
Defines functions get_marker_location

Documented in get_marker_location

#' Get marker genomic position
#' Given a vector of marker names or numbers, this 
#' function returns the genomic coordinates for
#' each marker, not including the chromosome number,
#' which is retrieved using \code{\link{get_marker_chr}}.
#' @param data_obj a \code{\link{Cape}} object
#' @param markers A vector of marker names 
#' @return A vector the same length as the input markers vector
#' indicating the genomic coordinate of each marker.
#' @export

get_marker_location <- function(data_obj, markers){
  markers_with_na <- markers
  not_na_pos <- which(!is.na(markers_with_na))
  markers <- markers[not_na_pos]
  und_check <- grep("_", markers)
  if(length(und_check) > 0){
    markers <- sapply(strsplit(markers, "_"), function(x) x[1])
  is_char <- as.logical(is.na(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(markers[1]))))
    marker_loc <- data_obj$marker_location[match(markers, data_obj$geno_names[[3]])]
    na_locale <- which(is.na(marker_loc))
    if(length(na_locale) > 0){
      covar_info <- get_covar(data_obj)
      geno_covar <- which(covar_info$covar_type == "g")
      if(length(geno_covar) > 0){
        geno_covar_locale <- match(markers[na_locale], covar_info$covar_names[geno_covar])
        geno_covar_loc <- data_obj$g_covar[3,geno_covar_locale]
        marker_loc[na_locale] <- geno_covar_loc
    na_locale <- which(is.na(marker_loc))
    #if there are still missing values, these are 
    #phenotypic covariates. They get dummy positions
    if(length(na_locale) > 0){ 
      pheno_covar <- which(covar_info$covar_type == "p")
      if(length(pheno_covar) > 0){
        marker_loc[na_locale] <- 1:length(na_locale)
    } #end case for if there are still missing markers
    final_marker_pos <- rep(NA, length(markers_with_na))
    final_marker_pos[not_na_pos] <- marker_loc
    marker_loc <- data_obj$marker_location[match(markers, data_obj$marker_num)]
    na_locale <- which(is.na(marker_loc))
    if(length(na_locale) > 0){
      covar_info <- get_covar(data_obj)
      covar_locale <- which(!is.na(match(colnames(covar_info$covar_table), markers)))
      if(length(covar_locale) == 0){
        marker_loc[na_locale] <- match(markers[na_locale], covar_info$covar_names)
        marker_loc[na_locale] <- match(markers[na_locale], colnames(covar_info$covar_table))
    final_marker_pos <- rep(NA, length(markers_with_na))
    final_marker_pos[not_na_pos] <- marker_loc
TheJacksonLaboratory/CAPE documentation built on June 29, 2024, 7:19 p.m.