
#' dt haversine
#' Calculates the Haversine distance between two points
#' @param latFrom latitude
#' @param lonFrom longitude
#' @param latTo latitude
#' @param lonTo latitude
#' @param r radius of earth
#' @param tolerance numeric. See details
#' @details
#' \code{tolerance} - Floating-point precision can sometimes lead to the
#' situation `sqrt(1 - 1.00000001)`, which will introduce NAs into the result.
#' The tolerance value is used in `ifelse(a > 1 & a <= tolerance, 1, a)`
#' @return distance in metres
#' @examples
#' dt <- data.table(lat1 = seq(-38, -37, by = 0.1),
#'   lon1 = seq(144, 145, by = 0.1),
#'   lat2 = seq(-35, -34, by = 0.1),
#'   lon2 = seq(145, 146, by = 0.1))
#' dt[, distance := dtHaversine(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2)]
#' @export
dtHaversine <- function(latFrom, lonFrom,
												latTo, lonTo,
												r = earthsRadius(),
												tolerance = 1e+9){

	rcppDistanceHaversine(latFrom, lonFrom, latTo, lonTo, r, tolerance)

#' dt cosine
#' Calculates the Cosine distance between two points
#' @param latFrom latitude
#' @param lonFrom longitude
#' @param latTo latitude
#' @param lonTo latitude
#' @param r radius of earth
#' @return distance in metres
#' @examples
#' dt <- data.table(lat1 = seq(-38, -37, by = 0.1),
#'   lon1 = seq(144, 145, by = 0.1),
#'   lat2 = seq(-35, -34, by = 0.1),
#'   lon2 = seq(145, 146, by = 0.1))
#' dt[, distance := dtCosine(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2)]
#' @export
dtCosine <- function(latFrom, lonFrom,
												latTo, lonTo,
												r = earthsRadius()){

	rcppDistanceCosine(latFrom, lonFrom, latTo, lonTo, r)

#' dt Euclidean
#' Computes the Euclidean distance between two pairs of latitude / longitude coordinates
#' @param latFrom latitude from
#' @param lonFrom longitude from
#' @param latTo latitude to
#' @param lonTo longitude to
#' @return Euclidean distance
#' @examples
#' dt <- data.table(lat1 = seq(-38, -37, by = 0.1),
#'   lon1 = seq(144, 145, by = 0.1),
#'   lat2 = seq(-35, -34, by = 0.1),
#'   lon2 = seq(145, 146, by = 0.1))
#' dt[, distance := dtEuclidean(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2)]
#' @export
dtEuclidean <- function(latFrom, lonFrom, latTo, lonTo){
	rcppDistanceEuclidean(latFrom, lonFrom, latTo, lonTo)

#' dt bearing
#' Calculates the initial bearing between two pairs of latitude / longitude coordinates
#' @note The initial bearing is sometimes called the 'forward azimuth', which if followed in a straight line along a great-circle arc will take you from teh start point to the end point
#' @param latFrom latitude from
#' @param lonFrom longitude from
#' @param latTo latitude to
#' @param lonTo longitude to
#' @param compassBearing logical indicating whether to return the value in the range 0 - 360
#' @return bearing in degrees
#' @examples
#' dtBearing(0,0,0,52)
#' dtBearing(25, 0, 35, 0)
#' dtBearing(25, 0, -25, 0)
#' dtBearing(0, 0, 0, -1)
#' dtBearing(0, 0, 0, -1, compassBearing = TRUE)
#' dtBearing(0, 0, 1, -1)
#' dtBearing(0, 0, 0, 1)
#' dtBearing(0, 0, 1, -0.001)
#' dtBearing(0, 0, 1, -0.001, compassBearing = TRUE)
#' dtBearing(-37,144,-38,145)
#' @export
dtBearing <- function(latFrom, lonFrom, latTo, lonTo, compassBearing = FALSE){
	rcppBearing(latFrom, lonFrom, latTo, lonTo, compassBearing)

#' dt midpoint
#' Finds the half-way point along the great circle path between two points
#' @param latFrom latitude from
#' @param lonFrom longitude from
#' @param latTo latitude to
#' @param lonTo longitude to
#' @return list of the latitude & longitude coordinates at the midpoint along the line
#' @examples
#' dtMidpoint(0,0,0,52)
#' dtMidpoint(25, 0, -25, 0)
#' dtMidpoint(-37,144,-38,145)
#' dtMidpoint(25, 0, 35, 0)
#' n <- 10
#' set.seed(20170511)
#' lats <- -90:90
#' lons <- -180:180
#' dt <- data.table::data.table(lat1 = sample(lats, size = n, replace = T),
#'                              lon1 = sample(lons, size = n, replace = T),
#'                              lat2 = sample(lats, size = n, replace = T),
#'                              lon2 = sample(lons, size = n, replace = T))
#' dt[, c("latMid", "lonMid") := dtMidpoint(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2)]
#' @export
dtMidpoint <- function(latFrom, lonFrom, latTo, lonTo){
	rcppMidpoint(latFrom, lonFrom, latTo, lonTo)

#' dt destination
#' Calculates the destination coordinates from a starting point, initial bearing and distance travelling along a (shortest distance) great circle arc
#' @param latFrom latitude from (in degrees)
#' @param lonFrom longitude from (in degrees)
#' @param distance distance in metres
#' @param bearing from north (in degrees)
#' @param r radius of earth in metres
#' @return list of latitude and longitude coordinates at the destination
#' @examples
#' dtDestination(0, 0, earthsRadius(), 90)
#' n <- 10
#' set.seed(20170511)
#' lats <- -90:90
#' lons <- -180:180
#' b <- 0:360
#' dt <- data.table::data.table(lat = sample(lats, size = n, replace = T),
#'                              lon = sample(lons, size = n, replace = T),
#'                              bearing = sample(b, size = n, replace = T))
#' dt[, c("destinationLat", "destinationLon") := dtDestination(lat, lon, earthsRadius(), 90)]
#' @export
dtDestination <- function(latFrom, lonFrom, distance, bearing, r = earthsRadius()){
	rcppDestination(latFrom, lonFrom, distance, bearing, r);

#' dt Antipode
#' Calculates the antipodal coordiantes for a given pair of coordinates
#' @param lat latitude coordinate
#' @param lon longitude coordinate
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  dt <- data.table(lat = c(-37,-36,-35),
#'                   lon = c(143,144,145))
#'  ## return just the antipodes
#'  dt[, dtAntipode(lat, lon)]
#'  ## return a new columns of antipodes
#'  dt[, c("AntLat", "AntLon") := dtAntipode(lat, lon)]
#' }
#' @return a list of length 2, the first element being the latitude coordinates,
#' and the second element being the longitude coordinates
#' @export
dtAntipode <- function(lat, lon) {
	return(list(antipodeLat(lat), antipodeLon(lon)))

#' Dist 2 gc
#' Finds the distance of a point to a great-circle path
#' Sometimes called 'cross-track' distance
#' @param latFrom latitude value for the start of the path
#' @param lonFrom longitude value for the sttart of the path
#' @param latTo lattitude value for the end of the path
#' @param lonTo longitude value for the end of the path
#' @param pointLat latitude value for the point
#' @param pointLon longitude value for the point
#' @param tolerance
#' @param r
#' @examples
#' dt <- data.table(lat1 = c(0, 0),
#'                  lon1 = c(0, 0),
#'                  lat2 = c(20, -20),
#'                  lon2 = c(0, 0),
#'                  plat = c(10, -10),
#'                  plon = c(22, 22))
#' dt[, dist := dtDist2gc(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, plat, plon)]
#' @return distance in metres. The sign of the result indicates if the point
#' is to the left (negative) or right (positive) of the line when traveling
#' from `latFrom,lonFrom` to `latTo,lonTo`.
#' @export
dtDist2gc <- function(latFrom, lonFrom, latTo, lonTo, pointLat, pointLon,
											tolerance = 1e+9, r = earthsRadius()){

	## TODO:
	## - specify the distance function to use in the calculationg
	## - (currently uses haversine)

	rcppDist2gc(latFrom, lonFrom, latTo, lonTo, pointLat, pointLon,
							tolerance, r)

#' Along Track Distance
#' Calculates the distance along a great-circle to the cross-track point
#' @param latFrom latitude value for the start of the path
#' @param lonFrom longitude value for the sttart of the path
#' @param latTo lattitude value for the end of the path
#' @param lonTo longitude value for the end of the path
#' @param pointLat latitude value for the point
#' @param pointLon longitude value for the point
#' @param tolerance
#' @param r
#' @seealso dtDist2gc
#' @export
dtAlongTrackDistance <- function(latFrom, lonFrom, latTo, lonTo, pointLat, pointLon,
																 tolerance = 1e+9, r = earthsRadius()){

	rcppAlongTrack(latFrom, lonFrom, latTo, lonTo, pointLat, pointLon, tolerance, r)

antipodeLat <- function(lat) return(-lat)
antipodeLon <- function(lon) return((lon %% 360) - 180)

#' Earths Radius
#' Returns an approximation of the radius of the earth in metres
#' @examples
#' earthsRadius()
#' @export
earthsRadius <- function() return(6378137)

toRadians <- function(x) return(x * (pi / 180))
toDegrees <- function(x) return(x / (pi / 180))
SymbolixAU/spatial.data.table documentation built on May 9, 2019, 3:30 p.m.