
#' Extract Threshold Values
#' @param df dataframe (if it contains current quarter, otherwise specify with qtr)
#' @param qtr current fiscal quarter, eg "q2", default = NULL
#' @export

rw_addthresholds <- function(df, qtr = NULL){
  #table of thresholds values
    thres_table <- 
        ~threshold,  ~q1,  ~q2,  ~q3,  ~q4,
             "low", 0.01, 0.25,  0.5, 0.75,
             "med", 0.15,  0.4, 0.65,  0.9,
            "good", 0.35,  0.6, 0.85,  1.1,
             "ach",    1,    1,    1,    1
  #identify current quarter if it is not specified by user 
    if(is.null(qtr)) qtr <- paste0("q", ICPIutilities::identifypd(df, "quarter"))
  #extract thresholds as vector
    thres <- dplyr::pull(thres_table, qtr)
  #apply names to each threshold (named vector)
    names(thres) <- dplyr::pull(thres_table, threshold)
USAID-OHA-SI/RearWindow documentation built on May 31, 2019, 5:19 p.m.