
Reflection Document - Milestone3

Authors: Dustin Burnham, Javairia Raza, Rafael Pilliard Hellwig, Tanmay Sharma

The group has been able to deploy an interactive app built using dash in R. Currently, we have a map and a barplot to compare across countries, a scatter plot to look at associations and a trendline to look at the rates over time. Additionally, this week we have improved our helper function and made it more generalizable where it can take an arbitrary number of lists, grouping variables and rates. We also added documentation and examples to our functions so they can run interactively without having to run the app.

Our experience using R was an overall positive one. It was an easier transition to develop a skeleton which we prioritized first since we had a predefined layout set up from the python app. It allowed for a smoother git experience with fewer merge conflicts since the layout was already in place. We also added modularization and other associated imports to keep development tidy.


We agreed with the TA feedback and all of it was incorporated in Milestone 2 and 3. The additional feedback from Joel around tabs and positioning local sliders next to their appropriate graphs was also completed.

Fixed issues from Milestone 2:

Known bugs at this stage of development:

Future Improvements and Additions:

UBC-MDS/obesity-explorer-R documentation built on Feb. 7, 2021, 4:37 a.m.