
Defines functions onehot_encoder

Documented in onehot_encoder

#' onehot_encoder
#' This function encodes categorical variables using the popular onehot method
#' for each category.
#' @param X_train X_train A `tibble` or `data.frame` representing the
#' training data set containing some categorical features/columns.
#' @param X_test X_test A `tibble` or `data.frame` representing the test set,
#' containing some set of categorical features/columns. Default = NULL.
#' @param cat_columns A character vector containing the names of the
#' categorical columns in the tibble that should be encoded.
#' @return A list with processed training and test sets, in which the named
#' categorical columns are replaced with their encodings.
#' @export
#' @examples onehot_encoder(
#' X_train = mtcars,
#' cat_columns = c("gear", "carb"))
onehot_encoder <- function(X_train, X_test = NULL, cat_columns) {

  # check that cat_columns are present in the columns of X_train
  if (any(cat_columns %in% colnames(X_train)) == FALSE) {
    stop("Column does not exist in the training set.")

  # check type of input X_train
  if (!is.data.frame(X_train)) {
    stop("Type of X_train must be a data frame.")

  # Check if X_test was provided
  X_test_included <- !is.null(X_test)

  if (X_test_included) {

    X_train_processed <- X_train %>%
      dplyr::mutate(id = rep("train", nrow(.)))

    X_test_processed <- X_test %>%
      dplyr::mutate(id = rep("test", nrow(.)))

    all_combined <- dplyr::bind_rows(X_train_processed, X_test_processed)

    # encode values of X_train and X_test
    all_combined_processed <- fastDummies::dummy_cols(
      select_columns = cat_columns,
      remove_first_dummy = TRUE) %>%

    X_train_processed <- all_combined_processed %>%
      dplyr::filter(id == "train") %>%

    X_test_processed <- all_combined_processed %>%
      dplyr::filter(id == "test") %>%

    out <- list("train" = X_train_processed, "test" = X_test_processed)

  } else {

    # encode values of X_train
    X_train_processed <- fastDummies::dummy_cols(
      select_columns = cat_columns,
      remove_first_dummy = TRUE) %>%

    out <- list("train" = X_train_processed)
UBC-MDS/encodeR documentation built on March 31, 2020, 12:53 a.m.