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This vignette provides an overview for extracting targets and other data using tameDP. You'll learn about the different parameters to extract different components of the COP Target Setting Tool.


If you haven't installed R or tameDP, you should first refer to the Setup vignette.

Once you have everything installed, you will want to launch R or RStudio (an IDE for R). To use tameDP you will need to load it into your working environment. Enter the line below into your console to initiate the package.


Storing the File Path

The first thing you will want to do after your load tameDP is to tell R where your Target Setting Tool (TST) is located on your computer. In your Windows Explorer (outside of R), navigate to your Target Setting Tool file, and hold the SHIFT key while you right click on the file name. Doing this gives you an additional option to "Copy as path", which you want to click.

Now you have the path saved to your clipboard. Open your R up and paste the copied filepath into the Console or a script. Before you hit enter, you will need to store this path as an object in R using the assignment operator <-. This let's us store information to use at a later point to pass into different functions. We will call the object, tst_filepath. It is important to note that Windows filepaths have their slash in the wrong direction. You will need to replace all backslashes ("/\") in your filepath with forward slashes ("/"). The command to store the file path object will look like the code below, where you have replaced the file path with the path to your own file.

tst_filepath <- "../TST/DataPack_Jupiter_20600101.xlsx"

Extracting Targets

There are a few different forms of data we can get out of the Target Setting Tool. The first is extracting all the targets from their relevant tabs. The data here will be at the PSNU level, broken out by the relevant disagregates (e.g. Age/Sex/HIVStatus). In the function below, we have used the filepath we stored above to pass that into the function. This function will take a few seconds or minutes to run depending on the size of your Target Setting Tool.

df_tst <- tame_dp(tst_filepath)

The data that has been extracted from the Target Setting Tool will stored in an objected called df_tst. If you browse the data frame (df) using a function like View(df_tst) or dplyr::glimpse(df_tst), you'll see the structure is very similar to a MER Structured Dataset (MSD). You have the following columns: operatingunit, countryname, snu1, psnu, psnuuid, fiscal_year, indicator, standardizeddisaggregate, numeratordenom, ageasentered, sex, modality, statushiv, otherdisaggregate, targets. The output is a bit more manageable to work with than using it in the Target Setting Tool.

Exporting Data

If you are comfortable working in R, you can use the df_tst object to munge, analyze, or visualize your data. If you would prefer to get the data out to work with in Excel, Tableau, or another program, we can export the data from the data frame it's stored in to a csv file using the readr package. We will need to tell R which object we want to export; for this we can use df_tst which we got by running tame_dp(tst_filepath) in the Extracting Targets section. You will want to change the file path and name in the chunk below.

          file = "../Output/TST_Jupiter_tidy.csv",
          na = "")

Other Data Options

In the function above, we provided the filepath and the function returned the the data frame of targets from the Target Setting Tool. Function in R often have multiple parameters. Take a minute to look at the help file for tame_dp().


We can see that there are different parameter that will allow us to return different things.

tame_dp(tst_filepath, type = "ALL", map_names = FALSE, psnu_lvl = FALSE)

By default, the function is returning a specific type and is FALSE for the other two parameters. If you look in the help file, you will see there are three options for type - "PSNUxIM", "SUBNAT", "ALL" (the default) or a specific tab. The option for using "ALL" is giving us all the targets from the tabs. But you will see that you could change this option to "SUBNAT". If you do, it will return NAT_SUBNAT data including PLHIV from the Cascade tab of the Target Setting Tool. The function will be the same structure as above, but we are adding the type parameter and specifying "SUBNAT" in order to return the PLHIV and NAT_SUBNAT data instead of targets. You can also utilize tame_subnat(), which is just a wrapper function around tame_dp()

#return IMPATT/SUBNAT data
df_subnat <- tame_dp(tst_filepath, type = "SUBNAT")
#which is equivalent to tame_subnat 
df_subnat2 <- tame_subnat(tst_filepath)

#return data from a specific tab - TB
df_tb <- tame_dp(tst_filepath, type = "TB")

The structure of the data frame is the same as when we ran it for targets, but the difference is in the indicators returned (indicator).

Last but not least we have the option to return type = "PSNUxIM", which will pull data from the PSNUxIM tab of the Target Setting Tool (or OPU). This tab no longer exists within the main TST, but is generated within Target Setting Tool Validation App and is its own separte tool. You will need to change the type parameter to type = "PSNUxIM" to pull the PSNU by mechanism information from this tab. If you keep the defaul setting (type = ALL), the code will still run, but will kick back a warning message.

df_tst_mech <- tame_dp(tst_filepath, type = "PSNUxIM")

This last type option returns the mech_code in the Target Setting Tool with the targets assigned to it. The Target Setting Tool doesn't include the mechanism name or prime partner so these columns are left blank. To include this info, you can set map_names = TRUE in your function. When you run the function, there will be a pop-up window asking you to type your DATIM user name and password to pull this information down from DATIM. Previously, this had been public information, but after a DHIS2 update, the data became password protected.

df_tst_mech_info <- tame_dp(tst_filepath, type = "PSNUxIM", map_names = TRUE)

The final parameter in the function is psnu_lvl which gives the user the option to aggregate the data up to the PSNU level (if working with PSNUxIM). Since tame_dp can pull from the target tabs which are at the PSNU level, this isn't as useful now, but it can be useful if you are only working with the PSNUxIM tab, such as with an OPU.

df_tst_psnu <- tame_dp(tst_filepath, type = "PSNUxIM", psnu_lvl = TRUE)

Combining Multiple Files

You can use one of the map() functions from purrr package to read in multiple Target Setting Tools and combine rather than working with one off. This may be more relevant if you're reviewing a regional operating unit or in Washington. You will get a pop up each time to provide your DATIM credentials if you don't have stored in the session. We recommend using getPass::getPass() when storing your credentials so you don't type into your script or into your console (and visual under history).

``` {r multi file}

load package

library(purrr) library(getPass)

identify all the Target Setting Tool files

files <- list.files("../Downloads/TSTs", full.names = TRUE)

read in all DPs and combine into one data frame

df_combo <- map_dfr(.x = files, .f = ~ tame_dp(.x))

store DATIM credentials

dtm_usr <- "spower" #replace with your credentials dtm_pwd <- getPass() #pop up prompting for your password

apply mech_name and primepartner names from DATIM

df_combo <- get_names(df_combo, datim_user = dtm_usr, datim_password = dtm_pwd) ```

USAID-OHA-SI/tameDP documentation built on March 16, 2024, 6:26 a.m.