plotEdaVar: Plot the scree plot

View source: R/GcClusterFunctions.R

plotEdaVarR Documentation

Plot the scree plot


Plot the variances associated with the (robust) principal components.


plotEdaVar(transData, relOffset = 0.04, size = 3)



List containing the transformed geochemical concentrations and related information. This list is return by function transformGcData, for which the documentation includes a complete description of container transData.


Scalar specifying the relative distance that each percentage of cumulative variance (see Details) is offset from the top of its respective bar.


Scalar specifying the text size for the percentage of cumulative variance (see Details).


In principal component analysis, this plot is called a "scree plot."

The variance for each component is represented by a bar, and above each bar is the cumulative percentage of total variance. The total variance is the sum of the variances for each component. The percentage of variance associated a component is its variance divided by the total variance times 100. The cumulative percentage of total variance for component k is the sum of the percentages from component 1 to component k.


Johnson, R.A., and Wichern, D.W., 2007, Applied multivariate statistical analysis (6th ed.): Pearson Prentice Hall.


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USGS-R/GcClust documentation built on April 17, 2023, 8:08 p.m.