
Defines functions ConvertToAminoAcid

Documented in ConvertToAminoAcid

#' Convert a given DNA sequence or a RNA sequence to an animo acid sequence
#' @param x a vector of character strings
#' @return  The input DNA or RNA sequence will be converted to an amino acid sequence
#' @examples
#' x <- "AATGTTAT"
#' ConvertToAminoAcid(x)
#' @export

ConvertToAminoAcid <- function(x){
  if(nchar(x) %% 3 != 0){
    warning("The DNA/RNA string is not a multiple of 3")

  input <- toupper(x) # get the upper case of the input string

  input <- gsub("T", "U", input)

  codonTable <- matrix(data = NA,
                       nrow = 64,
                       ncol = 2)

  num.codons <- nchar(input) / 3

  pos.codon <- seq(from = 1, by = 3, length.out = num.codons)

  AAseq <- c()

  codonTable[,1] <- c("UUU",

  codonTable[,2] <- c("F",

  for(i in pos.codon){

    codon <- substr(input, i, i+2)

    if(codon %in% codonTable[,1]){
      hit <- which(codon == codonTable[,1])

      AAseq <- c(AAseq, codonTable[hit, 2])
Tsylvester8/DNAtoAA documentation built on Nov. 15, 2019, 1:43 p.m.