##' @title DepMap Dataset and Files
##' @aliases DepMapDataset dmFileNames dmTitle dmNumFiles
##' @aliases DepMapFiles dmsets dmfiles dmget
##' @description
##' Two tibbles are provided that give access to DepMap data, as
##' shared by the Broad Institute's DepMap project on Figshare
##' (https://figshare.com/authors/Broad_DepMap/5514062).
##' - The [dmsets()] function returns a tibble with DepMap
##' datasets. Each dataset is described by its title, its unique
##' identifier, the number of files it contains, the Figshare URL,
##' and a `DepMapDataset` object that contains further details of
##' the dataset.
##' - The [dmfiles()] function returns a tibble with DepMap
##' files. Each file is described by its dataset identifier, its own
##' unique identifier, its name, size (in bytes), a download URL,
##' md5 hash and mime type.
##' - Depmap data files can be downloaded with the [dmget()] function,
##' that takes as input a tibble or data.frame of depmap files such
##' as `dmfiles`. Files are downloaded and automatically in the
##' package's central cache. See [dmCache()].
##' @details
##' The `DepMapDataset` class stores the informtion describing a
##' depmap dataset, as stored on Figshare (articles, as it's called
##' there). The [DepMapDataset()] constructor requires one or multiple
##' dataset identifiers and returns one or a list of instances.
##' The following accessors are available:
##' - [dmFileNames()] returns the dataset's filenames.
##' - [dmTitle()] returns the dataset's title.
##' - [dmNumFiles()] returns the number of files in the dataset.
##' (These are used to construct the main depmap dataset tibble.)
##' A tibble describing the files in depmap dataset can be cretated
##' with the [DepMapFiles()] function. It either takes one or multiple
##' dataset idenifiers, or one or a list of `DepMapDataset` instances
##' The [DepMapDataset()] and [DepMapFiles()] functions are mostly
##' used internally, to create the `dmsets` and `dmfiles` tibbles. If
##' a more recent dataset is available on Figshare and not (yet) in
##' the `depmap` package, a user might create the depmap files table
##' to download the files, and/or open a [GitHub
##' issue](https://github.com/UCLouvain-CBIO/depmap) for the new data
##' to be added by the maintainer(s).
##' All the information is retrieved from Figshare using their API, as
##' described at https://docs.figshare.com.
##' @section Adding new datasets:
##' Adding new datasets is simple. Once a new dataset (or Article, as
##' called on Figshare) has been identified on the Broad Institute's
##' [DepMap project on
##' Figshare](https://figshare.com/authors/Broad_DepMap/5514062), one
##' needs to add the dataset's URL to the `depmapURLs` vector in
##' [`inst/extdata/make-dmfiles.R`](https://github.com/UCLouvain-CBIO/depmap/blob/master/inst/scripts/make-dmfiles.R),
##' and re-run the script to update the `dmsets.rds.` and
##' `dmfiles.rds` files in `inst/extdata`.
##' Feel free to send a GitHub pull request or open a [GitHub
##' issue](https://github.com/UCLouvain-CBIO/depmap) for the new data
##' to be added by the maintainer(s).
##' @name DepMapFiles
##' @author Laurent Gatto
##' @importFrom httr2 request req_perform resp_body_json
##' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
##' @examples
##' ## The depmap datasets
##' dmsets
##' ## The depmap files
##' dmfiles
##' ############################################################
##' ## Mostly for internal use, or to update/generate the depmap
##' ## dataset and files tables.
##' ## One dataset identifier: 24667905
##' my_dmset <- DepMapDataset(24667905)
##' my_dmset
##' ## Multiple dataset identifiers
##' my_dmsets <- DepMapDataset(c(24667905, 22765112))
##' my_dmsets
##' ## Create the files table from one or dataset multiple dataset
##' ## identifiers
##' DepMapFiles(24667905)
##' DepMapFiles(my_dmset)
##' DepMapFiles(c(24667905, 22765112))
##' DepMapFiles(my_dmsets)
.DepMapDataset <-
slots = c(files = "list",
title = "character",
id = "integer",
license = "character",
size = "numeric",
other = "list"))
setMethod("show", "DepMapDataset",
function(object) {
cat("Title:", object@title, "\n")
cat("Id:", object@id, "\n")
cat("License:", object@license, "\n")
cat("Use `DepMapFiles()` to list",
length(object@files), "files\n")
.DepMapFiles <- function(x) {
.dmFiles <- function(x) {
dataset_id <- x@id
x <- x@files
dataset_id = dataset_id,
id = sapply(x, "[[", "id"),
name = sapply(x, "[[", "name"),
size = sapply(x, "[[", "size"),
download_url = sapply(x, "[[", "download_url"),
md5 = sapply(x, "[[", "computed_md5"),
mimetype = sapply(x, "[[", "mimetype")) |>
if (inherits(x, "DepMapDataset")) .dmFiles(x)
else do.call(rbind, lapply(x, .dmFiles))
##' @rdname DepMapFiles
##' @export
##' @param id `numeric()` with one or multiple DepMap dataset
##' identifier(s). Note that `id` is converted to an
##' integer. Missing values are not permitted.
DepMapDataset <- function(id) {
id <- as.integer(id)
if (anyNA(id))
stop("Dataset id must be a non-missing integer.")
.article <- function(.id) {
url <- paste0("https://api.figshare.com/v2/articles/", .id)
x <- request(url) |>
req_perform() |>
.DepMapDataset(files = x[[1]],
title = x[["title"]],
id = x[["id"]],
license = x[["license"]][["name"]],
size = x[["size"]],
other = x[-1])
res <- lapply(id, .article)
if (length(res) == 1) res[[1]]
else res
##' @rdname DepMapFiles
##' @export
##' @param x either an `numeric()` that will be passed to
##' `DepMapDataset` or an instance (or list of) `DepMapDataset`.
DepMapFiles <- function(x) {
if (is.numeric(x))
x <- DepMapDataset(x)
##' @rdname DepMapFiles
##' @export
##' @param object an instance of class `DepMapDataset`.
dmFileNames <- function(object) {
stopifnot(inherits(object, "DepMapDataset"))
sapply(object@files, "[[", "name")
##' @rdname DepMapFiles
##' @export
dmTitle <- function(object) {
stopifnot(inherits(object, "DepMapDataset"))
##' @rdname DepMapFiles
##' @export
dmNumFiles <- function(object) {
stopifnot(inherits(object, "DepMapDataset"))
##' @rdname DepMapFiles
##' @export
##' @param dmtab A `tibble` or `data.frame` containing the file to be
##' downloaded, such as [dmfiles()], or created by
##' [DepMapFiles()]. If is expected to contain the `"name"`,
##' `"id"` and `"dowload_url"` variables.
##' @param cache Object of class [BiocFileCache()]. Default is to use
##' the central `depmap` cache returned by [dmCache()], but users
##' can use their own cache.
dmget <- function(dmtab, cache = dmCache()) {
if (all(colnames(dmtab) %in% c("name", "id", "dowload_url")))
stop("Expected variables not found. See ?dmget for details.")
if (!nrow(dmtab) > 0)
stop("Empty input.")
res <- character()
for (i in seq_len(nrow(dmtab))) {
.name <- dmtab[i, 'name']
.id <- dmtab[i, 'id']
.url <- dmtab[['download_url']][i]
message("File: ", .name, " (", .id, ")")
res <- append(res, dmget1(.url, cache))
##' @rdname DepMapFiles
##' @export
dmfiles <- function()
readRDS(dir(system.file("extdata", package = "depmap"),
pattern = "dmfiles.rds", full.names = TRUE))
##' @rdname DepMapFiles
##' @export
dmsets <- function()
readRDS(dir(system.file("extdata", package = "depmap"),
pattern = "dmsets.rds", full.names = TRUE))
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