knitr::knit_hooks$set(smallsize = function(before, options, envir) {
    if (before) {
    } else {

options(digits = 4)

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, smallsize=TRUE,
                      out.width = ".4\\linewidth",
                      fig.width = 7, fig.height = 5, fig.align = 'center'




On Genes and Trees




Overview (cont.)


Agenda {.t}


Some definitions {.t label=definitions}







| Symbol | Description | |:--|:--| $\aphyloObs$ | Observed Annotated Tree | $\phylo$ | Partially ordered phylogenetic tree (PO tree) | $O(n)$ | Offspring of node $n$ | $\aphyloObs_n$ | $n$-induced Annotated Sub-tree | $\Ann$ | True Annotation | $\AnnObs$ | Experimental annotation |


$$ \annObs_{lp} = \left{ \begin{array}{ll} 1 & \mbox{if the function }\mbox{ is believed to be present}\ 0 & \mbox{if the function }\mbox{ is believed to be absent}\ 9 & \mbox{if we don't have information for this node } \end{array}\right. $$


\hyperlink{formaldef}{\beamerbutton{more details}}



A probabilistic model of function propagation

  1. For any given node, we can write down the probability of observing a \emph{functional state} as a function of some model parameters and its offspring. \pause

  2. This version of our model has five parameters (probabilities): \pause

    a. Root node had a function: $\pi$, b. Gain of function: $\mu_0$, c. Loss of function: $\mu_1$. d. Misclassification of: - A missing function as present, $\psi_0$, and - A present function as missing, $\psi_1$ \pause

    All five parameters are assumed to be equal across functions, this is, $\pi, \mu_0, \mu_1, \psi_0$, and $\psi_1$ are assumed to be independent of the functions that are analyzed.\pause

  3. In this presentation, we will focus on the case that we are dealing with a single function.

Peeling algorithm

Agenda {.t}


Peeling (pruning) phylogenies (Felsenstein, 1973, 1981) {.t label=peelingalgorithm}

Given an experimentally annotated phylogenetic tree, the likelihood computation on a single function is as follows. \pause


  1. Create an matrix $\probmat$ of size $|N|\times 2$, \pause

  2. For node $n \in {\mbox{peeling sequence}}$ (from leafs to root) do: \pause

    a. For $\ann_n\in {0,1}$ do:

    Set \color{teal} $\probmat_{n, \ann_n} = \left\{\begin{array}{ll}
    \Prcond{\Ann_n = \ann_n}{\AnnObs_n = \AnnObs_n} & \mbox{If }$n$\mbox{ is a leaf} \\
    \Likecond{\Ann_n = \ann_n}{\aphyloObs_n} & \mbox{otherwise}
    \right.$ \color{black}

    b. Next $n$ \pause

  3. At this point the matrix $\probmat$ should be completely filled, we can compute

    $$ \likelihood{\psi, \mu, \pi}{\aphyloObs} = \pi\Likecond{\Ann_0=1}{\aphyloObs_0} + (1 - \pi)\Likecond{\Ann_0=0}{\aphyloObs_0} $$


Let's see an example! \hyperlink{leafnodesprob}{\beamerbutton{more details}}

Peeling algorithm {.t}






psi0 <- .05
psi1 <- .01
mu0  <- .04
mu1  <- .01
Pi   <- .05

$$ \begin{aligned} \mbox{Mislabeling a 0} &: \psi_0 &= r psi0 \ \mbox{Mislabeling a 1} &:\psi_1 &= r psi1 \ \mbox{Functional gain} &:\mu_0 &= r mu0 \ \mbox{Functional loss} &:\mu_1 &= r mu1 \ \mbox{Root node has the function} &: \pi &= r Pi \ \end{aligned} $$



dat <- matrix(
  as.integer(c(0,1,0,3,1,2,3,4,3,5)), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
dat <- aphylo:::new_po_tree(
  labels      = as.character(0:5),
  edge.length = c(2, 5, 3, 6, 4)

ann <- cbind(
  Function  = c(NA, NA, 0, NA, 1, 0)
dat <- aphylo:::as_aphylo(ann, dat)

LL <- LogLike(
  attr(dat$edges, "offspring"),
  c(psi0, psi1), c(mu0, mu1), Pi, verb_ans = TRUE)

dimnames(LL$Pr) <- list(0:5, paste("State", 0:1))

Peeling algorithm (cont. 1) {.t}


$$ \psi_0 = r psi0 \qquad \psi_1 = r psi1 \qquad \mu_0 = r mu0 \qquad \mu_1 = r mu1 \qquad \pi = r Pi $$




\mode{ \only<1>{\includetikz{simple_tree.tex}{.5}} \only<2-3>{\includetikz{simple_tree_leaf2.tex}{.5}} \only<4-5>{\includetikz{simple_tree_leaf4.tex}{.5}} \only<6-7>{\includetikz{simple_tree_leaf5.tex}{.5}} }

\mode{ \includetikz{simple_tree.tex}{.5} }



# Printing the colored version of the matrix
Pr <- LL$Pr
Pr[] <- sprintf("%.4f",Pr[])
Pr[c(1,2,4),] <- ""

Pr[3,1] <- paste0("\\onslide<2->{\\color{blue}", Pr[3,1], "}")
Pr[3,2] <- paste0("\\onslide<3->{\\color{red}", Pr[3,2], "}")
Pr[5,1] <- paste0("\\onslide<4->{\\color{orange}", Pr[5,1], "}")
Pr[5,2] <- paste0("\\onslide<5->{\\color{olive}", Pr[5,2], "}")

Pr[6,1] <- paste0("\\onslide<6->{\\color{brown}", Pr[6,1], "}")
Pr[6,2] <- paste0("\\onslide<7->{\\color{gray}", Pr[6,2], "}")

print(xtable::xtable(Pr), sanitize.text.function=function(x) x, comment=FALSE)


$$ \begin{aligned} \onslide<2->{\Prcond{\AnnObs_2=0}{\Ann_2=0} & = 1 - \psi_0 & = \color{blue}{r 1-psi0}} \ \onslide<3->{\Prcond{\AnnObs_2=0}{\Ann_2=1} & = \psi_1 &= \color{red}{r psi1}} \\ \onslide<4->{\Prcond{\AnnObs_4=1}{\Ann_4=0} & = \psi_0 & = \color{orange}{r psi0}} \ \onslide<5->{\Prcond{\AnnObs_4=1}{\Ann_4=1} & = 1 - \psi_1 &= \color{olive}{r 1-psi1}} \ \ \onslide<6->{\Prcond{\AnnObs_5=0}{\Ann_5=0} & = 1 - \psi_0 & = \color{brown}{r 1-psi0}} \ \onslide<7->{\Prcond{\AnnObs_5=0}{\Ann_5=1} & = \psi_1 &= \color{gray}{r psi1}} \end{aligned} $$




Peeling algorithm (cont. 2) {.t}


$$ \psi_0 = r psi0 \qquad \psi_1 = r psi1 \qquad \mu_0 = r mu0 \qquad \mu_1 = r mu1 \qquad \pi = r Pi $$




\mode{ \only<1>{\includetikz{simple_tree.tex}{.5}} \only<2-5>{\includetikz{simple_tree_node1.tex}{.5}} }

\mode{ \includetikz{simple_tree.tex}{.5} }



# Printing the colored version of the matrix
Pr <- LL$Pr
Pr[] <- sprintf("%.4f",Pr[])
Pr[c(1,4),] <- ""

Pr[3,1] <- paste0("{\\color{blue}", Pr[3,1], "}")
Pr[3,2] <- paste0("{\\color{red}", Pr[3,2], "}")
Pr[2, 1] <- paste0("\\onslide<3->{\\color{violet}{", Pr[2, 1],"}}")
Pr[2, 2] <- paste0("\\onslide<5->{\\color{purple}{", Pr[2, 2],"}}")

print(xtable::xtable(Pr), sanitize.text.function=function(x) x, comment=FALSE)


$$ \begin{aligned} \onslide<2->{\Likecond{\Ann_1=0}{\aphyloObs_1} & = {\color{blue} \Prcond{\AnnObs_2 = 0}{\Ann_2=0}}(1 - \mu_0) + {\color{red}\Prcond{\AnnObs_2 = 0}{\Ann_2=1}}\mu_0} \ \onslide<3->{& = {\color{blue} r Pr[3, 1]}\times r 1-mu0 + {\color{red} r Pr[3, 2]}\times r mu0 = \color{violet}{r LL$Pr[3, 1]* (1-mu0) + LL$Pr[3, 2]*mu0}}\\ % \onslide<4->{\Likecond{\Ann_1=1}{\aphyloObs_1} & = \Prcond{\Ann_2 = 0}{\AnnObs_2=0}\mu_1 + \Prcond{\Ann_2 = 1}{\AnnObs_2=0}(1-\mu_1)} \ \onslide<5->{& = r Pr[3, 1]\times r mu1 + r Pr[3, 2]\times r 1-mu1 = \color{purple}{r LL$Pr[3, 1]* mu1 + LL$Pr[3, 2]*(1-mu1)}} \end{aligned} $$




Peeling algorithm (cont. 3) {.t}


$$ \psi_0 = r psi0 \qquad \psi_1 = r psi1 \qquad \mu_0 = r mu0 \qquad \mu_1 = r mu1 \qquad \pi = r Pi $$




\mode{ \only<1>{\includetikz{simple_tree.tex}{.5}} \only<2-6>{\includetikz{simple_tree_node3.tex}{.5}} \only<7>{\includetikz{simple_tree_node0.tex}{.5}} \only<8->{\includetikz{simple_tree_likelihood.tex}{.5}} }

\mode{ \includetikz{simple_tree.tex}{.5} }



# Printing the colored version of the matrix
Pr <- LL$Pr
Pr[] <- sprintf("%.4f",Pr[])

Pr[5,1] <- paste0("{\\color{orange}", Pr[5,1], "}")
Pr[5,2] <- paste0("{\\color{olive}", Pr[5,2], "}")

Pr[6,1] <- paste0("{\\color{brown}", Pr[6,1], "}")
Pr[6,2] <- paste0("{\\color{gray}", Pr[6,2], "}")

Pr[4, 1] <- paste0("\\onslide<5->{\\color{red}{", Pr[4, 1],"}}")
Pr[4, 2] <- paste0("\\onslide<6->{", Pr[4, 2],"}")
Pr[1, 1] <- paste0("\\onslide<7->{\\color{cyan}{", Pr[1, 1],"}}")
Pr[1, 2] <- paste0("\\onslide<7->{\\color{blue}{", Pr[1, 2],"}}")

print(xtable::xtable(Pr), sanitize.text.function=function(x) x, comment=FALSE)


$$ \begin{aligned} \onslide<2->{\Likecond{\Ann_3 = 0}{\aphyloObs_3} & = % \prod_{m \in {4,5}} \sum_{\ann_m \in {0,1}} \Likecond{\Ann_m = \ann_m}{\aphyloObs_m} \Prcond{\Ann_{m} = \ann_{m}}{\Ann_3 = 0}} \ \onslide<3->{& = \left(% {\color{orange} r LL$Pr[5,1]} (1 - \mu_0) + {\color{olive} r LL$Pr[5,2] }\times \mu_0 \right)\times\left(% {\color{brown} r LL$Pr[6,1]} (1 - \mu_0) + {\color{gray} r LL$Pr[6,2] }\times \mu_0 \right) \} \onslide<4->{& = \left(% {\color{orange} r LL$Pr[5,1]} (1 - r mu0) + {\color{olive} r LL$Pr[5,2]}\times r mu0 \right)\times\left(% {\color{brown} r LL$Pr[6,1]} (1 - r mu0) + {\color{gray} r LL$Pr[6,2] }\times r mu0 \right) \} \onslide<5->{& = \color{red}{r (LL$Pr[5,1]*(1 - mu0) + LL$Pr[5,2]*mu0) * (LL$Pr[6,1]*(1 - mu0) + LL$Pr[6,2]*mu0)} \} \onslide<8->{ & \mbox{Finally, the likelihood of this tree is:} \ \likelihood{\psi, \mu, \Pi}{\aphyloObs} & = (1-\pi){\color{cyan}\Likecond{\Ann_0=0}{\aphyloObs_0}} + \pi{\color{blue}\Likecond{\Ann_0=1}{\aphyloObs_0}}} \ \onslide<9->{& = (1 - r Pi)\times {\color{cyan} r LL$Pr[1,1] } + r Pi\times {\color{blue} r LL$Pr[1,2] } = \mbox{\normalsize r exp(LL$ll)}} \end{aligned} $$




The amcmc R package

Agenda {.t}


Yet another MCMC package

You may be wondering why, well:

  1. Allows running multiple chains simultaneously (parallel)

  2. Overall faster than other Metrop MCMC algorithms (from our experience)

  3. Planning to include other types of kernels (the Handbook of MCMC)

  4. Implements reflective boundaries random-walk kernel

Example: MCMC {.t}

# Parameters
n <- 1e3
pars <- c(mean = 2.6, sd = 3)

# Generating data and writing the log likelihood function
D <- rnorm(n, pars[1], pars[2])
# Loading the packages
library(coda) # coda: Output Analysis and Diagnostics for MCMC

# Defining the ll function (data was already defined)
ll <- function(x, D) {
  x <- log(dnorm(D, x[1], x[2]))

ans <- MCMC(
  # Ll function and the starting parameters
  ll, c(mu=1, sigma=1),
  # How many steps, thinning, and burn-in
  nbatch = 1e4, thin=10, burnin = 1e3,
  # Kernel parameters
  scale = .1, ub = 10, lb = c(-10, 0),
  # How many parallel chains
  nchains = 4,
  # Further arguments passed to ll

Example: MCMC (cont. 1) {.t}


Example: MCMC (cont. 2) {.t}

oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)

The aphylo R package

Agenda {.t}


aphylo in a nutshell

aphylo: Simulating Trees {.t}



tree <- sim_tree(5)



atree <- raphylo(
  tree = tree, P = 2,
  psi  = c(.05, .05),
  mu   = c(.2, .1),
  Pi   = .01




aphylo: Visualizing annotated data {.c}









aphylo: Tree peeling {.t}

x <- sim_tree(25)
# What am I peeling
x_pruned <- prune(x, c(3, 19))

ids        <- attr(x, "labels")
ids_pruned <- attr(x_pruned, "labels")

z   <- `attributes<-`(x, list(dim=dim(x)))
z[] <- ids[z[]+1]

z_pruned   <- `attributes<-`(x_pruned, list(dim=dim(x_pruned)))
z_pruned[] <- ids_pruned[z_pruned[]+1]

cols  <- apply(z, 1, function(w) any(w[1] == z_pruned[,1] & w[2] == z_pruned[,2]))
ltype <- c(2, 1)[cols + 1L] 
cols  <- c("tomato", "steelblue")[cols + 1L]

oldpar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
par(mfrow=c(1,2), cex=1, xpd=NA, mar=c(1,0,2,0))
plot(x, main="Full tree\n x", edge.color = cols, edge.width=2, edge.lty=ltype)
plot(x_pruned, main="Pruned tree\n prune(x, c(3, 19))", edge.color = "steelblue", edge.width=2)

aphylo: Reading PantherDB data

# Reading the data
path <- system.file("tree.tree", package="aphylo")
dat <- read_panther(path)

# The tree

aphylo: Reading PantherDB data (cont.)

# Extra annotations
tree <- dat$tree

# Simulating a function
atree <- raphylo(
  tree= as_po_tree(tree),
  Pi = .05, mu = c(.1, .05), psi = c(.01, .02)

# Estimation
ans <- aphylo_mcmc(
  params  = rep(.05, 5),
  dat     = atree,
  # Passing a Beta prior
  priors  = function(p) dbeta(p, 2, 20),
  # Parameters for the MCMC
  control = list(nchain=4, nbatch=1e4, thin=20, burnin=1e3)

aphylo: Predictions of the model {.t}

aphylo: Predictions of the model (cont.) {.t}

pred <- predict(ans, what="leafs")
set.seed(8);pred <- head(pred[order(runif(nrow(pred))),,drop=FALSE])
pred <- data.frame(Gene = rownames(pred), `Posterior Prob` = unname(pred), check.names = FALSE)
print(xtable::xtable(pred, caption="Predicted probabilities for a subset of leafs of a phylogenetic tree using the {\\tt predict()} function after estimating the model parameters. The function analized was simulated on a phylogenetic tree from PantherDB."), type="latex", comment = FALSE, include.rownames = FALSE)

aphylo: How good is our prediction {.t}

aphylo: How good is our prediction (cont. 1) {.t}

plot(prediction_score(ans), main="")

Preliminary Results

Agenda {.t}


A simulation study {.t label=sim-setup}


\hyperlink{sim-convergence}{\beamerbutton{more details}}

A simulation study {.t}


\begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=.5\linewidth]{bias_trees_of_size_[57,138).pdf} \end{figure}

A simulation study {.t}

\framesubtitle{Prediction scores}

\begin{figure} \centering \caption{Distribution of prediction scores. The random prediction scores were computed analytically with parameter $p=0.3$ (as resulting from the DGP).} \includegraphics[width=.45\linewidth, trim = {0 1cm 0 2cm}, clip]{mcmc_right_prior_prediction.pdf} \end{figure}

Concluding Remarks

Concluding Remarks

\begin{center} \huge \color{USCCardinal}{\textbf{Thank you!}} \end{center}



Formal definitions {.t label=formaldef}

\framesubtitle{\hyperlink{definitions}{\beamerbutton{go back}}}

  1. Phylogenetic tree: In our case, we talk about \textcolor{red}{partially ordered} phylogenetic tree, in particular, $\phylo\equiv (N,E)$ is a tuple of nodes $N$, and edges

    $$ E\equiv {(n, m) \in N\times N: n\mapsto m, \textcolor{red}{n < m}} $$

  2. Offspring of $n$: $O(n)\equiv{m\in N: (n, m) \in E, n\in N}$

  3. Parent node of $m$: $r(m) \equiv{n \in N: (n, m) \in E, m\in N}$

  4. Leaf nodes: $\Leaf(\phylo)\equiv {m \in N: O(m)={\emptyset}}$

  5. Annotations: Given $P$ functions, $\Ann \equiv {\ann_n \in {0,1}^P: n\in \Leaf(\phylo)}$

  6. Annotated Phylogenetic Tree $\aphylo \equiv(\phylo, \Ann)$

  7. Observed Annotated Annotations $\AnnObs = {\annObs_l}_{l\in \Leaf(\phylo)}$,

  8. Experimentally Annotated Phylogenetic Tree $\aphyloObs\equiv(\phylo, \AnnObs)$

Leaf node probabilities {.t label=leafnodesprob}

\framesubtitle{\hyperlink{peelingalgorithm}{\beamerbutton{go back}}}

Internal node probabilities {.t label=internalnodeprob}

\framesubtitle{\hyperlink{peelingalgorithm}{\beamerbutton{go back}}}

Likelihood of the tree {.t label=likelihood}

\framesubtitle{\hyperlink{peelingalgorithm}{\beamerbutton{go back}}}

A simulation study {.t label=sim-convergence}

\framesubtitle{Convergence \hyperlink{sim-setup}{\beamerbutton{go back}}}

\begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=.4\linewidth, trim={0 1.5cm 0 2cm},clip]{gelmans_right_prior.pdf} \caption{Gelman diagnostic for convergence. The closer to 1, the better the convergence. Rule of thumb: A chain has a reasonable convergence if it has a Potential Scale Reduction Factor (PSRF) below 1.10.} \end{figure}

USCbiostats/aphylo documentation built on Oct. 28, 2023, 7:22 a.m.