### =========================================================================
### Make 21Q1 depmap data
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
## This scripts documents how to download and generate the data files.
## Note 1: This scipt assumes (!!!) that it is run in ./depmap/inst/scripts/ and
## saves the resulting .rda files in ./depmap/inst/data
## (e.g. *setwd(./depmap/inst/scripts/)*)
## Note 2: the Broad Institute may change the download urls for these datasets.
## If the link to one of these datasets is broken, please contact the package
## maintainer. All Depmap data can be downloaded from the API at
## https://depmap.org/portal/download/ even if the specific links may change
## depmap `metadata_21Q1` dataset
### loading data (downloading .csv file from online source)
url_49 <- "https://ndownloader.figshare.com/files/26261569"
metadata_21Q1 <- read_csv(url_49)
#### Rename `metadata` columns to contain underscores and be in snake case
## note: "metadata_21Q1" has different columns than "metadata_21Q1"
names(metadata_21Q1)[1:26] <-c(
"depmap_id", "cell_line_name", "stripped_cell_line_name", "cell_line",
"aliases", "cosmic_id", "sex", "source", "Achilles_n_replicates",
"cell_line_NNMD", "culture_type", "culture_medium", "cas9_activity",
"RRID", "WTSI_master_cell_ID", "sample_collection_site",
"primary_or_metastasis", "primary_disease", "subtype_disease", "age",
"sanger_id", "additional_info", "lineage", "lineage_subtype",
"lineage_sub_subtype", "lineage_molecular_subtype")
### saving cleaned and converted `metadata` data as .rda file
save(metadata_21Q1, file = "../eh_data/metadata_21Q1.rda",
compress = "xz", compression_level = 9)
## `depmap_id_to_name_21Q1 map `depmap_id` to `cell_line`
## generation of `metadata` subset `depmap_id_to_name_21Q1`
## The subset of `metadata`, `depmap_id_to_name_Q2` is used to map `cell_line`
## and depmap_id via left_join in other depmap datasets that do not contain
## both variables. If you are generating the depmap data from scratch, you will
## need to run the following code to generate the data correctly.
### `depmap_id_to_name` to add `depmap_id` or `cell_line` to other datasets
depmap_id_to_name_21Q1 <- metadata_21Q1 %>% dplyr::select(depmap_id, cell_line)
## depmap `mutationCalls_21Q1` dataset
### loading data (downloading .csv file from online source)
url_50 <- "https://ndownloader.figshare.com/files/26261527"
mutationCalls_21Q1 <- read_csv(url_50)
## note: "mutationCalls_21Q1" has different columns than "mutationCalls_19Q1"
## the variable "VA_WES_AC" is no longer present in this dataset, unlike
## previous releases (e.g. 19Q1)!
names(mutationCalls_21Q1)[1:32] <- c(
"gene_name", "entrez_id", "ncbi_build", "chromosome", "start_pos",
"end_pos", "strand", "var_class","var_type", "ref_allele",
"tumor_seq_allele1", "dbSNP_RS", "dbSNP_val_status", "genome_change",
"annotation_trans", "depmap_id", "cDNA_change", # "tumor_sample_barcode",
"codon_change", "protein_change", "is_deleterious", "is_tcga_hotspot",
"tcga_hsCnt", "is_cosmic_hotspot", "cosmic_hsCnt", "ExAC_AF",
"var_annotation", "CGA_WES_AC", "HC_AC", "RD_AC", "RNAseq_AC",
"sanger_WES_AC", "WGS_AC") # "sanger_recalib_WES_AC",
### rearrange columns into same column format as other datasets
mutationCalls_21Q1 <- mutationCalls_21Q1 %>%
dplyr::select(depmap_id, everything())
### saving cleaned and converted `mutationCalls` data as .rda file
save(mutationCalls_21Q1, file = "../eh_data/mutationCalls_21Q1.rda",
compress = "xz", compression_level = 9)
## depmap `copyNumber_21Q1` dataset
### loading data (downloading .csv file from online source)
url_51 <- "https://ndownloader.figshare.com/files/26261524"
copyNumber_21Q1 <- read_csv(url_51)
### rename column first column to "depmap_id"
names(copyNumber_21Q1)[1] <- "depmap_id"
### gather into long form on columns: `depmap_id`, `gene`, `logCopyNumber`
copyNumber_21Q1_long <- gather(copyNumber_21Q1, gene, log_copy_number,
### mutate gene column into `gene_name` and `entrez_id`
copyNumber_21Q1_long <- copyNumber_21Q1_long %>%
mutate(entrez_id = gsub("&", ";", sub("\\)", "", sub("^.+ \\(", "", gene))),
gene_name = gsub("&", ";", sub(" \\(.+\\)$", "", gene)))
### left_join `copyNumber` & `depmap_id_to_name_21Q1` on `depmap_id`,
## `cell_line`
copyNumber_21Q1 <- copyNumber_21Q1_long %>%
left_join(depmap_id_to_name_21Q1, by = c("depmap_id" = "depmap_id"))
### rearrange columns into same column format as other datasets
copyNumber_21Q1 <- copyNumber_21Q1 %>%
dplyr::select(depmap_id, gene, log_copy_number,
entrez_id, gene_name, cell_line) %>%
type_convert(cols(entrez_id = "i"))
### saving cleaned and converted `copyNumber` data as .rda file
save(copyNumber_21Q1, file = "../eh_data/copyNumber_21Q1.rda",
compress = "xz", compression_level = 9)
## depmap `crispr_21Q1` dataset
### loading data (downloading .csv file from online source)
url_52 <- "https://ndownloader.figshare.com/files/26261293"
crispr_21Q1 <- read_csv(url_52)
### rename column first column to "depmap_id"
names(crispr_21Q1)[1] <-"depmap_id"
### gather cripsr into long form with columns: `depmap_id`, `gene`, `dependency`
crispr_21Q1_long <- gather(crispr_21Q1, gene, dependency, -depmap_id)
### mutate gene into `gene_name` and `entrez_id`
crispr_21Q1_long <- crispr_21Q1_long %>%
mutate(entrez_id = gsub("&", ";", sub("\\)", "", sub("^.+ \\(", "", gene))),
gene_name = gsub("&", ";", sub(" \\(.+\\)$", "", gene)))
### left_join `crispr_long` and `depmap_id_to_name` to add `cell_line` column
crispr_21Q1 <- crispr_21Q1_long %>% left_join(depmap_id_to_name_21Q1,
by = c("depmap_id" = "depmap_id"))
### rearrange columns into same column format as other datasets
crispr_21Q1 <- crispr_21Q1 %>% dplyr::select(depmap_id, gene,
dependency, entrez_id,
gene_name, cell_line) %>%
type_convert(cols(entrez_id = "i"))
### saving cleaned and converted `crispr` data as .rda file
save(crispr_21Q1, file = "../eh_data/crispr_21Q1.rda",
compress = "xz", compression_level = 9)
## depmap `TPM_21Q1` dataset
### loading data (downloading .csv file from online source)
url_53 <- "https://ndownloader.figshare.com/files/26261476"
TPM_21Q1 <- read_csv(url_53)
### rename column first column to "depmap_id"
names(TPM_21Q1)[1] <-"depmap_id"
### gather `TPM` into long form on columns: `depmap_id`, `gene`, `expression`
TPM_21Q1_long <- gather(TPM_21Q1, gene, rna_expression, -depmap_id)
### mutate gene into gene_name and entrez_id
TPM_21Q1_long %>%
mutate(entrez_id = gsub("&", ";", sub("\\)", "", sub("^.+ \\(", "", gene))),
gene_name = gsub("&", ";", sub(" \\(.+\\)$", "", gene))
) -> TPM_21Q1_long
### left_join join `TPM` and `depmap_id_to_name_21Q1` to add `cell_line` column
TPM_21Q1_long %>%
left_join(depmap_id_to_name_21Q1, by = c("depmap_id" = "depmap_id")
) -> TPM_21Q1
### rearrange columns into same column format as other datasets
TPM_21Q1 %>%
select(depmap_id, gene, rna_expression, entrez_id, gene_name, cell_line) %>%
type_convert(cols(entrez_id = "i")) -> TPM_21Q1
### saving cleaned and converted `TPM` data as .rda file
save(TPM_21Q1, file = "../eh_data/TPM_21Q1.rda", compress = "xz",
compression_level = 9)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.