
Defines functions export_drivefile gdrive_folder gdrive_metadata import_drivefile

Documented in export_drivefile gdrive_folder gdrive_metadata import_drivefile

#' Import file from a Google Drive folder
#' `import_drivefile` is a wrapper around `googledrive::drive_download`, useful
#' for pulling multiple files from a given Google Drive folder (with a Google
#' ID provided) to download by default to the Data folder of a project.
#' @param drive_folder Google id for Google Drive Folder
#' @param filename exact name of file on Googl Drive to download
#' @param folderpath path where you want file stored, default = "Data"
#' @param zip should the file be zipped? default = TRUE
#' @return stores file from Google Drive as a zipped file
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(googledrive)
#' googledrive::drive_auth()
#' fldr <- "Spp-y8DYsdRTrzDqUmK4fX5v"
#' import_drivefile(fldr, "TestFile.csv")
#' }

import_drivefile <- function(drive_folder, filename, folderpath = "Data", zip = TRUE){

  #get files + ids from google drive folder
    files <- googledrive::drive_ls(googledrive::as_id(drive_folder))

  #pull id for specific file
    id <- files %>%
      dplyr::filter(name == filename) %>%

  #download file and store in Data folder
                                path = file.path(folderpath, filename),
                                overwrite = TRUE)

  if(zip == TRUE){
    #zip file
    orig_wd <- getwd()
    filename %>%
      stringr::str_replace("csv$", "zip") %>%


#' Unpack Google Drive Metadata
#' Google API provides extra metadata stored as a list in the dribble
#' returned, eg modified time, permissions, owner, etc.
#' @param df           Results from Google Drive drive_ls
#' @param show_details Show all metadata fields, default is FALSE
#' @return adds extra meta data to data frame
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(googledrive)
#' drive_auth()
#' fldr <- as_id("<google-folder-id>")
#' drive_ls(fldr) %>% gdrive_metadata()
#' }
gdrive_metadata <- function(df, show_details = FALSE){


  # Check for drive metadata
  if (!"drive_resource" %in% names(df)) {
      "\nCould not find metadata column:\n",


  # Convert json to df
  df <- df %>%
    dplyr::select(drive_resource) %>%
    jsonlite::toJSON() %>%
    jsonlite::fromJSON(flatten = TRUE) %>%
    dplyr::rename_with(~stringr::str_remove(., pattern = "drive_resource.")) %>%

  # Compensate for non alter folders
  if (!"original_filename" %in% names(df))
    df <- dplyr::mutate(df, original_filename = name)

  # Unpack details?
  if (!show_details) {

    df <- df %>%
      dplyr::select(kind, id, name, original_filename,
                    created_time, modified_time, trashed,
                    last_modified_by = last_modifying_user_display_name)

  # Show all details (almost all)
  else {

    df <- df %>%
      tidyr::unnest(cols = owners, names_sep = ".") %>%      # Who owns the file
      tidyr::unnest(cols = permissions, names_sep = ".") %>% # Who has access
      janitor::clean_names() %>%
      dplyr::select(-c(permission_ids, permissions_domain,
                    -dplyr::ends_with(c("_link", "_thumbnail")),
                    -dplyr::starts_with(c("thumbnail_"))) %>%
      dplyr::filter(permissions_type != "domain")


#' @title Get id of googledrive folder
#' @note This function will create a new folder if add is set to TRUE
#' @param name Googledrive folder name
#' @param path Googledrive parent path id
#' @param add  Should folder be added if missing, default is true
#' @param ...  Other arguments to passed on to `drive_mkdir`
#' @return Googledrive folder item it or NULL for non existing folder
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  library(glamr)
#'  gdrive_folder("Test-Folder", "ID-adfdfsdfdfdfs")
#' }
gdrive_folder <- function(name, path,
                          add = FALSE,
                          ...) {

  # Identify paths
  paths <- name %>%
    stringr::str_replace("^\\/", "") %>%
    stringr::str_replace("\\/$", "") %>%
    stringr::str_split("\\/") %>%

  # Default
  drive_id <- path

  # Check every single nested path
  for (p in paths) {

    # find drive folder
    path_id = googledrive::drive_ls(
      path = googledrive::as_id(drive_id),
      pattern = p)

    # Get number of items
    n <- base::nrow(path_id)

    # dubplicated folder
    if (n > 1) {
      drive_id <- NULL
      base::stop(glue::glue("Possible duplicated googledrive item: {p}"))

    # target folder
    if (n == 1) {
      drive_id <- path_id$id

    # create sub-folder, it not present
    if (n == 0 & add == TRUE) {
      # Create folder
      path_id <- googledrive::drive_mkdir(
        name = p,
        path = googledrive::as_id(drive_id),

      drive_id <- path_id$id

      base::print(glue::glue("New drive folder: {p} => {drive_id}"))

    } else if (n == 0 & !add) {
      drive_id <- NULL
      base::message(crayon::red(glue::glue("Drive folder does not exist: {p}")))


  # Return final id

#' @title Export local files for googledrive folder
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' `export_drivefile() is designed to move files googledrive`
#' @param filename   Character, Full name of the file to be uploaded
#' @param to_drive   Character, Google drive id
#' @param to_folder  Character, Google drive sub-folder
#' @param add_folder Logical. If TRUE, add sub-folders if they are not present
#' @param overwrite  Logical. If yes, existing files will be overwritten
#' @param ...        Additional parameters to be passed to `googledrive::drive_upload()`
#' @return Googledrive file(s) id(s)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  library(glamr)
#'  list.files("./Graphics", "NIGERIA", full.names = TRUE) %>%
#'       export_drivefile(filename = .,
#'                        to_drive = "<path-id>",
#'                        to_folder = "FY99Q4/VL Suppression",
#'                        add_folder = TRUE)
#' }
export_drivefile <- function(filename, to_drive,
                             to_folder = NULL,
                             add_folder = TRUE,
                             overwrite = TRUE,
                             ...) {

  # Track drive id
  drive_id <- to_drive

  # Identify sub-folder, if applicable
  if (!base::is.null(to_folder)) {

    # Get drive folder id
    drive_id <- gdrive_folder(name = to_folder,
                              path = to_drive,
                              add = add_folder)

    # Re-check id
    if (base::is.null(drive_id)) {
      base::stop("Could not identify drive folder")

    # Folder id should be different
    if (drive_id == to_drive) {
      base::stop("Check drive folder name. ID is the same as parent path")

    base::print(glue::glue("File(s) will be exported to: {to_folder} ..."))

  # Convert id into google id
  drive_id <- drive_id %>% googledrive::as_id()

  # Upload file(s) as it is
  files <- filename %>%
      path = drive_id,
      name = base::basename(.x),
      type = NULL, # force googledrive to guess meme type
      overwrite = overwrite,

USAID-OHA-SI/glamr documentation built on July 6, 2024, 6:39 a.m.