filter_genes_zero_expression: Remove genes with gene expression level equal to 0 in a...

View source: R/filter_by_quantile.R

filter_genes_zero_expressionR Documentation

Remove genes with gene expression level equal to 0 in a substantial percentage of the samples


Remove genes with gene expression level equal to 0 in a substantial percentage of the samples


filter_genes_zero_expression(exp, max.samples.percentage = 0.25)



Gene expression matrix or SumarizedExperiment object


Max percentage of samples with gene expression as 0, for genes to be selected. If max.samples.percentage 100, remove genes with 0 for 100% samples. If max.samples.percentage 25, remove genes with 0 for more than 25% of the samples.


A subset of the original matrix only with the rows passing the filter threshold.

TransBioInfoLab/MethReg documentation built on July 28, 2023, 9:17 p.m.