

test_that("interpolation does not recurse over spliced arguments", {
  var1 <- quote(!! stop())
  quo_var1 <- tryCatch(quo(list(!!! var1)), error = identity)
  expect_false(inherits(quo_var1, "error"))

  var2 <- quote({foo; !! stop(); bar})
  expr_var2 <- tryCatch(expr(list(!!! var2)), error = identity)
  expect_false(inherits(expr_var2, "error"))

test_that("formulas containing unquote operators are interpolated", {
  var1 <- quo(foo)
  var2 <- local({ foo <- "baz"; quo(foo) })

  f <- expr_interp(~list(!!var1, !!var2))
  expect_identical(f, new_quosure(lang("list", as_quosure(var1), as_quosure(var2))))

test_that("interpolation is carried out in the right environment", {
  f <- local({ foo <- "foo"; ~!!foo })
  expect_identical(expr_interp(f), new_quosure("foo", env = f_env(f)))

test_that("interpolation now revisits unquoted formulas", {
  f <- ~list(!!~!!stop("should not interpolate within formulas"))
  f <- expr_interp(f)
  # This used to be idempotent:
  expect_error(expect_false(identical(expr_interp(f), f)), "interpolate within formulas")

test_that("formulas are not treated as quosures", {
  expect_identical(expr(a ~ b), quote(a ~ b))
  expect_identical(expr(~b), quote(~b))
  expect_identical(expr(!!~b), ~b)

test_that("unquote operators are always in scope", {
  env <- child_env("base", foo = "bar")
  f <- with_env(env, ~UQ(foo))
  expect_identical(expr_interp(f), new_quosure("bar", env))

test_that("can interpolate in specific env", {
  foo <- "bar"
  env <- child_env(NULL, foo = "foo")

  expanded <- expr_interp(~UQ(foo))
  expect_identical(expanded, set_env(quo("bar")))

  expanded <- expr_interp(~UQ(foo), env)
  expect_identical(expanded, set_env(quo("foo")))

test_that("can qualify operators with namespace", {
  # Should remove prefix only if rlang-qualified:
  expect_identical(quo(rlang::UQ(toupper("a"))), new_quosure("A", empty_env()))
  expect_identical(quo(list(rlang::UQS(list(a = 1, b = 2)))), quo(list(a = 1, b = 2)))

  # Should keep prefix otherwise:
  expect_identical(quo(other::UQ(toupper("a"))), quo(other::"A"))
  expect_identical(quo(x$UQ(toupper("a"))), quo(x$"A"))

test_that("unquoting is frame-consistent", {
  defun <- quote(!! function() NULL)
  env <- child_env("base")
  expect_identical(fn_env(expr_interp(defun, env)), env)

test_that("unquoted quosure has S3 class", {
  quo <- quo(!! ~quo)
  expect_is(quo, "quosure")

test_that("unquoted quosures are not guarded", {
  quo <- eval_tidy(quo(quo(!! ~quo)))

# UQ ----------------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("evaluates contents of UQ()", {
  expect_equal(quo(UQ(1 + 2)), ~ 3)

test_that("quosures are not rewrapped", {
  var <- quo(!! quo(letters))
  expect_identical(quo(!!var), quo(letters))

  var <- new_quosure(local(~letters), env = child_env(get_env()))
  expect_identical(quo(!!var), var)

test_that("UQ() fails if called without argument", {
  quo <- quo(UQ(NULL))
  expect_equal(quo, ~NULL)

  quo <- quo(rlang::UQ(NULL))
  expect_equal(quo, ~NULL)

  quo <- tryCatch(quo(UQ()), error = identity)
  expect_is(quo, "error")
  expect_match(quo$message, "must be called with an argument")

  quo <- tryCatch(quo(rlang::UQ()), error = identity)
  expect_is(quo, "error")
  expect_match(quo$message, "must be called with an argument")

# UQS ---------------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("contents of UQS() must be a vector or language object", {
  quo <- tryCatch(quo(1 + UQS(environment())), error = identity)
  expect_is(quo, "error")
  expect_match(quo$message, "`x` must be a vector")

test_that("values of UQS() spliced into expression", {
  f <- quo(f(a, UQS(list(quote(b), quote(c))), d))
  expect_identical(f, quo(f(a, b, c, d)))

test_that("names within UQS() are preseved", {
  f <- quo(f(UQS(list(a = quote(b)))))
  expect_identical(f, quo(f(a = b)))

test_that("UQS() handles language objects", {
  expect_identical(quo(list(UQS(quote(foo)))), quo(list(foo)))
  expect_identical(quo(list(UQS(quote({ foo })))), quo(list(foo)))

test_that("splicing an empty vector works", {
  expect_identical(expr_interp(~list(!!! list())), quo(list()))
  expect_identical(expr_interp(~list(!!! character(0))), quo(list()))
  expect_identical(expr_interp(~list(!!! NULL)), quo(list()))

# UQE ----------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("UQE() extracts right-hand side", {
  var <- ~cyl
  expect_identical(quo(mtcars$UQE(var)), quo(mtcars$cyl))
  expect_identical(quo(mtcars$`!!`(var)), quo(mtcars$cyl))

# bang ---------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("single ! is not treated as shortcut", {
  expect_identical(quo(!foo), as_quosure(~!foo))

test_that("double and triple ! are treated as syntactic shortcuts", {
  var <- local(quo(foo))
  expect_identical(quo(!! var), as_quosure(var))
  expect_identical(quo(!! quo(foo)), quo(foo))
  expect_identical(quo(list(!!! letters[1:3])), quo(list("a", "b", "c")))

test_that("`!!` works in prefixed calls", {
  var <- ~cyl
  expect_identical(expr_interp(~mtcars$`!!`(var)), quo(mtcars$cyl))
  expect_identical(expr_interp(~foo$`!!`(quote(bar))), quo(foo$bar))
  expect_identical(expr_interp(~base::`!!`(~list)()), quo(base::list()))

# quosures -----------------------------------------------------------

test_that("quosures are created for all informative formulas", {
  foo <- local(quo(foo))
  bar <- local(quo(bar))

  interpolated <- local(quo(list(!!foo, !!bar)))
  expected <- new_quosure(lang("list", as_quosure(foo), as_quosure(bar)), env = get_env(interpolated))
  expect_identical(interpolated, expected)

  interpolated <- quo(!!interpolated)
  expect_identical(interpolated, expected)

# dots_values() ------------------------------------------------------

test_that("can unquote-splice symbols", {
  spliced <- ll(!!! list(quote(`_symbol`)))
  expect_identical(spliced, list(quote(`_symbol`)))

test_that("can unquote symbols", {
  unquoted <- dots_values(!! quote(.))
  expect_identical(unquoted, named_list(quote(.)))

  unquoted <- dots_values(rlang::UQ(quote(.)))
  expect_identical(unquoted, named_list(quote(.)))
UBC-MDS/Karl documentation built on May 22, 2019, 1:53 p.m.