Man pages for USGS-R/EGRET
Exploration and Graphics for RivEr Trends

as.egretCreate named list for EGRET analysis
blankTimeDeletes the computed values during periods of time when there...
boxConcMonthBox plot of the water quality data by month
boxConcThreeThree box plots side-by-side
boxQTwiceTwo box plots side-by-side, discharge on sample days, and...
boxResidMonthA box plot of WRTDS residuals by month
calculateMonthlyResultsCalculates monthly mean values of Q, Conc, FNConc, Flux, and...
censoredSegmentsGeneric plotting function to create censored line segments
cleanUpcleanUp eList
compressDataCompress sample data frame
concUnit-classconcUnit class
ConstantsConstants included with EGRET
cumQdateCumulative flow calculation
dataOverviewData Overview for WRTDS
dateFormatCheckCheck date format
EGRET-packageEGRET package includes WRTDS and flowHistory
errorStatsError statistics
estCrossValJack-Knife cross validation of the WRTDS (Weighted...
estDailyFromSurfacesEstimates all daily values of Concentration, Flux,...
estSurfacesEstimate the three surfaces (for yHat, SE and ConcHat) as a...
fixSampleFrameUpdate Sample dataframe
flexFNFlexible Flow Normalization
flexPlotAddOnFlexible Flow Normalization Plot Add On
flowDurationComputes several values of the flow duration curve for...
fluxBiasMultiProduces 8-panel plot that is useful for determining if there...
fluxBiasStatCompute the flux bias statistic: (mean of estimated flux -...
fluxUnit-classfluxUnit class
generalAxisAxis generation for log discharge
genericEGRETDotPlotGeneric EGRET plotting function
getDailyGet Daily dataframe from EGRET object
getInfoGet INFO dataframe from EGRET object
getSampleGet Sample dataframe from EGRET object
getSurfacesGet surfaces matrix from EGRET object
helperEGRETEGRET helper functions
INFOdataframeImport metadata to create INFO data frame
is.egretCheck for EGRET object
jitterSamjitter Sample
logPretty1Sets up tick marks for an axis with a log scale, where the...
logPretty3Sets up tick marks for an axis with a log scale
makeAnnualSeriesProduces annual series of 8 streamflow statistics (and a...
makeAugmentedSampleCreate randomized residuals and observations for data sets...
modelEstimationEstimation process for the WRTDS (Weighted Regressions on...
monthLabel-classmonthLabel class
multiPlotDataOverviewProduces a 4 panel plot that gives an overview of the data...
plot15Makes 15 graphs of streamflow statistics on a single page....
plot1of15plots 1 of the 15 graphs of streamflow statistics on a single...
plotConcHistGraph of annual concentration and flow normalized...
plotConcPredPlot of Observed Concentration versus Estimated Concentration
plotConcQPlot of Observed Concentration versus Discharge
plotConcQSmoothPlot up to three curves representing the concentration versus...
plotConcTimePlot of Observed Concentration versus Time
plotConcTimeDailyPlot of the time series of daily concentration estimates and...
plotConcTimeSmoothPlot up to three curves representing the concentration versus...
plotContoursColor contour plot of the estimated surfaces as a function of...
plotDiffContoursPlots the difference between two years from a contour plot...
plotFlowSingleCreates a plot of a time series of a particular flow...
plotFluxHistGraph of annual flux and flow normalized flux versus year
plotFluxPredGraph of observed versus estimated flux
plotFluxQSample data plot: observed log flux vs log discharge
plotFluxTimeDailyPlot of the time series of daily flux estimates and the...
plotFourMakes four graphs of streamflow statistics on a single page
plotFourStatsMakes four graphs of annual streamflow statistics on a single...
plotMonthTrendPlot monthly trend result from runPairs
plotQTimeDailyPlot of the discharge time series
plotResidPredPlot of the residuals from WRTDS versus the estimated values...
plotResidQPlot of the residuals from WRTDS (in log concentration units)...
plotResidTimePlot of the residuals from WRTDS (in log concentration units)...
plotSDLogQGraph of the standard deviation of the log of daily discharge...
populateConcentrationsPopulate Concentration Columns
populateDailyPopulate Daily data frame
populateDailySampMerge concentration to Daily
populateDateColumnsPopulate Date Columns
populateParameterINFOPopulate Parameter Information Columns
populateSampleColumnsPopulate Sample Columns
populateSiteINFOPopulate Site Information Columns
printFluxUnitCheatSheetReminder to user of flux unit properties (such as kg/day,...
printGroupsPrint information about group analysis
printPairsPrint information about pairs analysis
printqUnitCheatSheetReminder to user of flow Unit properties such as cubic meters...
printSeriesPrint annual results for a given streamflow statistic
processQWDataProcessing of Water Quality Data
qUnit-classqUnit class
readDataFromFileBasic Data Import for Water Flow Data
readNWISDailyImport NWIS Daily Data for EGRET analysis
readNWISSampleImport NWIS Sample Data for EGRET analysis
readUserDailyImport user daily data for EGRET analysis
readUserSampleImport user-supplied sample data for EGRET analysis
readWQPSampleImport Sample Data from the Water Quality Portal for WRTDS
removeDuplicatesRemove duplicates values from Sample data frame.
runGroupsRuns a comparison of any group of years in the record.
runPairsRuns a comparison of any two years in the record.
runSeriesAnnual series of flow-normalized concentration and...
runSurvRegRun the weighted survival regression for a set of estimation...
sampleDataExample eList
saveResultsA utility program for saving the contents of the workspace...
selectDaysCreates a subset Daily data frame that only contains daily...
setPASets up the period of analysis (the portion of the year being...
setSeasonLabelCreate a character variable that describes the period of...
setSeasonLabelByUserCreates a character variable that describes the period of...
setupYearsCreates the AnnualResults data frame from the Daily data...
stitchstitch surfaces
surfaceIndexCompute the 6 parameters needed to lay out the grid for the...
surfaceStartEndSurface date limits
tableChangeCreate a table of the changes in flow-normalized values...
tableFlowChangePrints table of change metrics for a given streamflow...
tableResultsTable of annual results for discharge, concentration and flux
triCubeTricube weight function
yPrettySets up tick marks for an axis for a graph with an arithmetic...
USGS-R/EGRET documentation built on Nov. 20, 2024, 7:45 p.m.