
# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand
# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393

#' Map a parameter vector to an accumulator matrix
#' An Rcpp function to get accumulator x parameter matrix for a design cell. For
#' two accumulator model, like drift-diffusion model, the accumulators are r1
#' and r2. For mulitple-accumulator model, like LBA model, the accumulators
#' are r1, r2, r3, etc. But because LBA probability density has yet
#' implemented, the function now only works for DDM. The part calling
#' \code{transform.dmc} is replaced by ordering the parameter sequence inside
#' \code{density.cpp}. The \code{n1order} switch is still kept, until the R's
#' \code{simulate.dmc} is upgraded to C++ version. This function is akin to
#' DMC's \code{p.df.dmc}. This is a Rcpp function.
#' @param pVec a user supplied parameter vector or a sampler supplied theta/phi
#' vector.
#' @param cell a string indicating the name of a experimental condition
#' @param model an EAM model specification, created usually by model.dmc. Read
#' as a NumericVector, so attributes are kept.
#' @param n1order a boolean value indicating if swap accumulator row to use
#' "n1" order. This is for LBA model
#' @return an accumulator x EAM parameter matrix (without factor level).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' m1 <- model.dmc(
#'     p.map     = list(a="1",v="F",z="1",d="1",sz="1",sv="F",t0="1",st0="1"),
#'     match.map = list(M=list(s1="r1", s2="r2")),
#'     factors   = list(S=c("s1","s2"), F=c("f1","f2")),
#'     constants = c(st0=0,d=0),
#'     responses = c("r1","r2"),
#'     type      = "rd")
#' # Parameter vector names are: ( see attr(,"p.vector") )
#' # [1] "a"     "v.f1"  "v.f2"  "z"     "sz"    "sv.f1" "sv.f2" "t0"
#' #
#' # Constants are (see attr(,"constants") ):
#' #   st0   d
#' #     0   0
#' #
#' # Model type = rd
#' attr(m1,"p.vector")
#' # a  v.f1  v.f2     z    sz sv.f1 sv.f2    t0
#' # NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA
#' pVec <- c(1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1)
#' names(pVec) <- names(attr(m1, "p.vector"))
#' accMat1 <- getAccumulatorMatrix(pVec, "s1.f1.r2", m1, FALSE)
#' ##         col_names
#' ##row_names a v z d sz sv t0 st0
#' ##       r1 1 1 0 0  1  1  1   0
#' ##       r2 1 1 0 0  1  1  1   0
#' accMat2 <- getAccumulatorMatrix(pVec, "s1.f1.r2", m1, TRUE)
getAccumulatorMatrix <- function(pVec, cell, model, n1order = TRUE) {
    .Call('ggdmc_getAccumulatorMatrix', PACKAGE = 'ggdmc', pVec, cell, model, n1order)

#' Compute Probability Density of Drift-Diffusion Model
#' This function implements the equations in Voss, Rothermund, and Voss (2004).
#' These equations calculate Ratcliff's drift-diffusion model (RDM, 1978).
#' \code{ddmc} re-implements Voss, Rothermund, and Voss's (2004) equations A1
#' to A4 (page 1217) via Rcpp. This Rcpp function is akin to DMC's
#' \code{likelihood.dmc}. There is a \code{ddmc_parallel} with same arguments
#' using Open MPI to calculate RDM probability densities when data sets are
#' large (e.g., more than 5000 trials per condition) or when precision is set
#' high.
#' @param x a data frame containing choices and RTs. This is akin to dnorm's x
#' argument.
#' @param pVec a parameter vector. For example,
#' p.vector <- c(a=1.25, v.f1=.20, v.f2=.33, z=.67, sz=.26, sv=.67, t0=.26)
#' @param precision a precision parameter. The larger, the higher precision to
#' estimate diffusion probability density. A general recommendation for the low
#' bound of precision is 2.5. If you need to use a precision higher than that,
#' you may want to consider using \code{ddmc_parallel}. A default value is set
#' at 2.5.
#' @param minLike a minimal log likelihood. If a estimated density is
#' less than minLike, the function returns minLike. A default value is set at
#' 1e-10.
#' @return a double vector with drift-diffusion probability density
#' @references Voss, A., Rothermund, K., & Voss, J. (2004).  Interpreting the
#' parameters of the diffusion model: An empirical validation.
#' \emph{Memory & Cognition}, \bold{32(7)}, 1206-1220. \cr\cr
#' Ratcliff, R. (1978). A theory of memory retrival. \emph{Psychological
#' Review}, \bold{85}, 238-255.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Set up a basic RDM design
#' m1 <- model.dmc(
#'     p.map=list(a="1", v="1", z="1", d="1", sz="1", sv="1", t0="1", st0="1"),
#'     constants=c(st0=0, d=0),
#'     match.map=list(M=list(s1="r1", s2="r2")),
#'     factors=list(S=c("s1", "s2")),
#'     responses=c("r1", "r2"),
#'     type="rd")
#' pVec <- c(a=1, v=1, z=.5, sz=.25, sv=.2,t0=.15)
#' ## Set up a model-data instance
#' raw.data <- simulate(m1, nsim=1e2, p.vector=pVec)
#' mdi <- data.model.dmc(raw.data, m1)
#' ## Print probability densities on the screen
#' ddmc(mdi, pVec)
#' ## [1]  0.674039828 0.194299671 0.377715949 1.056043402 0.427508806
#' ## [6]  2.876521367 0.289301835 2.701315781 0.419909813 1.890380685
#' ## [11] 2.736803321 1.278188278 0.607926999 0.024858130 1.878312335
#' ## [16] 0.826923114 0.189952016 1.758620294 1.696875882 2.191290074
#' ## [21] 2.666750382 ...
#' mdi.large <- data.model.dmc(simulate(m1, nsim=1e4, p.vector=pVec), m1)
#' ## d.large <- dplyr::tbl_df(mdi.large)
#' ## d.large
#' ## Source: local data frame [20,000 x 3]
#' ##
#' ##         S      R        RT
#' ##    (fctr) (fctr)     (dbl)
#' ## 1      s1     r2 0.2961630
#' ## 2      s1     r1 0.9745674
#' ## 3      s1     r2 0.6004945
#' ## 4      s1     r1 0.1937356
#' ## 5      s1     r1 0.3608844
#' ## 6      s1     r1 0.5343379
#' ## 7      s1     r1 0.2595707
#' ## 8      s1     r1 0.3247941
#' ## 9      s1     r1 0.4901325
#' ## 10     s1     r2 0.5011935
#' ## ..    ...    ...       ...
#' ## system.time(den1 <- ddmc(mdi.large, pVec))
#' ##  user  system elapsed
#' ## 0.028   0.004   0.046
#' ## system.time(den2 <- ddmc_parallel(mdi.large, pVec))
#' ##  user  system elapsed
#' ## 0.200   0.000   0.023
#' ## all.equal(den1, den2)
#' ## [1] TRUE
ddmc <- function(x, pVec, precision = 2.5, minLike = 1e-10) {
    .Call('ggdmc_ddmc', PACKAGE = 'ggdmc', x, pVec, precision, minLike)

#' @rdname ddmc
#' @export
ddmc_parallel <- function(x, pVec, precision = 2.5, minLike = 1e-10) {
    .Call('ggdmc_ddmc_parallel', PACKAGE = 'ggdmc', x, pVec, precision, minLike)

#' Calculate Drift-diffusion Probability Density
#' \code{g_minus} and \code{g_plus} implement A1 to A4 equations in Voss,
#' Rothermund, and Voss (2004). These equations calculate Ratcliff's
#' drift-diffusion model (1978). This source codes are derived from
#' Voss & Voss's fast-dm 30.2 in density.c.
#' Two parallel functions \code{g_minus_parallel} and \code{g_plus_parallel},
#' using OpenMP libraries to do numerical integration. They resolve the
#' problem when high precision (> 10) is required.
#' @param pVec a 9-element parameter (double) vector. The user has to follow
#' the sequence strictly. a, v, zr, d, sz, sv, t0, st0, RT, precision.
#' @references Voss, A., Rothermund, K., & Voss, J. (2004). Interpreting the
#' parameters of the diffusion model: A empirical validation
#' \emph{Memory and Cognition}, \bold{32(7)}, 1206--1220. \cr\cr
#' Ratcliff, R (1978). A theory of memory retrieval. \emph{Psychology Review},
#' \bold{85(2)}, 59--108.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pVec1 <- c(a=2, v=2.5, zr=0.5, d=0, sz=0.3, sv=1, t0=0.3, st0=0,
#'            RT=.550, precision=2.5)
#' g_minus(pVec1)
#' ## [1] 0.04965882
#' g_plus(pVec1)
#' ## [1] 2.146265
#' pVec2 <- c(a=2, v=2.5, zr=0.5, d=0, sz=0.3, sv=1, t0=0.3, st0=0,
#'            RT=.550, precision=20)
#' ## system.time(d1 <- g_plus_parallel(pVec2))
#' ##     user  system elapsed
#' ##  135.708   0.000  12.022
#' ## system.time(d2 <- g_plus(pVec2))
#' ##    user  system elapsed
#' ## 104.516   0.000 104.490
g_minus <- function(pVec) {
    .Call('ggdmc_g_minus', PACKAGE = 'ggdmc', pVec)

#' @rdname g_minus
#' @export
g_plus <- function(pVec) {
    .Call('ggdmc_g_plus', PACKAGE = 'ggdmc', pVec)

#' @rdname g_minus
#' @export
g_minus_parallel <- function(pVec) {
    .Call('ggdmc_g_minus_parallel', PACKAGE = 'ggdmc', pVec)

#' @rdname g_minus
#' @export
g_plus_parallel <- function(pVec) {
    .Call('ggdmc_g_plus_parallel', PACKAGE = 'ggdmc', pVec)

#' Set up a DMC Sample for a Participant
#' This is C++ function to initialse a DMC sample. The user usually should
#' not directly use it.
#' @param nmc number of Markov Chain Monte Carlo iteration
#' @param pList prior distribution setting. This is R's p.prior
#' @param data a model data instance created by \code{data.model.dmc}
#' @param samples a DMC posterior sample/object
#' @param theta1 A user supplied initial theta cube
#' @param startPList A user supplied (different) prior distribution setting.
#' This is R's start.prior.
#' @param setting a list container to store all DMC setting
#' @export
initialise_data <- function(nmc, pList = NULL, data = NULL, samples = NULL, theta1 = NULL, startPList = NULL, setting = NULL) {
    .Call('ggdmc_initialise_data', PACKAGE = 'ggdmc', nmc, pList, data, samples, theta1, startPList, setting)

#' Set up a DMC Sample for Multiple Participants
#' This is C++ function to initialse a DMC sample with multiple participants.
#' The user usually should not directly use it.
#' @param nmc number of Markov Chain Monte Carlo iteration
#' @param pList prior distribution setting. This is R's p.prior
#' @param data a model data instance created by \code{data.model.dmc}
#' @param samples a DMC posterior sample
#' @param theta1 A user supplied initial theta cube
#' @param startPList A user supplied (different) prior distribution setting.
#' This is R's start.prior.
#' @param phi1 A user supplied initial phi cube
#' @param ppList prior distribution setting, hyper level
#' @param hStartPList A user supplied (different) hyper-prior distribution
#' setting
#' @param setting a list container to store all DMC setting
#' @export
initialise_hyper <- function(nmc, pList = NULL, data = NULL, samples = NULL, theta1 = NULL, startPList = NULL, phi1 = NULL, ppList = NULL, hStartPList = NULL, setting = NULL) {
    .Call('ggdmc_initialise_hyper', PACKAGE = 'ggdmc', nmc, pList, data, samples, theta1, startPList, phi1, ppList, hStartPList, setting)

#' Calculate Prior Probability Density for an EAM
#' \code{dprior} is C++ function. It matches 5 string types: \code{tnorm},
#' \code{beta_lu}, \code{gamma_l}, \code{lnorm_l}, and \code{constant} to
#' determine which density functions to call (via R API). For truncated normal
#' density, \code{dprior} calls \code{dtn_scalar}, an internal Rcpp function
#' built specific for \pkg{ggdmc}. Whetehr log the probability density is
#' determined by the boolean \code{log} sent in via \code{p.prior}. This
#' function is akin to DMC's \code{log.prior.dmc}.
#' @param pVec the user's supplied parameter vector or a sampler supplied
#' theta/phi vector.
#' @param pPrior a list of list usually created by prior.p.dmc to store the
#' prior parameter setting.
#' @return a double vector with probability density for each model parameter
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Use Drift-diffusion model as an example
#' ddm.prior <- prior.p.dmc(
#' dists = c("tnorm", "tnorm", "beta", "tnorm", "beta", "beta"),
#' p1    = c(a = 1, v = 0, z = 1, sz = 1, sv = 1, t0 = 1),
#' p2    = c(a = 1, v = 2, z = 1, sz = 1, sv = 1, t0 = 1),
#' lower = c(0,-5, NA, NA, 0, NA),
#' upper = c(2, 5, NA, NA, 2, NA))
#' view(ddm.prior)
#' ##      mean sd lower upper log    dist  untrans
#' ##   a     1  1     0     2   1   tnorm identity
#' ##   v     0  2    -5     5   1   tnorm identity
#' ##   z     1  1     0     1   1 beta_lu identity
#' ##   sz    1  1  -Inf   Inf   1   tnorm identity
#' ##   sv    1  1     0     2   1 beta_lu identity
#' ##   t0    1  1     0     1   1 beta_lu identity
#' ddm.pVec <- c(a=1.15, v=-0.10, z=0.74, sz=1.23, sv=0.11, t0=0.87)
#' dprior(ddm.pVec, ddm.prior)
#' ##         a          v          z         sz         sv         t0
#' ##-0.5484734 -1.6008386  0.0000000 -0.9453885  0.0000000  0.0000000
#' ## Use LBA model as an example
#' lba.prior <- prior.p.dmc(
#' dists = c("tnorm", "tnorm", "tnorm", "tnorm", "tnorm", "tnorm"),
#' p1    = c(A=.4, B=.6, mean_v.true=1,  mean_v.false=0,  sd_v.true=.5, t0=.3),
#' p2    = c(A=.1, B=.1, mean_v.true=.2, mean_v.false=.2, sd_v.true=.1, t0=.05),
#' lower = c(0,   0, NA, NA, 0, .1),
#' upper = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 1))
#' view(lba.prior)
#' ##              mean   sd lower upper log  dist  untrans
#' ## A             0.4  0.1     0   Inf   1 tnorm identity
#' ## B             0.6  0.1     0   Inf   1 tnorm identity
#' ## mean_v.true     1  0.2  -Inf   Inf   1 tnorm identity
#' ## mean_v.false    0  0.2  -Inf   Inf   1 tnorm identity
#' ## sd_v.true     0.5  0.1     0   Inf   1 tnorm identity
#' ## t0            0.3 0.05   0.1     1   1 tnorm identity
#' lba.pVec <- c(A=0.398, B=0.614, mean_v.true=1.040,
#'               mean_v.false=-0.032, sd_v.true=0.485, t0=0.271)
#' dprior(lba.pVec, lba.prior)
#' ##          A            B  mean_v.true mean_v.false    sd_v.true
#' ##  1.3834782    1.3738466    0.6704994    0.6776994    1.3723968
dprior <- function(pVec, pPrior) {
    .Call('ggdmc_dprior', PACKAGE = 'ggdmc', pVec, pPrior)

#' Generate Random Numbers from Prior Probability Distribution
#' \code{dprior} matches 5 types of string: \code{tnorm}, \code{beta_lu},
#' \code{gamma_l}, \code{lnorm_l}, and \code{constant} to determine which
#' density functions to call. \code{dprior} calls beta, gamma, log-normal
#' density functions via R API.  For truncated normal density, \code{dprior}
#' calls \code{dtn_scalar}, an internal Rcpp function built specific for
#' ggdmc. Whetehr log the probability density is determined by the boolean
#' \code{log} sent in via p.prior.  This function is akin to DMC's
#' \code{log.prior.dmc}.
#' @param pPrior a p.prior list
#' @param n how many random number to generate
#' @return a double matrix with nrow equal to the number of random numbers and
#' ncol equal to the number of EAM parameters (npar)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ddm.prior <- prior.p.dmc(
#' dists = c("tnorm", "tnorm", "beta", "tnorm", "beta", "beta"),
#'   p1    = c(a = 1, v = 0, z = 1, sz = 1, sv = 1, t0 = 1),
#'   p2    = c(a = 1, v = 2, z = 1, sz = 1, sv = 1, t0 = 1),
#'   lower = c(0,-5, NA, NA, 0, NA),
#'   upper = c(2, 5, NA, NA, 2, NA))
#' view(ddm.prior)
#' ##      mean sd lower upper log    dist  untrans
#' ##   a     1  1     0     2   1   tnorm identity
#' ##   v     0  2    -5     5   1   tnorm identity
#' ##   z     1  1     0     1   1 beta_lu identity
#' ##   sz    1  1  -Inf   Inf   1   tnorm identity
#' ##   sv    1  1     0     2   1 beta_lu identity
#' ##   t0    1  1     0     1   1 beta_lu identity
#' rprior(ddm.prior, 9)
#' ##               a           v         z         sz        sv         t0
#' ## [1,] 0.97413686  0.78446178 0.9975199 -0.5264946 0.5364492 0.55415052
#' ## [2,] 0.72870190  0.97151662 0.8516604  1.6008591 0.3399731 0.96520848
#' ## [3,] 1.63153685  1.96586939 0.9260939  0.7041254 0.4138329 0.78367440
#' ## [4,] 1.55866180  1.43657110 0.6152371  0.1290078 0.2957604 0.23027759
#' ## [5,] 1.32520281 -0.07328408 0.2051155  2.4040387 0.9663111 0.06127237
#' ## [6,] 0.49628528 -0.19374770 0.5142829  2.1452972 0.4335482 0.38410626
#' ## [7,] 0.03655549  0.77223432 0.1739831  1.4431507 0.6257398 0.63228368
#' ## [8,] 0.71197612 -1.15798082 0.8265523  0.3813370 0.4465184 0.23955415
#' ## [9,] 0.38049166  3.32132034 0.9888108  0.9684292 0.8437480 0.13502154
rprior <- function(pPrior, n) {
    .Call('ggdmc_rprior', PACKAGE = 'ggdmc', pPrior, n)

#' Run a Bayesian EAM Model for Fixed-effect or Random-effect
#' These are the C++ functions hierarchical Bayesian models. The user usually
#' should not call this function directly. Use \code{h.run.dmc} or
#' \code{run.dmc} wrapper instead.  Two parallel versions of \code{run} uses
#' Open MPI to calculate diffusion probability density. Use them by setting
#' \code{cores} greater than 2 in \code{h.run.dmc}
#' @param samples a DMC sample/object
#' @param setting a container to store all settings for running model fitting
#' @param debug a debugging switch to test chain randomisation. Default false
#' @return a DMC sample
#' @export
run_data <- function(samples, setting, debug = FALSE) {
    .Call('ggdmc_run_data', PACKAGE = 'ggdmc', samples, setting, debug)

#' @rdname run_data
#' @export
run_data_parallel <- function(samples, setting, debug = FALSE) {
    .Call('ggdmc_run_data_parallel', PACKAGE = 'ggdmc', samples, setting, debug)

#' @rdname run_data
#' @export
run_hyper <- function(samples, setting) {
    .Call('ggdmc_run_hyper', PACKAGE = 'ggdmc', samples, setting)

#' @rdname run_data
#' @export
run_hyper_parallel <- function(samples, setting) {
    .Call('ggdmc_run_hyper_parallel', PACKAGE = 'ggdmc', samples, setting)

assign_pp_pLists <- function(samples_s1, usePhi) {
    .Call('ggdmc_assign_pp_pLists', PACKAGE = 'ggdmc', samples_s1, usePhi)

#' Sum and Log Probability Density of a EAM model
#' Get log likelihood summed over a model data instance.  The input data has
#' to be a data frame carrying a model specification, which is usually
#' created by \code{model.data.dmc} function.
#' \code{summed_log_likelihood_parallel} does calculation in parallel. Use it
#' when only the data set is big.
#' @param pVec a parameter vector
#' @param data a model data instance
#' argument.
#' @return a double scalar
#' @export
#' @examples
#' m1 <- model.dmc(
#'   p.map     = list(a="1", v="1", z="1", d="1", sz="1", sv="1", t0="1", st0="1"),
#'   constants = c(st0=0, d=0),
#'   match.map = list(M=list(s1="r1", s2="r2")),
#'   factors   = list(S=c("s1", "s2")),
#'   responses = c("r1", "r2"),
#'   type      = "rd")
#' pVec <- c(a=1, v=1, z=0.5, sz=0.25, sv=0.2,t0=.15)
#' ## Set up a model-data instance
#' dat <- simulate(m1, nsim=1e2, p.vector=pVec)
#' mdi <- data.model.dmc(dat, m1)
#' summed_log_likelihood(pVec, mdi)
#' ## [1] 0.3796048
summed_log_likelihood <- function(pVec, data) {
    .Call('ggdmc_summed_log_likelihood', PACKAGE = 'ggdmc', pVec, data)

#' @rdname summed_log_likelihood
#' @export
summed_log_likelihood_parallel <- function(pVec, data) {
    .Call('ggdmc_summed_log_likelihood_parallel', PACKAGE = 'ggdmc', pVec, data)

#' Sum and Log Prior Density of a EAM model
#' Get log likelihood summed over all prior parameters
#' @param pVec a parameter vector
#' @param pPrior p.prior
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pVec <- c(a=1, v=1, z=0.5, sz=0.25, sv=0.2,t0=.15)
#' p.prior  <- prior.p.dmc(
#'   dists = rep("tnorm", 6),
#'   p1    = c(a=2,   v=2.5, z=0.5, sz=0.3, sv=1,  t0=0.3),
#'   p2    = c(a=0.5, v=.5,  z=0.1, sz=0.1, sv=.3, t0=0.05) * 5,
#'   lower = c(0,-5, 0, 0, 0, 0),
#'   upper = c(5, 7, 2, 2, 2, 2))
#' summed_log_prior(pVec, p.prior)
#' ## -3.224406
summed_log_prior <- function(pVec, pPrior) {
    .Call('ggdmc_summed_log_prior', PACKAGE = 'ggdmc', pVec, pPrior)
TasCL/ggdmc documentation built on May 9, 2019, 4:19 p.m.