
Defines functions ignition_point

Documented in ignition_point

#' Calculation of the ignition points
#' This function calculates ignition points for all clusters.
#' For more details about the clustering algorithm and the argument
#' `timeUnit`, `timeID` and `ignitionCenter`,
#' please check the documentation of [hotspot_cluster()].
#' This function performs the **step 5** of the clustering algorithm. It
#' calculates ignition points.
#' For a cluster, when there are multiple earliest hot spots, if
#' `ignitionCenter` is "mean", the centroid of these hot spots will be used
#' as the ignition point. If `ignitionCenter` is "median", median longitude
#' and median latitude of these hot spots will be used.
#' @param lon Numeric. A vector of longitude values.
#' @param lat Numeric. A vector of latitude values.
#' @param obsTime Date/Datetime/Numeric. A vector of observed time.
#' @param timeUnit Character. One of "s" (seconds), "m"(minutes),
#'                            "h"(hours), "d"(days) and "n"(numeric).
#' @param timeID Integer (>=1). A vector of time indexes.
#' @param membership Integer. A vector of membership labels.
#' @param ignitionCenter Character. Method of calculating ignition points,
#'                       one of "mean" and "median".
#' @return A data frame of ignition points
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{membership} : Membership labels.
#'   \item \code{lon} : Longitude of ignition points.
#'   \item \code{lat} : Latitude of ignition points.
#'   \item \code{obsTime} : Observed time of ignition points.
#'   \item \code{timeID} : Time indexes.
#'   \item \code{obsInCluster} : Number of observations in the cluster.
#'   \item \code{clusterTimeLen} : Length of time of the cluster.
#'   \item \code{clusterTimeLenUnit} : Unit of length of time of the cluster.
#' }
#' @examples
#' # Define lon, lat, obsTime, timeID and membership for 10 observations
#' lon <- c(141.1, 141.14, 141.12, 141.14, 141.16, 141.12, 141.14,
#'           141.16, 141.12, 141.14)
#' lat <- c(-37.10, -37.10, -37.12, -37.12, -37.12, -37.14, -37.14,
#'          -37.14, -37.16, -37.16)
#' obsTime <- c(rep(1, 5), rep(26, 5))
#' timeUnit <- "n"
#' timeID <- c(rep(1, 5), rep(26, 5))
#' membership <- c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2)
#' # Calculate the ignition points using different methods
#' ignition_point(lon, lat, obsTime, timeUnit, timeID, membership, "mean")
#' ignition_point(lon, lat, obsTime, timeUnit, timeID, membership, "median")
#' @export
ignition_point <- function(lon,
                           ignitionCenter) {

  cli::cli_div(theme = list(span.vrb = list(color = "yellow",
                                            `font-weight` = "bold"),
                            span.unit = list(color = "magenta"),
                            .val = list(digits = 3),
                            span.side = list(color = "grey")))
  cli::cli_h3("{.field ignitionCenter} = {.val {ignitionCenter}}")

  tb <- list(s = "secs", m = "mins", h = "hours", d = "days", n = "numeric")
  timeUnit <- tb[[timeUnit]]

  # init vec
  ignition_lon <- rep(0, max(membership))
  ignition_lat <- rep(0, max(membership))
  ignition_obsTime <- rep(obsTime[1], max(membership))
  ignition_timeID <- rep(timeID[1], max(membership))
  obs <- rep(0, max(membership))

  if (timeUnit != "numeric") {
    timeLen <- difftime(rep(obsTime[1], max(membership)),
                        units = timeUnit)
  } else {
    timeLen <- rep(0, max(membership))

  # for each cluster
  for (i in 1:max(membership)) {

    indexes <- membership == i

    # get earliest observed time
    earliest_time <- min(obsTime[indexes])
    ignition_obsTime[i] <- earliest_time

    # get earliest time index
    earliest_timeID <- min(timeID[indexes])
    ignition_timeID[i] <- earliest_timeID

    # count observations
    obs[i] <- sum(indexes)

    # calculate time len using time indexes or obs time
    if (timeUnit != "numeric") {
      timeLen[i] <- difftime(max(obsTime[indexes]),
                             units = timeUnit)
    } else {
      timeLen[i] <- max(timeID[indexes]) - min(timeID[indexes])

    # extract earliest observed hot spots
    indexes <- (obsTime == earliest_time) & (membership == i)
    if (ignitionCenter == "mean") {
      ignition_lon[i] <- mean(lon[indexes])
      ignition_lat[i] <- mean(lat[indexes])
    } else {
      ignition_lon[i] <- stats::median(lon[indexes])
      ignition_lat[i] <- stats::median(lat[indexes])


  cli::cli_alert_success("{.vrb Compute} {.field ignition points} {.side for} clusters")
  cli::cli_alert_info("{.side average} hot spots : {round(mean(obs),1)}")
  cli::cli_alert_info("{.side average} duration : {round(mean(timeLen),1)} {.unit {timeUnit}}")

  tb <- list(secs = "s", mins = "m", hours = "h", days = "d", numeric = "n")
  timeUnit <- tb[[timeUnit]]

  data.frame(membership = 1:max(membership),
             lon = ignition_lon,
             lat = ignition_lat,
             obsTime = ignition_obsTime,
             timeID = ignition_timeID,
             obsInCluster = obs,
             clusterTimeLen = timeLen,
             clusterTimeLenUnit = timeUnit)
TengMCing/hotspotcluster documentation built on Aug. 23, 2023, 12:47 p.m.