
Defines functions predict_hm

Documented in predict_hm

#' Predict function for Health module
#' This function predicts the number of considered health outcomes. Each
#' outcome is predicted with GAM models previously trained on historical
#' data. Once trained, GAM model estimates the number of health event of
#' the simulated day with relative 95% CI. Predictions are returned as
#' data frame. The data frame is composed by simulated days: n rows and
#' 6 columns. Each row gives the fitted number, with relative 95% CI, of
#' considered health outcomes for each simulated day. Each column
#' represents respectively the date of the simulated day, the health
#' outcomes, the 95% CI lower bound of the predicted average daily
#' number of events, the predicted average daily number of events and
#' the the 95% CI upper bound of the predicted average daily number of
#' events.
#' @param models [lst] A list with 7 elements. Each element corresponds
#'        to previously trained model for the outcome of interest.
#' @param weather_history [data frame] A data frame with weather
#'        historical data to use as history for each "today" predicted.
#'        At least the following column (with exactly the same column
#'        names) are needed:
#'        - date           = date expressed in the format 'yyyy-mm-dd';
#'        - temp_mean      = mean temperature of corresponding day
#'                           (Celsius);
#'        - press_bar_mean = mean pressure of corresponding day (hPascal);
#'        - pm10           = mean value of pm10 of corresponding day
#'                           (\eqn{\mu g/m^3});
#'        - pm25           = mean value of pm25 of corresponding day
#'                           (\eqn{\mu g/m^3});
#'        - no2            = mean value of no2  of corresponding day
#'                           (\eqn{\mu g/m^3}).
#'        If provided, by a column named \code{038h}, also information
#'        of O3 daily maximum concentration for the daily 8-hours
#'        moving-means will be used (only for summer period, i.e., from
#'        April, 1st, to September, 30th).
#' @param weather_today [data frame] A data frame with data on weather
#'        for the simulated day(s) to be predicted. The data frame must
#'        contains at least the following column (with exactly the same
#'        column names):
#'        - date           = date expressed in the format 'yyyy-mm-dd';
#'        - temp_mean      = mean temperature of corresponding day
#'                           (Celsius);
#'        - press_bar_mean = mean pressure of corresponding day (hPascal);
#'        - pm10           = mean value of pm10 of corresponding day
#'                           (\eqn{\mu g/m^3});
#'        - pm25           = mean value of pm25 of corresponding day
#'                           (\eqn{\mu g/m^3});
#'        - no2            = mean value of no2  of corresponding day
#'                           (\eqn{\mu g/m^3}).
#'        If provided, by a column named \code{038h}, also information
#'        of O3 daily maximum concentration for the daily 8-hours
#'        moving-means will be used (only for summer period, i.e., from
#'        April, 1st, to September, 30th).
#' @note To provide teh prediction, the models use lags up to three
#'       day in the past for every `weather_today` predicted. That means
#'       that for each date/records in the `weather_today`, in the
#'       `weather_history` there must be present at least information
#'       upt to three days earlier (with the corresponding dates)
#' @param ... possible further arguments passed to the function
#' @param full_year [lgl] should the models (and prediction) be made on the
#'        same full-year data or should summer or non-summer models be used?
#'        If \code{TRUE} full-year models are used. By default,
#'        full-year are used in the of missing summer- or non-summer-model
#'        or if \code{weather_history} or \code{weather_today} do not have
#'        ozone information (i.e., there are no \code{o38h} variable)
#' @param digits integer indicating the number of decimal places (round).
#'        default is 4.
#' @return a data frame with the fitted value (i.e., average predicted
#'         events) including 95% Confidence Interval (column \code{lower}
#'         and \code{upper}) for each type of event mange by the models
#'         used for each date considered.
#' @import mgcv
#' @importFrom rlang !!
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(imthcm)
#' default_models <- train_event_models(use_ita = TRUE)
#' predict_hm(default_models, test_weather, test_weather[731L, ])
#' predict_hm(default_models, test_weather, test_weather[c(731L, 730L), ],
#'   full_year = TRUE
#' )
#' no_o3_test_weather <- dplyr::select(test_weather, -o38h)
#' predict_hm(default_models, no_o3_test_weather,
#'   no_o3_test_weather[731L, ]
#' )
predict_hm <- function(
  full_year = (!'o38h' %in% names(weather_today)) ||
              (all(purrr::map_lgl(models[['summer']], is.null))),
  digits = 4L
) {

# Input check ---------------------------------------------------------

  ## models
  assertive::assert_is_inherited_from(models, 'list')
    ~ assertive::assert_is_inherited_from(.x, 'list')
    ~ assertive::assert_is_inherited_from(.x, "averaging")

  ## weather_history
  assertive::assert_is_inherited_from(weather_history, 'data.frame')

  ## weather_today
  assertive::assert_is_inherited_from(weather_today, 'data.frame')

  weather_included <- intersect(
    c('date', 'temp_mean', 'press_bar_mean', 'pm10', 'pm25', 'no2', 'o38h'),
  ) %>%

  if (
    !all(c('date', 'temp_mean', 'press_bar_mean') %in% weather_included)
  ) {
    stop('`date`, `temp_mean` and `press_bar_mean` must be provided')

  if (any(
       !(weather_today[['date']][[1]] - c(1, 2, 3)) %in%
  )) {
    stop(glue::glue("Date of provided today_weather is
      {weather_today[['date']][[1]]}. History_weather must contains
      information about at least three previous days, i.e.
      {paste(weather_today[['date']][[1]] - c(1, 2, 3), collapse = ', ')}.
      Please provide a more complete dataset for historical data"
  assertive::assert_all_are_true(length(weather_included) != 0)

  ## full_year

  ## digits

# Data preparation ----------------------------------------------------

  full_weather_nested <- weather_today %>%
    dplyr::distinct(date, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(group_date = date) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(group_date) %>%
    tidyr::nest(today_data = -group_date)

  pb <- pb_len(nrow(full_weather_nested))

  full_weather <- full_weather_nested %>%
      today_data = purrr::map(today_data, ~{
        out <- weather_history %>%
          dplyr::filter(date %in% (.x[["date"]] - c(1, 2, 3))) %>%
          silent_full_join(.x) %>%
          weather_preproc() %>%
          dplyr::mutate(is_summer = month %in% c(4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)) %>%
          dplyr::filter(date == .x[["date"]]) %>%
          dplyr::distinct(date, .keep_all = TRUE)

        tick(pb, paste(.x[["date"]], "(join info)"))

    ) %>%
    tidyr::unnest(cols = today_data) %>%
    dplyr::ungroup() %>%

# Predictions ---------------------------------------------------------

  row_ids <- seq_len(nrow(full_weather)) %>%

  model_used <- purrr::map_chr(row_ids,
    ~ dplyr::if_else(full_year,
        true  = 'full_year',
        false = c('non_summer', 'summer')[[
                  full_weather[['is_summer']][[.x]] + 1

  pb <- pb_len(length(row_ids))

  purrr::map(row_ids, function(actual_case){

    predictions <- purrr::map_df(models[[model_used[[actual_case]]]],
        ~ predict(
          object  = .x,
          newdata = full_weather[actual_case, ],
          type    = 'link',
          se.fit  = TRUE

        paste(names(row_ids[actual_case]), "(prediction)")

        date  = full_weather[['date']][[actual_case]],
        event = names(models[[model_used[[actual_case]]]]),
        lower = exp(fit - 1.96 * se.fit) %>% round(digits),
        upper = exp(fit + 1.96 * se.fit) %>% round(digits),
        fit   = exp(fit) %>% round(digits)

  }) %>%
    do.call(what = dplyr::bind_rows)

UBESP-DCTV/imthcm documentation built on Dec. 2, 2019, 9:26 a.m.