathId'] == y, c('lat', 'lng')])
      c(list(coords = unname(coords)), id = x)


# Object Columns
# Defines the columns used by the Maps API so only those required
# are kept
# @param obj string specifying the type of object
# @return vector of column names
objectColumns <- function(obj = c("polylinePolyline",

           "polylineCoords" = c("id", "lat","lng", "geodesic", "editable","draggable",
                                "mouse_over_group", "info_window", "z_index"),

           "polylinePolyline" = c("id", "polyline", "geodesic","stroke_colour",
                                  "mouse_over_group", "info_window", "z_index"),

           "polygonCoords" = c("id","pathId","lat","lng","stroke_colour",
                               "fill_opacity", "info_window","mouse_over",
                               "mouse_over_group", "z_index"))
SymbolixAU/googleway documentation built on Sept. 7, 2024, 4:31 p.m.