
#' Test init file
#' @description Test the merge list
#' @name app_test_merge


# Define UI for dataset viewer app ----
ui <- fluidPage(

  # App title ----
  titlePanel("Script Metadata"),

  # Sidebar layout with input and output definitions ----

    # Sidebar panel for inputs ----

      # Input: Text for providing a caption ----
      # Note: Changes made to the caption in the textInput control
      # are updated in the output area immediately as you type
      textInput(inputId = "caption",
                label = "Caption:",
                value = "Script Metadata"),

      # Input: Selector for choosing dataset ----
      selectInput(inputId = "dataset",
                  label = "Choose a dataset:",
                  choices = c("Online", "Local", "Merged","Diff")),

      # Input: Numeric entry for number of obs to view ----
      numericInput(inputId = "obs",
                   label = "Number of observations to view:",
                   value = 50)


    # Main panel for displaying outputs ----

      # Output: Formatted text for caption ----
      h3(textOutput("caption", container = span)),

      # Output: HTML table with requested number of observations ----

      # Output: Verbatim text for data summary ----

# Define server logic to summarize and view selected dataset ----
server <- function(input, output) {

  dir <- system.file("examples","04_merge", package = "phuse")
  f1 <- file.path(dir, "metadata_example_rep.yml")
  f2 <- file.path(dir, "metadata_example_loc.yml")

  # c1 <- yaml.load_file('')
  # c2 <- yaml.load_file('/Users/htu/Repos/github/phuse-scripts/trunk/development/R/scripts/test_load_df2ora_loc.yml')
  c1 <- yaml.load_file(f1); d1 <- cvt_list2df(c1)
  c2 <- yaml.load_file(f2); d2 <- cvt_list2df(c2)
  c3 <- merge_lists(c1,c2); d3 <- cvt_list2df(c3)

  # Return the requested dataset ----
  # By declaring datasetInput as a reactive expression we ensure
  # that:
  # 1. It is only called when the inputs it depends on changes
  # 2. The computation and result are shared by all the callers,
  #    i.e. it only executes a single time
  datasetInput <- reactive({
           "Online" = d1,
           "Local" = d2,
           "Merged" = d3,
           "Diff" = diffFile(f1,f2))

  # Create caption ----
  # The output$caption is computed based on a reactive expression
  # that returns input$caption. When the user changes the
  # "caption" field:
  # 1. This function is automatically called to recompute the output
  # 2. New caption is pushed back to the browser for re-display
  # Note that because the data-oriented reactive expressions
  # below don't depend on input$caption, those expressions are
  # NOT called when input$caption changes
  output$caption <- renderText({

  # Generate a summary of the dataset ----
  # The output$summary depends on the datasetInput reactive
  # expression, so will be re-executed whenever datasetInput is
  # invalidated, i.e. whenever the input$dataset changes
  output$summary <- renderPrint({
    dataset <- datasetInput()

  # Show the first "n" observations ----
  # The output$view depends on both the databaseInput reactive
  # expression and input$obs, so it will be re-executed whenever
  # input$dataset or input$obs is changed
  output$view <- renderTable({
    head(datasetInput(), n = input$obs)


# Create Shiny app ----
shinyApp(ui, server)
TuCai/phuse documentation built on Sept. 2, 2022, 5:17 a.m.