#' Assign landowner treatments
#' Assign pixels to the specified buckthorn management treatment. Assigned cells
#' either overwrite the cells treated in the previous time step or are appended.
#' @param id.i Tibble matching cell IDs. \code{id} indexes on the entire grid
#' while \code{id.in} indexes only inbound cells
#' @param ncell \code{NULL} Number of inbound grid cells. Required if cell IDs
#' are not supplied via \code{assign_i}
#' @param assign_i \code{NULL} Vector of inbound cell IDs to treat. If
#' \code{NULL}, then \code{ncell} IDs are sampled randomly for treatments
#' @param pTrt Proportion of inbound grid cells to be treated. If \code{add !=
#' NULL}, then this is appended to the cells treated in the previous time
#' step.
#' @param trt.eff Named vector with effects of each treatment. These names are
#' sampled and assigned to cells
#' @param addOwners \code{Logical} denoting whether to append new treated cells
#' to the previous time step. If \code{TRUE}, then \code{trt.m1} must be
#' provided
#' @param trt.m1 Tibble with grid id and treatment type from time \code{t - 1},
#' either empty or generated with \code{\link{trt_assign}} in the previous
#' time step.
#' @return Tibble with grid id and treatment type
#' @keywords control, treatment, owners
#' @export
trt_assign <- function(id.i, ncell=NULL, assign_i=NULL, pTrt, trt.eff,
addOwners=FALSE, trt.m1=NULL) {
if(is.null(assign_i)) {
assign_i <- sample(1:ncell, ceiling(pTrt*ncell))
nTrt <- length(assign_i)
trt.t <- tibble(id=id.i$id[which(id.i$id.in %in% assign_i)],
Trt=sample(names(trt.eff), nTrt, replace=TRUE))
if(addOwners) {
return(trt.m1 %<>% add_row(id=trt.t$id, Trt=trt.t$Trt))
} else {
#' Implement ground cover treatments
#' Overwrite the establishment probabilities for cells receiving a ground cover
#' treatment
#' @param est.trt Tibble output from \code{\link{trt_assign}} with the grid id
#' and treatment type for each cell
#' @param grd.trt Named vector with treatment types and associated establishment
#' probability
#' @return Tibble with grid id and establishment probabilities
#' @keywords control, treatment, manual, litter, compaction, cover crop
#' @export
trt_ground <- function(est.trt, grd.trt) {
p.trt <- tibble(id=est.trt$id,
p=grd.trt[match(est.trt$Trt, names(grd.trt))])
#' Implement cutting & spraying treatments
#' Adjust the abundances within cells receiving cutting and/or spraying
#' treatments.
#' @param N.t Matrix or array of abundances, with dims=c(ngrid, (lc), m.max)
#' @param m.max Max(age at maturity)
#' @param N.trt Dataframe, possibly output from \code{\link{trt_assign}}, with
#' the grid id and treatment type for each cell. If treatment varies by land
#' cover type, then there should be one column per land cover type
#' @param man.trt Named vector with treatment types and associated success
#' (=mortality) rates
#' @param byLC \code{FALSE} Do treatments vary across land cover types?
#' @return Matrix or array of the same dimensions as N.t with adjusted
#' abundances
#' @keywords control, treatment, manual, cutting, spraying
#' @export
trt_manual <- function(N.t, m.max, N.trt, man.trt, byLC=FALSE) {
if(byLC) {
trt.eff <- N.trt
for(l in 2:ncol(N.trt)) {
trt.eff[,l] <- 1 - man.trt[match(N.trt[,l], names(man.trt))]
N.t[trt.eff[,1],l-1,] <- round(N.t[trt.eff[,1],l-1,] * trt.eff[,l])
} else {
trt.eff <- cbind(id=N.trt$id,
surv=1-man.trt[match(N.trt$Trt, names(man.trt))])
if(length(dim(N.t)) == 2) {
N.t[trt.eff[,1],] <- round(N.t[trt.eff[,1],] * trt.eff[,2])
} else {
N.t[trt.eff[,1],,] <- round(N.t[trt.eff[,1],,] * trt.eff[,2])
#' Implement cutting & spraying treatments for econ simulations
#' Adjust the abundances within cells receiving cutting and/or spraying
#' treatments according to the mortality rates calculated by the economic
#' decision model.
#' @param N.t Matrix or array of abundances, with dims=c(ngrid, (lc), m.max)
#' @param m.max Max(age at maturity)
#' @param id.trt Dataframe with the grid id and mortality rate for each cell
#' @return Matrix or array of the same dimensions as N.t with adjusted abundances
#' @keywords control, treatment, manual, cutting, spraying
#' @export
trt_econ <- function(N.t, m.max, id.trt) {
if(length(dim(N.t))==2) {
N.t[id.trt[,1],] <- round(N.t[id.trt[,1],] * (1-id.trt[,2]))
} else {
N.t[id.trt[,1],,] <- round(N.t[id.trt[,1],,] * (1-id.trt[,2]))
#' Assign cells to convert a proportion of forest.col to open invasible
#' Assign a specified number of random cells to have their forest.col habitat
#' cleared by a random proportion.
#' @param pChg Proportion of inbound cells to cut
#' @param ncell \code{NULL} Number of inbound grid cells. Required if cell IDs
#' are not supplied via \code{assign_i}
#' @param assign_i \code{NULL} Vector of inbound cell IDs to treat. If
#' \code{NULL}, then \code{ncell} IDs are sampled randomly for treatments
#' @param lc.df Dataframe or tibble with xy coords, land cover proportions, and
#' cell id info
#' @param forest.col Vector of forest.col column indexes within \code{lc.df}
#' @return Tibble \code{id.chg} with grid and inbound indexes of cells with land
#' cover change and matrix \code{mx} with the change in each forest.col
#' category and the total change to be added to open habitat
#' @keywords control, cut, forest.col, land cover change, owners
#' @export
cut_assign <- function(pChg, ncell=NULL, assign_i=NULL, lc.df, forest.col) {
if(is.null(assign_i)) assign_i <- sample(1:ncell, ceiling(pChg*ncell))
n <- length(assign_i)
id.chg <- dplyr::filter(lc.df, id.in %in% assign_i) %>%
select(id, id.in)
mx <- (runif(n*length(forest.col)) * lc.df[id.chg$id, forest.col]) %>%
cbind(., TotChg=rowSums(.))
return(list(id.chg=id.chg, mx=mx))
#' Change forested land cover to open invasible
#' Convert forest to open habitat. The specified pixels have a specified
#' proportion of specified forest.col type converted to open invasible habitat.
#' This function updates the land cover proportions within \code{lc.df}. This is
#' a one way, deterministic change with no natural reversion to forest.col. The
#' affected parameters \emph{must} be updated with a call to
#' \code{\link{cell_agg}} and to \code{\link{sdd_set_probs}(lc.new=id.chg)}.
#' @param id.chg Dataframe or tibble with cell grid indexes identifying which
#' cells are to change. if not input manually, can be randomly created by
#' \code{\link{cut_assign}}
#' @param forest.chg Matrix with a column for each forest.col type corresponding
#' with the forest.col columns in \code{lc.df} specifying the amount of each
#' category of forest.col to be converted, and a final column \code{TotChg}
#' with the total amount converted to open invasible. If not input manually,
#' can be randomly created by \code{\link{cut_assign}}
#' @param forest.col Vector of forest.col column indexes within \code{lc.df}
#' @param lc.df Dataframe or tibble with xy coords, land cover proportions, and
#' cell id info
#' @return List with \code{lc.df} and \code{sdd.pr} where both are sparse,
#' containing only updated values for the cells with altered land cover.
#' @keywords control, cut, forest.col, land cover change, owners
#' @export
cut_forest <- function(id.chg, forest.chg, forest.col, lc.df) {
# shift forest.col to open
chg.df <- lc.df[id.chg$id,]
chg.df[,forest.col] <- chg.df[,forest.col] - forest.chg[,1:length(forest.col)]
chg.df[,"Opn"] <- chg.df[,"Opn"] + forest.chg[,length(forest.col)+1]
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