
Defines functions pdap_bucket pdap_secret pdap_access set_account get_account get_key set_key get_keys get_services get_s3key set_s3keys pano_pwd pano_user set_pano datim_pwd datim_user set_datim set_email load_secrets

Documented in datim_pwd datim_user get_account get_key get_keys get_s3key get_services load_secrets pano_pwd pano_user pdap_access pdap_bucket pdap_secret set_account set_datim set_email set_key set_pano set_s3keys

#' Load credentials
#'  `load_secrets` should be set at the beginning of a script to store your
#'  email and DATIM user name under Options for the current session. This allows
#'  analysts to more easily share their scripts without having to manually update
#'  or remove use names.
#'  To initially store your credentials, you will first need to
#'  run `set_email()`, `set_datim()`, `set_pano()`, and/or `set_key` (for s3)
#'  `load_secrets` utilizes `keyring` package to access the OS credentials store.
#'  Storing in a centralized, secure location allows analysts to other analysts code
#'  without having to manually change user names/email address to access
#'  DATIM or Google Drive.
#' @param service account, either "email", "datim", "pano", "s3", or "pdap"; by
#' default, all are loaded if they are available
#' @return stores Google, DATIM, PEFPFAR Panorama, s3, and PDAP credentials in
#'   session
#' @export
#' @family authentication
#' @importFrom utils installed.packages
#' @importFrom usethis ui_oops
#' @importFrom usethis ui_info
#' @importFrom usethis ui_done
#' @importFrom usethis ui_field
#' @importFrom usethis ui_value
#' @importFrom usethis ui_code
#' @importFrom usethis ui_line
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' load_secrets()
#' ou_table <- datim_outable(datim_user(), datim_pwd()) }

load_secrets <- function(service = c("email", "datim", "pano","s3", "pdap")){


  if(suppressMessages(is_stored()) == FALSE){
    ui_oops("No accounts stored under {ui_code('keyring')}. Use {ui_code('set_email()')}, {ui_code('set_datim()')}, or {ui_code('set_keys()')} to establish accounts")
  } else {
    ui_info("The following items have been stored for use in this session:")

  if(is_stored("email") && "email" %in% service){
    options("email" = keyring::key_list("email")[1,2])
    ui_done("{ui_field('email')} set as {ui_value(getOption('email'))}")

  if(is_stored("email") && is_installed("googledrive") && "email" %in% service){
    ui_done("{ui_code('googledrive')} authenticated using {ui_field('email')}")

  if(is_stored("email") && is_installed("googlesheets4") && "email" %in% service){
    ui_done("{ui_code('googlesheets4')} authenticated using {ui_field('email')}")

  if(is_stored("datim") && "datim" %in% service){
    options("datim" = keyring::key_list("datim")[1,2])
    options("baseurl" = "https://final.datim.org/")
    ui_done("{ui_field('datim')} username set as {ui_value(getOption('datim'))}")
    ui_done("{ui_field('baseurl')} set to {ui_value(getOption('baseurl'))}")

  if(is_stored("pano") && "pano" %in% service){
    options("pano" = keyring::key_list("pano")[1,2])
    ui_done("{ui_field('pano')} username set as {ui_value(getOption('pano'))}")

  if (is_stored("s3") && "s3" %in% service) {
    options("access_key" = get_s3key("access"))
    options("secret_key" = get_s3key("secret"))

    # Note: aws.s3 setting uses the below env settings
    # It's up to the user to decide when to set this (in the GLOBALS Sections)
    # Sys.setenv(
    #   "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" = get_s3key("access"),
    #   "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" = get_s3key("secret"),
    #   "AWS_REGION" = "us-east-1"
    # )

    ui_done("{ui_field('S3')} keys set in {ui_value('access_key')} and {ui_value('secret_key')}")

  if (is_stored("pdap") && "pdap" %in% service) {
    options("pdap_access" = keyring::key_get("pdap", "access"))
    options("pdap_secret" = keyring::key_get("pdap", "secret"))
    options("pdap_write" = keyring::key_get("pdap", "write"))
    ui_done("{ui_field('PDAP S3')} keys set in {ui_value('pdap_access()')} and {ui_value('pdap_key()')}")
      options("pdap_read" = Sys.getenv('S3_READ'))
      ui_line("Also accessible through {ui_code('Sys.getenv(\\'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID\\')')} and {ui_code('Sys.getenv(\\'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY\\')')}")
      ui_done("{ui_field('PDAP S3')} READ/WRITE buckets available through {ui_value('pdap_read()')} and {ui_value('pdap_write()')}")
      ui_line("Also accessible through {ui_code('Sys.getenv(\\'S3_READ\\')')} and {ui_code('Sys.getenv(\\'S3_WRITE\\')')}")
    } else {
      ui_done("{ui_field('PDAP S3')} WRITE bucket available through {ui_value('pdap_write()')}")
      ui_oops("{ui_field('PDAP S3')} READ bucket not locally not accessible")


#' Store USAID email
#' `set_email` stores your USAID email using the `keyring` package. This will
#' only need to run once.
#'  The `keyring` package utilized the OS credentials store. Storing in
#'  a centralized, secure location allows analysts to other analysts code
#'  without having to manually change user names/email address to access
#'  DATIM or Google Drive.
#'  After `set_email` has been run once, an analyst can set `load_secrets` at the
#'  beginning of a script, storing their email and DATIM username under Options
#'  for the current session.
#'  This function also stores the email locally in your .Rprofile, allowing to be
#'  used automatically as the default for `googledrive::drive_auth()` and
#'  `googlesheets4::gs4_auth()`
#' @param usaid_email full USAID email address
#' @return stores USAID email using keyring and .Rprofile
#' @export
#' @family authentication
#' @importFrom usethis ui_path
#' @importFrom usethis ui_todo
#' @importFrom usethis ui_code_block
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' set_email("rshah@usaid.gov") }
set_email <- function(usaid_email){


  keyring::key_set_with_value(service = "email",
                              username = usaid_email,
                              password = "NULL")
    options(gargle_oauth_email = '{usaid_email}')

  ui_todo("Copy and paste this code in {ui_path('.Rprofile')} to store your SI folder paths.")


#' Store DATIM credentials
#' `set_datim` stores your DATIM credentials email using the `keyring` package.
#' This will only need to done once. After running `set_datim(user)`, you will be
#' promoted to enter your password through the RStudio API which will then store the
#' username and password in your OS credential store using `keyring`.
#'  The `keyring` package utilized the OS credentials store. Storing in
#'  a centralized, secure location allows analysts to other analysts code
#'  without having to manually change user names/email address to access
#'  DATIM or Google Drive.
#'  After `set_datim` has been run once, an analyst can set `load_secrets` at the
#'  beginning of a script, storing their email and DATIM username under Options
#'  for the current session.
#' @param datim_username DATIM account
#' @return stores USAID email in using keyring
#' @export
#' @family authentication
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' set_datim("rshah") }
set_datim <- function(datim_username){


  keyring::key_set(service = "datim",
                   username = datim_username)

#' Return DATIM username
#' To setup/store, run `glamr::set_datim()`.
#' @return access DATIM username from keyring
#' @export
#' @family authentication
#' @importFrom usethis ui_stop
#' @importFrom usethis ui_code
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' load_secrets()
#' ou_table <- datim_outable(datim_user(), datim_pwd()) }

datim_user <- function(){


  # Attempt to get user to add account
  if(!is_stored("datim") & is_installed("keyring")) {

    user <- rstudioapi::askForPassword(prompt = "Enter your DATIM Username to setup your account (Close or Excape to abort):")
    user <- stringr::str_trim(user, side = "both")

    if (base::nchar(user) == 0)
      ui_stop("ERROR - Invalid username entered")

    set_datim(datim_username = user)

  if(!is_stored("datim") & !is_installed("keyring"))
    ui_stop("NO DATIM credentials stored. Install `keyring` package and use {ui_code('set_datim()')} to setup datim account")




#' Return DATIM password
#' To setup/store, run `glamr::set_datim()`.
#' @return access DATIM password from keyring
#' @export
#' @family authentication
#' @importFrom usethis ui_stop
#' @importFrom usethis ui_code
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' load_secrets()
#' ou_table <- datim_outable(datim_user(), datim_pwd()) }

datim_pwd <- function(){


    ui_stop("NO DATIM credentials stored. Setup using {:ui_code('set_datim()')}")


  keyring::key_get("datim", getOption("datim"))


#' Store PEPFAR Panorama credentials
#' `set_pano` stores your PEPFAR Panoram credentials email using the `keyring` package.
#' This will only need to done once. After running `set_pano(user)`, you will be
#' promoted to enter your password through the RStudio API which will then store the
#' username and password in your OS credential store using `keyring`.
#'  The `keyring` package utilized the OS credentials store. Storing in
#'  a centralized, secure location allows analysts to other analysts code
#'  without having to manually change user names/email address to access
#'  DATIM, Panorama, or Google Drive.
#'  After `set_pano` has been run once, an analyst can set `load_secrets` at the
#'  beginning of a script, storing their PEPFAR Panorama credentials under Options
#'  for the current session.
#' @param pano_username Panorama user name (email)
#' @return stores Panorama username and password in using keyring
#' @export
#' @family authentication
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' set_pano("rshah@usaid.gov") }
set_pano <- function(pano_username){


  keyring::key_set(service = "pano",
                   username = pano_username)

#' Return PEPFAR Panorama username
#' To setup/store, run `glamr::set_pano()`.
#' @return access Panorama username from keyring
#' @export
#' @family authentication
#' @importFrom usethis ui_stop
#' @importFrom usethis ui_code
pano_user <- function(){


    ui_stop("NO Panorama credentials stored. Setup using {ui_code('set_pano()')}")




#' Return PEPFAR Panorama password
#' To setup/store, run `glamr::set_pano()`.
#' @return access Panorama password from keyring
#' @export
#' @family authentication
#' @importFrom usethis ui_stop
#' @importFrom usethis ui_code
pano_pwd <- function(){


    ui_stop("NO Panorama credentials stored. Setup using {:ui_code('set_pano()')}")


  keyring::key_get("pano", getOption("pano"))


#' Store S3 Credentials
#' `set_s3keys` stores your s3 keys using the `keyring` package.
#' This will only need to done once. After running `set_s3keys(access, secret)`,
#' RStudio API which will then store the keys in your OS credential store using `keyring`.
#' @param access S3 Account Access Key
#' @param secret S3 Account Secret Key
#' @return stored access key
#' @export
#' @family authentication
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' set_s3access("ABDCEDFF", "MLIZD998SD") }
set_s3keys <- function(access, secret){


  keyring::key_set_with_value(service = "s3",
                              username = "access",
                              password = access)

  keyring::key_set_with_value(service = "s3",
                              username = "secret",
                              password = secret)

#' Get S3 Credentials - Access or Secret Access Key
#' `get_s3key` retrieves your S3 keys using the `keyring` package.
#' Set name to `access` for `Access Key`,
#' `name` to `secret` for `Secret Access Key`
#' @param name S3 account key
#' @return stored key
#' @export
#' @family authentication
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' get_s3key(name = "access") }
get_s3key <- function(name = "access"){
  keyring::key_get(service = "s3", username = name)

#' @title Get Services
#' @return list of active services
#' @export
#' @family authentication
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' get_services()}
get_services <- function() {
  keys <- keyring::key_list()

#' @title Get Service Keys
#' @param service Account Service name
#' @return list of key names for active services
#' @export
#' @family authentication
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' get_keys('<service-name>')}
get_keys <- function(service) {
  keys <- keyring::key_list()
  keys[keys$service == service,]$username

#' @title Set value for service name
#' @param service Name of the service
#' @param name    Name of the key
#' @export
#' @family authentication
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' set_key(service = '<service-name>', name = '<key-name>')}
set_key <- function(service, name) {

  msg <- glue::glue("Please enter value for {service}/{name} key:")

  value <- rstudioapi::askForPassword(prompt = msg)
  value <- stringr::str_trim(value, side = "both")

  if (base::nchar(value) == 0)
    base::stop("ERROR - Invalid value entered")

  keyring::key_set_with_value(service = service,
                              username = name,
                              password = value)

#' @title Get value of service key name
#' @param service Name of the service
#' @param name    Name of the key
#' @return key value
#' @export
#' @family authentication
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' get_key(service = '<service-name>', name = '<key-name>')}
get_key <- function(service, name) {

  if (!service %in% get_services() | !name %in% get_keys(service)) {
    usethis::ui_warn("WARNINGS - Invalid service and/or key name")

  keyring::key_get(service, name)

#' @title Get account details
#' @note Inspired by `grabr::lazy_secrets()`
#' @param name Service name of the account
#' @return key / value pair as list containing details of the account (invisible)
#' @export
#' @family authentication
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' get_account(name = 's3')}
get_account <- function(name) {


  if(!glamr::is_stored(name)) {

      usethis::ui_stop("No {name} record found. Create a new account using {ui_code('set_key()')}")

  accnt <- keyring::key_list(name)

  accnt %>%
    dplyr::pull(username) %>%
    purrr::map(function(username) {
      get_key(service = name, name = username)
    }) %>%
    purrr::set_names(accnt$username) %>%

#' @title Create / Update account
#' @param name    Service name of the account
#' @param keys    List of account key names
#' @param update  Should an existing account be overwriten
#' @export
#' @family authentication
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' set_account(name = 's3', keys = c("access", "secret"))}
set_account <- function(name,
                        keys = c("username", "password"),
                        update = FALSE) {


  # Keyring Service
  srv <- name

  if(glamr::is_stored(srv) & !update) {
    usethis::ui_stop("{srv} exists already. Set update to TRUE to overwrite")

  # Prompt user to set value for account keys
  keys %>%
      set_key(service = srv, name = key)

#' Store PDAP Access Key credentials
#' When working with PDAP, you will need to access data from either the read or
#' write buckets and need the credentials to do so. This function stores the
#' Access Key associated with your account,
#' `Sys.getenv("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID")`. To use locally, the user will need to
#' store `set_key('pdap', 'access')`, which securely stores this information with
#' `keyring` (we can only write, not read from a local machine).
#' @export
#' @family authentication
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(grabr)
#' s3_upload(upload_file_path,
#'           bucket = pdap_bucket("write"),
#'           prefix = "usaid/",
#'           access_key = pdap_access(),
#'           secret_key = pdap_secret())
#' #identify path to dataset uploaded
#'   path_wrkbnch <- s3_objects(bucket = pdap_bucket("write"),
#'                              prefix = "usaid/",
#'                              access_key = pdap_access(),
#'                              secret_key = pdap_secret()) %>%
#'     filter(str_detect(key, "Moz")) %>%
#'     pull(key)
#' #read
#' df_msd <- s3read_using(read_psd,
#'                        bucket = pdap_bucket("write"),
#'                        object = path_wrkbnch) }
pdap_access <- function(){

  if(!is_pdap() && !is_stored("pdap"))
    ui_stop("NO PDAP access credentials stored. Setup using {ui_code('set_key(\\'pdap\\', \\'access\\')')}")

  if(!is_pdap() && !is.loaded("pdap_secret"))

  } else {
    keyring::key_get("pdap", "access")


#' Store PDAP Secret Access Key credentials
#' When working with PDAP, you will need to access data from either the read or
#' write buckets and need the credentials to do so. This function stores the
#' Secret Access Key associated with your account,
#' `Sys.getenv("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY")`. To use locally, the user will need to
#' store `set_key('pdap', 'secret')`, which securely stores this information with
#' `keyring` (we can only write, not read from a local machine).
#' @export
#' @family authentication
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(grabr)
#' s3_upload(upload_file_path,
#'           bucket = pdap_bucket("write"),
#'           prefix = "usaid/",
#'           access_key = pdap_access(),
#'           secret_key = pdap_secret())
#' #identify path to dataset uploaded
#'   path_wrkbnch <- s3_objects(bucket = pdap_bucket("write"),
#'                              prefix = "usaid/",
#'                              access_key = pdap_access(),
#'                              secret_key = pdap_secret()) %>%
#'     filter(str_detect(key, "Moz")) %>%
#'     pull(key)
#' #read
#' df_msd <- s3read_using(read_psd,
#'                        bucket = pdap_bucket("write"),
#'                        object = path_wrkbnch) }
pdap_secret <- function(){

  if(!is_pdap() && !is_stored("pdap"))
    ui_stop("NO PDAP secrets key credentials stored. Setup access key using {ui_code('set_key(\\'pdap\\', \\'secret\\')')}")

  if(!is_pdap() && !is.loaded("pdap_secret"))

  } else {
    keyring::key_get("pdap", "secret")


#' Access PDAP read/write bucket
#' When working with PDAP, you will need to access data from either the read or
#' write buckets. The read bucket ("S3_READ") is where PEPFAR Systems stores the
#' MSDs and the write bucket ("S3_WRITE") is where users can upload files (USAID
#' users will have access and write to the "usaid/" sub bucket).
#' When access from PDAP Posit Workbench, the function will access the system
#' environment variables `Sys.getenv("S3_READ")` or `Sys.getenv("S3_WRITE")`
#' where as it accessing locally, the user will need to store the read bucket
#' location with `set_key()`, which securely stores this information with
#' `keyring` (we can only write, not read from a local machine).
#' @param type is the bucket read (default) or write?
#' @return character string of AWS bucket location
#' @export
#' @family authentication
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(grabr)
#' s3_upload(upload_file_path,
#'           bucket = pdap_bucket("write"),
#'           prefix = "usaid/",
#'           access_key = pdap_access(),
#'           secret_key = pdap_secret())
#' #identify path to dataset uploaded
#'   path_wrkbnch <- s3_objects(bucket = pdap_bucket("write"),
#'                              prefix = "usaid/",
#'                              access_key = pdap_access(),
#'                              secret_key = pdap_secret()) %>%
#'     filter(str_detect(key, "Moz")) %>%
#'     pull(key)
#' #read
#' df_msd <- s3read_using(read_psd,
#'                        bucket = pdap_bucket("write"),
#'                        object = path_wrkbnch) }
pdap_bucket <- function(type = c("read", "write")){

  type <- type[1]

    b <- switch (type,
            "read" = Sys.getenv("S3_READ"),
            "write" = Sys.getenv("S3_WRITE")


  if(!is_pdap() && type == "read"){
    ui_oops("Reading PDAP data locally not accessible")

  if(!is_pdap() && !is_stored("pdap"))
    ui_stop("NO PDAP write bucket location found Setup using {ui_code('set_key(\\'pdap\\', \\'write\\')')}")

  if(!is_pdap() && !is.loaded("pdap_write"))

  keyring::key_get("pdap", "write")

USAID-OHA-SI/glamr documentation built on July 6, 2024, 6:39 a.m.