
#' Get Confidence Intervals
#' @param data A dataframe/tibble with the calculated statistics in a column named 'stat'
#' @param column A string that specifies the column name in the dataframe that will be used for calculations. Must be specified.
#' @param confidence_level The confidence level specified  as a float between 0 and 1 inclusive. Default is set at 0.95
#' @param point_estimate A value representing a calculated statistic of the original sample. Will be set to "NULL" if method is percentile.
#' @param type A string specifying the type of method to be used to calculate the confidence intervals. Options are "standarderror" or "percentile".
#' As of this version only percentile has been implemented. Default is "percentile".
#' @return 1 x 4 dataframe/tibble with numerical values representing the Confidence Level, Lower Bound, Upper Bound, and Point Estimate
#' @export
#' @examples
#' df_t <- data.frame(runif(20))
#' names(df_t) <- c("randoms")
#' get_ci(data=df_t,column="randoms",confidence_level=0.9)
get_ci <- function(data,column=NULL,confidence_level = 0.95,point_estimate=NULL,type="percentile"){
  ##Check if input is dataframe/tibble
    stop("Type Error: Data must be a dataframe")
  ##Check if column is specified, if not, throw an error that the column needs to be specified, if yes, check if the name is in the dataframe.
    stop("Please specify column with summarized values to calculate confidence intervals")
  }else if(column %in% names(data)){
    colu <- column
    stop("Column name specified not in data")
  ##Check if someone sets Point Estimate
    point_estimate <- "N/A"
    #stop("Using the point estimate and standard error to calculate the confidence intervals has not been implemented yet.")
  ##Check if something other than "percentile" is input.
    stop("Only the percentile method for calculating confidence intervals has been implemented")
  ##Check if level is numeric
    stop("Value Error: Confidence level must be numeric")
  ##Check if level is within range
  if(confidence_level>=1 || confidence_level<=0){
    stop("Range Error: Confidence level must be numeric value between 0 and 1. Default is 0.95")
  lower_upper <- stats::quantile(data[[colu]],c((1-confidence_level)/2,(confidence_level+((1-confidence_level)/2))))
  output <- tibble::tibble(confidence_level,lower_upper[1],lower_upper[2],point_estimate)
  names(output) <- c("Confidence_Level","Lower_Bound","Upper_Bound","Point_Estimate")
UBC-MDS/rfer documentation built on May 14, 2019, 11:02 p.m.