
#' Encode Simple Feature
#' Converts coordinates from simple-feature objects (\code{sf}) into encoded polylines
#' @param sf simple-feature object (from \code{library(sf)})
#' @param id column of \code{sf} to be used as the id. If NULL, a value from
#' 1 to .N will be assigned to a column called \code{.id}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(sf)
#' sf_line <- st_as_sfc(c("LINESTRING(-80.190 25.774, -66.118 18.466, -64.757 32.321)",
#'                        "LINESTRING(-70.579 28.745, -67.514 29.570, -66.668 27.339)"))
#' sf <- st_sf(id = paste0("line", 1:2), sf_line)
#' EncodeSF(sf)
#' EncodeSF(sf, id = "id")
#' ## sf_POLYGON
#' sf_poly <- st_as_sfc(c("POLYGON((-80.190 25.774, -66.118 18.466, -64.757 32.321))",
#'                        "POLYGON((-70.579 28.745, -67.514 29.570, -66.668 27.339), (0 0, 1 0, 3 2))"))
#' EncodeSF(sf_poly)
#' sf <- st_sf(id = paste0("poly", 1:2), sf_poly)
#' EncodeSF(sf)
#' EncodeSF(sf, id = "id")
#' p1 <- rbind(c(0,0), c(1,0), c(3,2), c(2,4), c(1,4), c(0,0))
#' p2 <- rbind(c(1,1), c(1,2), c(2,2), c(1,1))
#' pol <- st_polygon(list(p1,p2))
#' EncodeSF(pol)
#' sf_poly <- st_as_sfc("POLYGON((0 0, 1 0, 3 2, 2 4, 1 4, 0 0), (1 1, 1 2, 2 2, 1 1))")
#' EncodeSF(sf_poly)
#' sf <- st_sf(id = "poly", sf_poly)
#' EncodeSF(sf)
#' EncodeSF(sf, id = "id")
#' sf_poly <- st_as_sfc(c("MULTIPOLYGON(((-80.190 25.774, -66.118 18.466, -64.757 32.321)))",
#'                        "MULTIPOLYGON(((-70.579 28.745, -67.514 29.570, -66.668 27.339), (1 1, 2 2, 1.5 1.5)), ((0 0, 1 0, 3 2)))"))
#' sf <- st_sf(id = paste0("poly", 1:2), sf_poly)
#' EncodeSF(sf)
#' filename <- system.file("shape/nc.shp", package="sf")
#' nc <- st_read(filename)
#' sdt <- EncodeSF(nc)
#' nc$id <- 1:nrow(nc)
#' sdt <- EncodeSF(nc, id = "id")
#' }
#' @export
EncodeSF <- function(sf, id = NULL) UseMethod("encodeSf")

#' @export
encodeSf.sf <- function(sf, id = NULL){

		if(!id %in% names(sf)){
			stop(paste0("I could not find the column ", id))

		id <- ".id"
		sf[, id] <- 1:nrow(sf)

	ids <- sf[[id]]
	dataCols <- setdiff(names(sf), attr(sf, 'sf_column'))

	if(length(dataCols) == 0){
		dt <- data.table::data.table(id = ids)
		dt <- data.table::as.data.table(sf)[, dataCols, with = F]

	geom <- sf::st_geometry(sf)
	dt_geom <- EncodePolyline(geom, id, ids)

	dt <- merge(dt, dt_geom, by = id, sort = F, all = T)


#' @export
encodeSf.POLYGON <- function(sf){

	id <- ".id"
	ids <- 1

	dt <- data.table::data.table(".id" = ids)

	geom <- sf::st_geometry(sf)
	dt_geom <- EncodePolyline(geom, id, ids)

	dt <- merge(dt, dt_geom, by = id, sort = F, all = T)


#' @export
encodeSf.sfc_POLYGON <- function(sf){

	## TODO:
	## - do I convert this to an 'sf' first, so I can attach an ID?

	id <- ".id"
	ids <- 1:length(sf)
	sf <- sf::st_sf(".id" = ids, sf)
	dt <- data.table::data.table(".id" = ids)

	geom <- sf::st_geometry(sf)
	dt_geom <- EncodePolyline(geom, id, ids)

	dt <- merge(dt, dt_geom, by = id, sort = F, all = T)

EncodePolyline <- function(geom, id, ids) UseMethod("encodePolyline")

#' @export
encodePolyline.sfc_LINESTRING <- function(geom, id, ids){

		pl <- sapply(1:length(geom), function(x){
			m <- unlist(geom[[x]])
		dt <- data.table::data.table(id = ids,
																 polyline = pl)
		data.table::setnames(dt, "id", id)

#' @export
encodePolyline.sfc_POLYGON <- function(geom, id, ids){

	## A POLYGON is of the form POLYGON((poly1), (hole), (hole))
	dt <- data.table::rbindlist(

		lapply(seq_along(ids), function(x){


				lapply(seq_along(geom[[x]]), function(y){
					g <- geom[[x]][[y]]
					pl <- encode_pl(g[,2],g[,1])

					lineId <- y
					hole = lineId > 1

						id = x,
						lineId = lineId,
						polyline = pl,
						hole = hole)

	data.table::setnames(dt, "id", id)

#' @export
encodePolyline.sfc_MULTIPOLYGON <- function(geom, id, ids){

	## TODO
	## - check this works for lots of nested polygons with holes

	dt <- data.table::rbindlist(

		lapply(seq_along(ids), function(x){


				lapply(seq_along(geom[[x]]), function(y){

					pl <- sapply(geom[[x]][[y]], function(z){
						encode_pl(z[,2], z[,1])

					# lineId <- seq_along(pl)
					# hole = lineId > 1

						id = ids[x],
						lineId = (y-1) + seq_along(geom[[x]][[y]]),
						polyline = pl,
						hole = seq_along(pl) > 1)
		}), idcol = F

	data.table::setnames(dt, "id", id)



#' @export
encodePolyline.default <- function(geom){
	message(paste0("Many apologies, I don't know how to handle objects of class ", class(geom)))
SymbolixAU/spatialdatatable documentation built on May 6, 2019, 11:20 a.m.