Man pages for USAID-OHA-SI/COVIDutilities
Pulls and Returns Tidy COVID-19 Data

add_csv_stubHelper function to check if list of countries needs .csv...
first_time_flagFlags the first time and event occurs
get_vax_countriesImport Our World in Data Vaccine rates Pull list of countries...
get_vax_dataFetch Our World In Data vaccine data
hdx_govmes_linkidHDX COVID-19 government measures linkid for parsing
hdx_govmes_urlHDX COVID-19 government measures
import_jhu_dataImport John's Hopkins COVID-19 data
jhuRepoJHU main repo
make_urlHelper function to create html strings needed for loop
owid_vax_urlOWID vaccination home
oxford_urlOxford COVID-19 Stringency Index
pipePipe operator
pull_covid_gov_measuresPull HDX COVID Government Measures data
pull_jhu_covidPull JHU COVID-19 Case, Recovery, and Death Data
pull_stringency_indexPull Oxford Stringency Index
pull_vax_dataFetch Our World In Data vaccine data
reshape_jhu_covidReshape JHU data
tsCasesJHU cases
tsDeathsJHU deaths
tsRecovJHU recoveries
who_pandemicReturns a dataframe of when WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic
USAID-OHA-SI/COVIDutilities documentation built on Aug. 18, 2022, 2:28 a.m.