#' make_recipe Documentation
#' @description
#' The `make_recipe()` function is used to quickly apply common data preprocessing techniques
#' @param X A dataframe containing training data, validation data, and testing data (should contain X and y).
#' @param y The name of the response column (as a string, e.g. "response_variable").
#' @param recipe A string specifying which recipe to apply to the data. See "The recipe parameter" section below for details.
#' @param splits_to_return A string specifying how to split the data. "train_test" to return train and test splits, "train_test_valid" to return train, test, and validation data, "train" to return all data without splits.
#' @param random_seed An integer. The random seed to set for splitting data to create reproducible results. By default NULL
#' @param train_valid_prop A float. The proportion to split the data by. Should range between 0 to 1. By default = 0.8
#' @return A list of dataframes e.g. list(X_train, X_valid, X_test, y_train, y_valid, y_test)
#' @section The recipe parameter:
#' The following recipes are available currently to pass into the `recipe` parameter:
#' * "ohe_and_standard_scaler" - Apply one hot encoding to categorical features and standard scaler to numeric features
#' More recipes are under development and will be released in future updates.
#' @md
#' @examples
#' # apply "ohe_and_standard_scaler" on training and testing data
#' X_example <- dplyr::as_tibble(mtcars) %>%
#' dplyr::mutate(
#' carb = as.factor(carb),
#' gear = as.factor(gear),
#' vs = as.factor(vs),
#' am = as.factor(am)
#' )
#' y_example <- "gear"
#' make_recipe(X = X_example, y = y_example, recipe = "ohe_and_standard_scaler", splits_to_return = "train_test")
#' @export
make_recipe <- function(X, y, recipe, splits_to_return = "train_test", random_seed = NULL, train_valid_prop = 0.8) {
# validate inputs
testthat::test_that("An invalid parameter was entered, please review the documentation.", {
testthat::expect_true(recipe %in% c("ohe_and_standard_scaler"), label = "Please select a valid string option for recipe.")
testthat::expect_true(splits_to_return %in% c("train_test", "train_test_valid"), label = "Please enter a valid string for splits_to_return.")
# split data
if (splits_to_return == "train_test") {
train_index <- caret::createDataPartition(y = dplyr::pull(X[, y]), p = train_valid_prop, list = FALSE)
X_train <- X[train_index, ] %>% dplyr::select(-y)
X_valid <- dplyr::tibble()
X_test <- X[-train_index, ] %>% dplyr::select(-y)
y_train <- X[train_index, ] %>% dplyr::select(y)
y_valid <- dplyr::tibble()
y_test <- X[-train_index, ] %>% dplyr::select(y)
} else if (splits_to_return == "train_test_valid") {
train_valid_index <- caret::createDataPartition(y = dplyr::pull(X[, y]), p = train_valid_prop, list = FALSE)
X_train_valid <- X[train_valid_index, ]
train_index <- caret::createDataPartition(y = dplyr::pull(X_train_valid[, y]), p = train_valid_prop, list = FALSE)
X_train <- X_train_valid[train_index, ] %>% dplyr::select(-y)
X_valid <- X_train_valid[-train_index, ] %>% dplyr::select(-y)
X_test <- X[-train_valid_index, ] %>% dplyr::select(-y)
y_train <- X_train_valid[train_index, ] %>% dplyr::select(y)
y_valid <- X_train_valid[-train_index, ] %>% dplyr::select(y)
y_test <- X[-train_valid_index, ] %>% dplyr::select(y)
#else {
# stop("splits_to_return should be either 'train_test' or 'train_test_valid'.")
# determine column types
numerics <- dplyr::select_if(X_train, is.numeric) %>% colnames()
categorics <- dplyr::select_if(X_train, is.character) %>% colnames()
categorics <- c(categorics, dplyr::select_if(X_train, is.factor) %>% colnames())
# preprocess data
if (recipe == "ohe_and_standard_scaler") {
# numerics
num_transformer <- caret::preProcess(X_train, method = c("center", "scale"))
# categoricals
X_train <- dplyr::mutate_if(X_train, is.character, as.factor)
cat_transformer <- caret::dummyVars(~., data = X_train)
#else {
# stop("Please select a valid string option for recipe.")
# apply preprocess transformations
X_train <- predict(num_transformer, newdata = X_train)
X_train <- dplyr::as_tibble(predict(cat_transformer, newdata = X_train)) %>%
if (splits_to_return == "train_test_valid") {
X_valid <- predict(num_transformer, newdata = X_valid)
X_valid <- dplyr::as_tibble(predict(cat_transformer, newdata = X_valid)) %>%
X_test <- predict(num_transformer, newdata = X_test)
X_test <- dplyr::as_tibble(predict(cat_transformer, newdata = X_test)) %>%
"X_train" = X_train, "X_valid" = X_valid, "X_test" = X_test,
"y_train" = y_train, "y_valid" = y_valid, "y_test" = y_test
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