
#' Plot the occurrence data via map_leaftel
#' @param datalist the result generated by the function Getoccdat
#' @return the occurrence map with legends
#' @examples
#' name <- Readname('Pinus contorta,Danaus plexippus,Canada')
#' data <- Getoccdat(name)
#' leaflet_occdat(data)
#' @import mapr
#' @import leaflet
#' @export

leaflet_occdat <- function(datalist){
        #Get all datas
        dat <- datalist[[1]]
        species_ce <- datalist[[2]]
        species_c <-datalist[[3]]
        species_ne <- datalist[[4]]
        species_n <- datalist[[5]]
        countryname <- datalist[[6]]
        checkcountry <- datalist[[7]]
        #Record the used colors
        colorslist <- c('#FE2E2E', '#64FE2E', '#2E9AFE', '#FE2EC8', '#FACC2E', '#2EFE9A', '#642EFE', '#FE642E', '#2EFE64', '#2E64FE', '#FE2E9A')
        if(species_ne == 0){
                colors_used <- colorslist[1:species_n]
        }else {colors_used <- colorslist[1:species_ne]}

        maps <- map_leaflet(dat, size = 2, color = colors_used)


        #Adding legend to the map
        if(checkcountry == TRUE & species_ne != 0){
                addLegend(maps, position = 'bottomright', colors = colors_used, labels = species_ce, opacity = 2, title = paste('Species in', countryname, sep = " "))

        }else if(species_ne == 0){
                addLegend(maps, position = 'bottomright', colors = colors_used, labels = species_ce, opacity = 2, title = paste('No species in', countryname,"Here are species over world", sep = " "))

                addLegend(maps, position = 'bottomright', colors = colors_used, labels = species_ce, opacity = 2, title = 'Species')

Tim-Yu/rgcd documentation built on May 9, 2019, 4:46 p.m.