
Defines functions splitGcData plotClusters plotSqrtVarMatrices plotCompMeans plotTransCompMeans calcSimplexStats backTransform plotTCorr plotTMeanSd calcObsTestStats calcCondProbs1 combineChains plotPointStats plotSelectedTraces sampleFmm plotEdaCorr plotEdaDist plotEdaVar transformGcData

Documented in backTransform calcCondProbs1 calcObsTestStats calcSimplexStats combineChains plotClusters plotCompMeans plotEdaCorr plotEdaDist plotEdaVar plotPointStats plotSelectedTraces plotSqrtVarMatrices plotTCorr plotTMeanSd plotTransCompMeans sampleFmm splitGcData transformGcData

#' @title Transform the geochemical data
#' @description Transform the geochemical data first with the
#' isometric log-ratio transform and then with the robust principal
#' component transform.
#' @param gcData
#' List containing the geochemical and related data. This container is
#' described in the package documentation.
#' @param alpha         Fraction of the data used for the robust principal
#'                      component transform (See Details).
#' @details
#' The elements for which chemical concentrations are listed in \code{gcData}
#' are a subset of all elements. For example, the elements might include
#' aluminum and arsenic but might not include silver and plutonium.
#' If the concentrations of these missing elements are accounted for, then the
#' some results of the clustering are easier to interpret.
#' Consequently, the concentrations of the missing elements are collectively
#' represented by an amalgamated concentration. For example,
#' if the sum of the reported concentrations for one field sample is
#' 97,634 mg/kg, then the amalgamated concentration is 1,000,000 - 97,634 mg/kg.
#' Amalgamated concentrations are calculated for all field samples and are
#' appended to the chemical concentrations from \code{gcData} under the column
#' heading "EE", which means "everything else."
#' The chemical concentrations are transformed twice: First, the concentrations
#' are transformed to isometric log-ratio (ilr) coordinates. This
#' transformation is described in Pawlowsky-Glahn et al. (2015, p. 36-38).
#' Second, the ilr coordinates are transformed to robust principal coordinates.
#' This transformation is described in Filzmoser et al. (2009).
#' The transformation requires a mean vector and a covariance matrix; robust
#' values for these two statistics are calculated using function covMcd from
#' package robustbase. One argument to function covMcd is \code{alpha}, which is
#' the fraction of the ilr-transformed coordinates
#' that are used to calculate the two statistics.
#' @return A list with seven elements is returned. The elements are vectors
#' and matrices for which the dimensions depend on two quantities: The number
#' of field samples, N, and the number of geochemical concentrations reported
#' for
#' each field sample, D. (D includes the amalgamated concentration for "EE".)
#' @return \item{Psi}{Contrast matrix that is used for the ilr transformation.
#' The matrix dimensions are (D-1) x D.}
#' @return \item{ilrCoefs}{Matrix of ilr coefficients (coordinates) resulting
#' from ilr transformation of the geochemical concentrations. The
#' matrix dimensions are N x (D-1).}
#' @return \item{robustIlrCenter}{Vector containing the robust mean of the
#' ilr coordinates. The vector dimension is D-1.}
#' @return \item{robustEigenvectors}{Matrix containing the eigenvectors of the
#' robust covariance matrix for the ilr coordinates. The matrix dimension
#' is (D-1) x (D-1).}
#' @return \item{robustEigenvalues}{Vector containing the eigenvalues of
#' the robust covariance matrix for the ilr coordinates. The vector
#' dimension is D-1.}
#' @return \item{robustPCs}{Matrix containing the robust principal components.
#' The matrix dimension is N x (D-1).}
#' @return \item{alpha}{Scalar containing the input argument \code{alpha}.}
#' @references
#' Aitchison, J., 1986, Statistical analysis of compositional data: Chapman and
#' Hall, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida, U.S.A. re-issued in 2003 by The Blackburn
#' Press, Caldwell, New Jersey, U.S.A.
#' Filzmoser, P., Hron, K., and Reimann, C., 2009, Principal component
#' analysis for compositional data with outliers: Environmetrics, v. 20,
#' p. 621-632.
#' Pawlowsky-Glahn, V., Egozcue, J.J., and Tolosana-Delgado, R., 2015, Modeling
#' and analysis of compositional data: John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' transData <- gcTransform(X)
#' }
#' @export
transformGcData <- function(gcData, alpha = 0.98) {

  X <- as.matrix(gcData$concData@data)

  # Add a column "everything else" that accounts for element concentrations
  # that are not measured or have been deleted
  y <- gcData$constSumValue - rowSums(X)
  X <- cbind(X, y)

  Psi <- CalcPsiMatrix2( ncol(X) )
  ilrCoefs <- CalcIlrCoefs( X, t(Psi) )

  mcdResult <- robustbase::covMcd( ilrCoefs, alpha=alpha )

  robustIlrCenter <- mcdResult$center
  robustIlrCov <- mcdResult$cov

  # Implements part of equation 10 in Filzmoser et al. (2009).
  # ilrCoefs corresponds to matrix Z
  # the second term (right side) corresponds to matrix 1T(Z)'
  # centeredIlrCoefs corresponds to matrix Z - 1T(Z)'
  centeredIlrCoefs <- ilrCoefs -  rep.int( 1, nrow( ilrCoefs ) ) %o% robustIlrCenter

  # Implements equation 11 in Filzmoser et al. (2009).
  # svdResult$u corresponds to matrix Gz
  # svdResult$d corresponds to the diagonal of matrix Lz (which is a diagonal matrix)
  svdResult <- svd( robustIlrCov )

  robustEigenvectors <- svdResult$u
  robustEigenvalues <- svdResult$d   # namely, robust variances

  # Implements the rest of equation 10 in Filzmoser et al. (2009).
  # centeredIlrCoefs %*% svdResult$u  corresponds to [Z - 1T(Z)']Gz
  # robustPCs corresponds to Z*
  robustPCs <- centeredIlrCoefs %*% robustEigenvectors

  return( list( Psi = Psi,
                ilrCoefs = ilrCoefs,
                robustIlrCenter = robustIlrCenter,
                robustEigenvectors = robustEigenvectors,
                robustEigenvalues = robustEigenvalues,
                robustPCs = robustPCs,
                alpha = alpha ))

#' @title Plot the scree plot
#' @description Plot the variances associated with the (robust) principal
#' components.
#' @param transData     List containing the transformed geochemical
#' concentrations and related information.
#' This list is return by function \code{\link{transformGcData}}, for which the
#' documentation includes a complete description of container \code{transData}.
#' @param relOffset  Scalar specifying the relative distance that each
#' percentage of cumulative variance (see Details) is offset from the top
#' of its respective bar.
#' @param size  Scalar specifying the text size for the percentage of
#' cumulative variance (see Details).
#' @details
#' In principal component analysis, this plot is called a "scree plot."
#' The variance for each component is represented by a bar, and above each
#' bar is the cumulative percentage of total variance. The total variance
#' is the sum of the variances for each component. The percentage of variance
#' associated a component is its variance divided by the total variance
#' times 100. The cumulative percentage of total variance for component k
#' is the sum of the percentages from component 1 to component k.
#' @references
#' Johnson, R.A., and Wichern, D.W., 2007, Applied multivariate statistical
#' analysis (6th ed.): Pearson Prentice Hall.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' plotEdaVar(transData)
#' }
#' @export
plotEdaVar <- function(transData, relOffset = 0.04, size = 3) {

  variances <- transData$robustEigenvalues
  tmp <- 100 * cumsum( variances ) / sum( variances )
  # cPTV: cumulative percentage of total variance
  varInfo <- data.frame(component = 1:length(variances),
                        variances = variances,
                        cPTV = as.character( round( tmp, digits=2 )),
                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE )

  offset <- relOffset * variances[1]

  p <- ggplot2::ggplot( varInfo,
                        ggplot2::aes(x = component, y = variances),
                        environment = environment() ) +
    ggplot2::geom_bar(stat="identity") +
    ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(x = component,
                                    y = variances+offset,
                                    label = cPTV),
                       angle = 90, size = size ) +
    ggplot2::xlab("Principal component") +



#' @title Plot the principal component distributions
#' @description Plot the distributions of the principal components as
#' both boxplots and violinplots.
#' @param transData     List containing the transformed geochemical
#' concentrations and related information.
#' This list is return by function \code{\link{transformGcData}}, for which the
#' documentation includes a complete description of container \code{transData}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' plotEdaDist(transData)
#' }
#' @export
plotEdaDist <- function(transData) {

  robustPCs <- transData$robustPCs
  colnames(robustPCs) <- 1:ncol(robustPCs)

  df <- reshape2::melt(robustPCs)[,-1]   # the first col contains the row numbers
  colnames(df) <- c("Component", "Value")

  df.sd <- data.frame(Component = colnames(robustPCs))

  p1 <- ggplot2::ggplot( df,
                         ggplot2::aes(x = factor(Component), y = Value),
                         environment = environment() ) +
    ggplot2::geom_boxplot() +
    ggplot2::xlab("Principal component") +
    ggplot2::ylab("Component value") +
    ggplot2::ggtitle("(a)") +

  p2 <- ggplot2::ggplot( df,
                         ggplot2::aes(x = factor(Component), y = Value),
                         environment = environment() ) +
    ggplot2::geom_violin(scale = "width", fill = "grey50") +
    ggplot2::xlab("Principal component") +
    ggplot2::ylab("Component value") +
    ggplot2::ggtitle("(b)") +

  print(p1, vp=grid::viewport(layout.pos.row=1, layout.pos.col=1))
  print(p2, vp=grid::viewport(layout.pos.row=2, layout.pos.col=1))


#' @title Plot the correlations among the principal components
#' @description Plot both the correlation matrix of the principal components and
#' the histogram of the correlations.
#' @param transData     List containing the transformed geochemical
#' concentrations and related information.
#' This list is return by function \code{\link{transformGcData}}, for which the
#' documentation includes a complete description of container \code{transData}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' plotEdaCorr(transData)
#' }
#' @export
plotEdaCorr <- function(transData) {

  corMatrix <- cor(transData$robustPCs)

  p1 <- ggplot2::ggplot(reshape2::melt(corMatrix),
                        ggplot2::aes(Var2, Var1),
                        environment = environment())+
    ggplot2::geom_tile(ggplot2::aes(fill=value), color="white")+
    ggplot2::scale_y_reverse() +
    ggplot2::scale_fill_gradient2(low="blue", high="red", mid="white",
                                  midpoint=0, limit=c(-1,1),
    ggplot2::xlab("Principal component") +
    ggplot2::ylab("Principal component") +
    ggplot2::coord_equal() +
    ggplot2::ggtitle("(a)") +

  df <- data.frame(x = corMatrix[lower.tri(corMatrix)])
  p2 <- ggplot2::ggplot( df,
                         ggplot2::aes(x = x),
                         environment = environment()) +
    ggplot2::geom_histogram() +
    ggplot2::xlab("Correlation (Pearson)") +
    ggplot2::ylab("Count") +
    ggplot2::ggtitle("(b)") +

  print(p1, vp=grid::viewport(layout.pos.row=1, layout.pos.col=1))
  print(p2, vp=grid::viewport(layout.pos.row=2, layout.pos.col=1))


#' @title Sample the posterior pdf
#' @description Sample the posterior probability density function for the
#' Bayesian formulation of the
#' finite mixture model. The model implementation and the sampling are
#' performed with package rstan.
#' @param transData
#' List containing the transformed geochemical
#' concentrations and related information.
#' This list is return by function \code{\link{transformGcData}}, for which the
#' documentation includes a complete description of container \code{transData}.
#' @param nPCs          Number of principal components that are used in the
#'                      finite mixture model (See Details).
#' @param sm            S4 class stanmodel containing the compiled, stan model.
#' @param priorParams   Parameters for the prior pdfs (See Details)
#' @param nWuSamples    Number of warm-up samples in each chain (See details).
#' @param nPwuSamples   Number of post warm-up samples in each chain (See details).
#' @param nChainsPerCore Number of chains that each core computes (See Details).
#' @param nCores        Number of central processing unit (cpu) cores that are
#'                      used (See Details).
#' @param procDir      Directory into which the results are written
#'                      (See Details).
#' @details
#' The parameters in the finite mixture model are estimated
#' from the robust principal components, which are stored as a matrix within
#' \code{transData}. The number of principal components, \code{nPCs},
#' means that
#' principal components 1, 2, ..., nPCs are used in the finite mixture model.
#' That is, all principal components greater than nPCs are not used.
#' Argument priorParams is a vector with 4 elements.
#' \enumerate{
#'  \item{
#' The first element pertains to prior pdf for theta, which is the proportion
#' in the finite mixture model. The prior pdf is a beta pdf, which has two shape
#' parameters. The shape parameters must be equal so that the beta pdf is
#' symmetric with respect to 0.5. Also, the shape parameters must be greater than
#' 1, so that the pdf has a peak at 0.5 and equals 0 at both 0 and 1. Both shape
#' parameters are specified by the single value, priorParams[1].
#'  }
#'  \item{
#' The second element pertains to the prior pdf for the elements of mu1 and
#' mu2, which are the mean vectors in the finite mixture model. The prior pdf
#' is a normal pdf, for which the mean is 0 and the standard deviation is
#' specified by priorParams[2]. Of course, priorParams[2] must be greater than 0.
#'  }
#'  \item{
#' The third element pertains to the prior pdf for the elements of tau1 and
#' tau2, which are the standard deviation vectors in the finite mixture model.
#' The prior pdf is a truncated Cauchy pdf: The Cauchy pdf before truncation has
#' a center of 0 and a scale specified by priorParams[3]. The truncation point is
#' 0, which removes negative values of the random variable. Of course,
#' priorParams[3] must be greater than 0.
#'  }
#'  \item{
#' The fourth element pertains to the prior pdf for Omega1 and Omega2,
#' which are the correlation matrices in the finite mixture model.
#' The prior pdf is the LKJ correlation distribution, which has one shape
#' parameter. When the shape parameter is greater than 1, the LKJ correlation
#' distribution has a mode corresponding to the identity matrix; as the shape
#' parameter increases, the LKJ correlation distribution becomes increasingly
#' concentrated about this mode. The chosen shape parameter always should be
#' greater than 1. The shape parameter is specified by priorParams[4].
#'  }
#' }
#' Appropriate values for the elements of \code{priorParams} are selected
#' by examining the distribution of the principal components.
#' The sampling of the posterior probability density function (pdf)
#' has two parts: warm-up and post warmup. The number of samples
#' during warm-up is \code{nWuSamples}, and the number of samples during post
#' warm-up is \code{nPwuSamples}.
#' The sampling is performed in parallel on multiple central
#' processing unit (cpu) cores. Of course, the number of requested cores
#' \code{nCores} must be less than or equal to the actual number. The
#' parallel computations are organized in the following manner:
#' \code{nCores} cores are requested from the operating system; each core
#' computes \code{nChainsPerCore} individual chains, and each chain is written
#' to its own file in directory \code{procDir}.
#' The sampling method is Hamiltonian Monte Carlo sampling. If the sampling
#' has not converged using the default value for argument \code{nWuSamples},
#' then this argument should be increased. A suitable value might be 2500.
#' @return
#' The returned values may be conveniently divided into two groups.
#' The first group comprises the \code{stanfit} objects that contain the
#' sampling chains. There is one \code{stanfit} object for each chain; the
#' format of the \code{stanfit} object is described in the rstan documentation.
#' The samples within an object are of the following model parameters:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' Parameter \tab Description \cr
#' theta     \tab Proportion of population associated with pdf 1.\cr
#' mu1       \tab Mean vector for pdf 1.\cr
#' mu2       \tab Mean vector for pdf 2.\cr
#' tau1      \tab Standard deviation vector for pdf 1.\cr
#' tau2      \tab Standard deviation vector for pdf 2.\cr
#' L_Omega1  \tab Cholesky decomposition of the correlation matrix for pdf 1.\cr
#' L_Omega2  \tab Cholesky decomposition of the correlation matrix for pdf 2.\cr
#' log_lik   \tab The logarithm of the likelihood function.
#' }
#' Each \code{stanfit} object is written to its own file in
#' directory \code{procDir}.
#' A file name has the form "RawSamples?-?.dat" for which the first
#' question mark is replaced by the core number and the the second question
#' mark replaced by the chain number for the specified core.
#' The important point is that the file name is unique.
#' The second group is a list with 4 elements that is returned by function
#' \code{sampleFmm}:
#' @return \item{nChains}{Number of chains.}
#' @return \item{nWuSamples}{Number of warm-up samples in each chain.}
#' @return \item{nPwuSamples}{Number of post warm-up samples in each chain.}
#' @return \item{fileNames}{Vector containing the names of the files
#' with the \code{stanfit} objects.}
#' The total number of samples per chain equals \code{nWuSamples} plus
#' \code{nPwuSamples}. Only the post warm-up samples are used for inference.
#' @references
#' Gelman, A., Carlin, J.B., Stern, H.S., Dunson, D.B., Vehtari, A.,
#' and Rubin, D.B., 2014, Bayesian data analysis (3rd ed.),
#' CRC Press.
#' Marin, J.M., Mengersen, K. and Robert, C.P., 2005,
#' Bayesian modelling and inference on mixtures of distributions,
#' in Handbook of Statistics 25, D. Dey and C.R. Rao (eds.),
#' Elsevier-Sciences.
#' Stan Development Team, 2015, Stan Modeling Language - Users Guide
#' and Reference Manual, Version 2.6.0, available on line at
#' \url{http://mc-stan.org/} (last accessed October 2015).
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' tmp <- normalizePath(path.package("GcClust"))
#' load(paste(tmp, "\\stan\\MixtureModel.bin", sep=""))
#' samplePars <- sampleFmm(transData, nPCs, sm, priorParams )
#' }
#' @export
sampleFmm <- function(transData, nPCs, sm,
                      nWuSamples = 500,
                      nPwuSamples = 500,
                      nChainsPerCore = 2,
                      nCores = parallel::detectCores(),
                      procDir = ".") {

  rstanParallelSampler <- function(stanData, sm, nWuSamples, nPwuSamples,
                                   nChainsPerCore, nCores, procDir ) {

    CL <- parallel::makeCluster(nCores)

    parallel::clusterExport(cl = CL,
                            c("stanData", "sm", "nWuSamples", "nPwuSamples",
                              "nChainsPerCore", "procDir"),

    fnlist <- parallel::parLapply(CL, 1:nCores, fun = function(cid) {

      # Make rstan available to the processors. This function won't work
      # otherwise. So, I'm violating the principles in "R packages",
      # p. 34, 82-84
      require(rstan, quietly = TRUE)

      fileNames <- vector(mode = "character", length = nChainsPerCore)

      for(i in 1:nChainsPerCore) {

        rng_seed <- sample.int(.Machine$integer.max,1)

        gen_inits <- function() {
          areInGrp1 <- sample(c(TRUE,FALSE), size = stanData$N,
                              prob = c(0.3, 0.7), replace = TRUE)
            theta = runif(1, min = 0.35, max = 0.65),
            mu1 = apply(stanData$Z[areInGrp1,], 2, mean ),
            mu2 = apply(stanData$Z[!areInGrp1,], 2, mean ),
            tau1 = apply(stanData$Z[areInGrp1,], 2, sd ),
            tau2 = apply(stanData$Z[!areInGrp1,], 2, sd ),
            L_Omega1 = diag(stanData$M),
            L_Omega2 = diag(stanData$M)

        # Sampling from finite mixture model can be difficult --- the chains
        # tend to get stuck. I have read two different suggestions in the
        # emails for the rstan users group.
        # 1. Suggestions from Michael Betacourt "This is ... a failure of
        # convergence. The problem is the extreme curvature near zero which
        # causes the gradients, and hence the HMC transitions, to fail."
        # "An ... option is to decrease the step size (or increase the
        # target average acceptance probability in the adaptation).
        # Alternatively you can try to find a parameterization that reduces
        # the change in curvature.  Lastly  you can reduce the curvature by
        # smoothing out your model ..."
        # "... just set adapt delta=0.9 (or 0.95, 0.99, increasing until
        # n_divergence is always zero).  The other defaults will change
        # (or not) as necessary automatically.  In general increasing the
        # target average acceptance probability may lead to smaller
        # efficiency but it will always lead to a more robust sampler
        # so it’s a very safe knob to turn."
        # The user found that this suggestion did not work well.
        # I too tried
        # this suggestion and also switched to a smooth prior pdf for tau1 and
        # tau2. I found that the number of stuck chains was signficantly
        # reduced.I don't know which of the two actions had this effect.
        # However, one chain did get stuck. In some
        # test of short chains, I found that the initial values of the chains
        # (for a particular parameter) varied a lot; some where quite large or
        # small. Is init = "0" not working? As adapt_delta increases,
        # the sampling time increases. If adapt_delta is 0.95 or larger, the
        # sampling time can be relatively long.
        # https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!searchin/stan-users/stuck$20chains/stan-users/xEG18UzoCGo/EeXeqPox3sAJ
        # 2. Suggestion from another consultant: Reduce parameter stepsize
        # to a small value, say 0.0001. Betacourt did not comment on this
        # suggestion, so I suspect that he doesn't favor it. In some tests,
        # I found that the initial values of the chains (for a particular
        # parameter) were identical. This behavior is expected because
        # init = "0". Nevertheless, this suggestion solves the problem.

        rawSamples <- rstan::sampling(sm, data = stanData,
                                      init = gen_inits,
                                      # control = list(stepsize = 0.00001),
                                      control = list(stepsize = 0.0001),
                                      # control = list(adapt_delta = 0.95),
                                      chains = 1,
                                      iter = nWuSamples + nPwuSamples,
                                      warmup = nWuSamples,
                                      seed = rng_seed, chain_id = cid,
                                      pars=c("theta", "mu1", "mu2",
                                             "tau1", "tau2",
                                             "L_Omega1", "L_Omega2", "log_lik"),
                                      save_dso = FALSE)

        fileNames[i] <- paste("RawSamples", cid, "-", i, ".dat", sep = "")
        save( rawSamples, file = paste(procDir, "\\", fileNames[i], sep = "") )

    } )


  if(priorParams[1] <= 1)
    stop("Element 1 of priorParams must be > 1.")

  if(priorParams[2] <= 0)
    stop("Element 2 of priorParams must be > 0.")

  if(priorParams[3] <= 0)
    stop("Element 3 of priorParams must be > 0.")

  if(priorParams[4] <= 1)
    stop("Element 4 of priorParams must be > 1.")

  if(nCores > parallel::detectCores())
    stop("The number of requested cpu's must be <= the number of actual cpu's.")

  stanData <- list( M = nPCs,
                    N = nrow(transData$robustPCs),
                    Z = transData$robustPCs[,1:nPCs],
                    priorParams = priorParams )

  fileNames <- rstanParallelSampler(stanData, sm, nWuSamples, nPwuSamples,
                                    nChainsPerCore, nCores, procDir )

  return(list(nChains = nChainsPerCore * nCores,
              nWuSamples = nWuSamples,
              nPwuSamples = nPwuSamples,
              fileNames = fileNames))

#' @title Plot selected traces
#' @description Plot selected traces for each chain. Analysis of these traces
#' shows whether within-chain label switching has occurred and whether the
#' traces are stationary.
#' @param samplePars
#' List containing, among other things, the names of the files in which the
#' \code{stanfit} objects are stored. Each \code{stanfit} object contains
#' one chain comprising samples
#' of the posterior pdf.
#' List \code{samplePars} is return by function
#' \code{\link{sampleFmm}}, for which the documentation includes
#' a complete description of the list.
#' @param procDir
#' Directory containing the files with the \code{stanfit} objects.
#' @details
#' Three plots are generated for each chain:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item Trace of the proportion associated with pdf 1
#'  \item Traces of the first element of the two mean vectors.
#'  \item Traces of the first element of the two standard deviation
#'  vectors.
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' plotTraces(samplePars, procDir)
#' }
#' @export
plotSelectedTraces <- function(samplePars, procDir = ".") {

  sampleIndices <- samplePars$nWuSamples + 1:samplePars$nPwuSamples
  N <- length(samplePars$fileNames)
  for(i in 1:N){

    print(paste("Chain ", i, sep = ""))

    devAskNewPage( ask = TRUE )

    load( paste(procDir, "\\", samplePars$fileNames[i], sep = ""))
    theSamples <- rstan::extract(rawSamples, permuted = FALSE)

    df <- data.frame(indices = sampleIndices,
                     theta = theSamples[, 1, "theta"],
                     mu1 = theSamples[, 1, "mu1[1]"],
                     mu2 = theSamples[, 1, "mu2[1]"],
                     tau1 = theSamples[, 1, "tau1[1]"],
                     tau2 = theSamples[, 1, "tau2[1]"] )

    p1 <- ggplot2::ggplot( df,
                           ggplot2::aes(x = indices, y = theta),
                           environment = environment() ) +
      ggplot2::geom_line() +
      ggplot2::xlab("Sample index") +
      ggplot2::ylab("Proportion") +
      ggplot2::ggtitle("(a)") +

    p2 <- ggplot2::ggplot( df,
                           ggplot2::aes(x = indices),
                           environment = environment() ) +
      ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(y = mu1, colour = "1")) +
      ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(y = mu2, colour = "2")) +
      ggplot2::scale_color_manual("Pdf", values = c("1" = "blue", "2" = "red")) +
      ggplot2::xlab("Sample index") +
      ggplot2::ylab("Element 1 of mean vectors") +
      ggplot2::ggtitle("(b)") +

    p3 <- ggplot2::ggplot( df,
                           ggplot2::aes(x = indices),
                           environment = environment() ) +
      ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(y = tau1, colour = "1")) +
      ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(y = tau2, colour = "2")) +
      ggplot2::scale_color_manual("Pdf", values = c("1" = "blue", "2" = "red")) +
      ggplot2::xlab("Sample index") +
      ggplot2::ylab("Element 1 of std dev vectors") +
      ggplot2::ggtitle("(c)") +

    print(p1, vp=grid::viewport(layout.pos.row=1, layout.pos.col=1))
    print(p2, vp=grid::viewport(layout.pos.row=2, layout.pos.col=1))
    print(p3, vp=grid::viewport(layout.pos.row=3, layout.pos.col=1))

    devAskNewPage( ask = options()$device.ask.default )

#' @title Plot point statistics for each chain
#' @description Plot point statistics for each chain. The point statistics are
#' calculated and plotted for element 1 of the
#' two mean vectors, element 1 of the two standard deviation vectors,
#' the proportion associated with pdf1, and the log-likelihood.
#' @param samplePars
#' List containing, among other things, the names of the files in which the
#' \code{stanfit} objects are stored. These \code{stanfit} objects contain
#' the samples
#' of the posterior pdf, which are needed to calculate the point statistics.
#' List \code{samplePars} is return by function
#' \code{\link{sampleFmm}}, for which the documentation includes
#' a complete description of the list.
#' @param procDir
#' Directory containing the files with the \code{stanfit} objects.
#' @param excludedChains Vector with the indices of the chains for which
#' the point statistics are not used to calculate plot ranges. See Details.
#' @details
#' To prevent a point statistic for a particular Monte Carlo sampling chain
#' from being included in the calculation of
#' the plot range, the index of that chain is specified in
#' argument \code{excludedChains}. In other words, the point statistics for
#' all chains are calculated and plotted. If a few chains are specified by
#' argument \code{excludedChains}, then the calculation of the plot ranges
#' does not use those specified chains.
#' The calculation of the point statistics for every chain requires a
#' minute or two.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' plotPointStats(samplePars)
#' }
#' @export
plotPointStats <- function(samplePars, procDir = ".",
                           excludedChains = NULL ) {

  N <- length(samplePars$fileNames)

  statNames <-
    c("mu1[1]","mu2[1]","tau1[1]","tau2[1]","theta","log_lik", "lp__")

  probs <- c(0.025, 0.50, 0.975)
  theQuantiles <- array(NA_real_,
                        dim = c(length(probs), length(statNames), N),
                        dimnames = list(probs, statNames, paste("Chain",1:N)) )

  for(i in 1:N) {
    load( paste(procDir, "\\", samplePars$fileNames[i], sep = ""))
    chainStats <- rstan::summary(rawSamples, pars = statNames, probs = probs)$c_summary

    # excludes the first two columns, which contain the mean and sd
    theQuantiles[, , i] <- t(chainStats[statNames, -(1:2), 1])

  Internal1 <- function( X, excludedChains, yLabel, plotLabel ) {
    if(is.null(excludedChains)) {
      yRange <- range( X, na.rm = TRUE )
    } else {
      yRange <- range( X[, -excludedChains], na.rm = TRUE )

    solutions <- as.character(1:ncol(X))

    df <- data.frame(x = factor(solutions, levels = solutions),
                      y = X["0.5", ],
                      ymin = X["0.025",],
                      ymax = X["0.975",] )
    p <- ggplot2::ggplot(df,
                          ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax),
                          environment = environment() ) +
      ggplot2::geom_pointrange() +
      ggplot2::ylim(yRange[1], yRange[2]) +
      ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle=90, vjust=0.125)) +
      ggplot2::xlab("Chain") +
      ggplot2::ylab(yLabel) +
      ggplot2::ggtitle(plotLabel) +


  Internal2 <- function( X, Y, excludedChains, yLabel, plotLabel ) {
    if(is.null(excludedChains)) {
      yRange <- range( X, Y, na.rm = TRUE )
    } else {
      yRange <- range( X[, -excludedChains], Y[, -excludedChains],
                       na.rm = TRUE )

    solutions <- as.character(1:ncol(X))

    df <- data.frame(x = factor(solutions, levels = solutions),
                     y1 = X["0.5", ],
                     ymin1 = X["0.025",],
                     ymax1 = X["0.975",],
                     y2 = Y["0.5", ],
                     ymin2 = Y["0.025",],
                     ymax2 = Y["0.975",] )
    p <- ggplot2::ggplot(df, environment = environment() ) +
      ggplot2::geom_pointrange(ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y1, ymin = ymin1, ymax = ymax1),
                               colour = "blue") +
      ggplot2::geom_pointrange(ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y2, ymin = ymin2, ymax = ymax2),
                               colour = "red") +
      ggplot2::ylim(yRange[1], yRange[2]) +
      ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle=90, vjust=0.25)) +
      ggplot2::xlab("Chain") +
      ggplot2::ylab(yLabel) +
      ggplot2::ggtitle(plotLabel) +


  p1 <- Internal2(theQuantiles[, "mu1[1]", ], theQuantiles[, "mu2[1]", ],
                  excludedChains, "Element 1 of the mean vectors", "(a)")
  p2 <- Internal2(theQuantiles[, "tau1[1]", ], theQuantiles[, "tau2[1]", ],
                  excludedChains, "Element 1 of the standard deviation vectors",
  p3 <- Internal1(theQuantiles[, "theta", ], excludedChains, "Proportion",
  p4 <- Internal1(theQuantiles[, "log_lik", ], excludedChains, "Log-likelihood",

  grid::pushViewport(grid::viewport(layout = grid::grid.layout(2,2)))
  print(p1, vp = grid::viewport(layout.pos.row = 1, layout.pos.col = 1))
  print(p2, vp = grid::viewport(layout.pos.row = 1, layout.pos.col = 2))
  print(p3, vp = grid::viewport(layout.pos.row = 2, layout.pos.col = 1))
  print(p4, vp = grid::viewport(layout.pos.row = 2, layout.pos.col = 2))


#' @title Combine selected chains
#' @description Combine and arrange selected, individual chains to create a set
#' of chains.
#' @param samplePars
#' List containing, among other things, the names of the files in which the
#' \code{stanfit} objects are stored. These objects contain the samples
#' of the posterior pdf. This list is return by function
#' \code{\link{sampleFmm}}, for which the documentation includes
#' a complete description of container \code{samplePars}.
#' @param selectedChains  Dataframe listing the indices of the chains that
#'  are combined. (See Details).
#' @param procDir
#' Directory containing the files with the \code{stanfit} objects.
#' @details
#' Argument \code{selectedChains} is a dataframe with two columns. The first
#' column, for which the heading is "Chain," comprises the indices of the chains
#' that will be combined. The second column, for which the heading is
#' "isSwitched", comprises logical values (that is, TRUE or FALSE), which
#' indicate whether the variables in the associated chain are switched.
#' To understand \code{selectedChains} consider two examples. (1) Assume that
#' row 1 of \code{selectedChains} comprises the values 2 and FALSE. These
#' values
#' indicate that chain 2 will be included in the combination and that
#' the variables in the
#' finite mixture model are not switched. That is, variable mu1 in the
#' chain is assigned to mu1, variable mu2 in the chain is assigned to mu2, and
#' so on. (2) Assume that
#' row 2 of \code{selectedChains} comprises the values 4 and TRUE. These
#' values
#' indicate that chain 4 will be included in the combination and
#' that the variables in the
#' finite mixture model are switched. That is, variable mu1 in the
#' chain is assigned to mu2, variable mu2 in the chain is assigned to mu1, and
#' so on.
#' @return The returned value is a \code{stanfit} object,
#' which is described in the rstan documentation. This object comprises
#' the multiple chains, which have samples of
#' the following model parameters:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' Parameter \tab Description \cr
#' theta     \tab Proportion of population associated with pdf 1.\cr
#' mu1       \tab Mean vector for pdf 1.\cr
#' mu2       \tab Mean vector for pdf 2.\cr
#' tau1      \tab Standard deviation vector for pdf 1.\cr
#' tau2      \tab Standard deviation vector for pdf 2.\cr
#' L_Omega1  \tab Cholesky decomposition of the correlation matrix for pdf 1.\cr
#' L_Omega2  \tab Cholesky decomposition of the correlation matrix for pdf 2.\cr
#' log_lik   \tab The logarithm of the likelihood function.
#' }
#' @references
#' Stan Development Team, 2015, Stan Modeling Language - Users Guide
#' and Reference Manual, Version 2.6.0, available on line at
#' \url{http://mc-stan.org/} (last accessed October 2015).
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' combinedChains <- combineChains(samplePars, selectedChains)
#' }
#' @export
combineChains <- function(samplePars, selectedChains, procDir = ".") {

  sfList <- vector(mode = "list")
  for(k in 1:nrow(selectedChains)) {
    iChain <- selectedChains[k, "Chain"]
    load( paste(procDir, "\\", samplePars$fileNames[iChain], sep = ""))

    if(selectedChains[k, "isSwitched"] == TRUE) {

      rawSamples@sim$samples[[1]]$theta <- 1 - rawSamples@sim$samples[[1]]$theta

      N <- rawSamples@par_dims$mu1
      for(i in 1:N) {

        # mean vectors
        var1 <- paste("rawSamples@sim$samples[[1]]$\"mu1[", i, "]\"", sep="")
        tmp1 <- eval(parse(text = var1))

        var2 <- paste("rawSamples@sim$samples[[1]]$\"mu2[", i, "]\"", sep="")
        tmp2 <- eval(parse(text = var2))

        eval(parse(text = paste(var1, " <- tmp2")))

        eval(parse(text = paste(var2, " <- tmp1")))

        # standard deviation vectors
        var1 <- paste("rawSamples@sim$samples[[1]]$\"tau1[", i, "]\"", sep="")
        tmp1 <- eval(parse(text = var1))

        var2 <- paste("rawSamples@sim$samples[[1]]$\"tau2[", i, "]\"", sep="")
        tmp2 <- eval(parse(text = var2))

        eval(parse(text = paste(var1, " <- tmp2")))

        eval(parse(text = paste(var2, " <- tmp1")))

        # cholesky decompositions of the correlation matrices
        for(j in 1:N) {
          var1 <- paste("rawSamples@sim$samples[[1]]$\"L_Omega1[", i, ",", j, "]\"", sep="")
          tmp1 <- eval(parse(text = var1))

          var2 <- paste("rawSamples@sim$samples[[1]]$\"L_Omega2[", i, ",", j, "]\"", sep="")
          tmp2 <- eval(parse(text = var2))

          eval(parse(text = paste(var1, " <- tmp2")))

          eval(parse(text = paste(var2, " <- tmp1")))


    sfList[[k]] <- rawSamples



#' @title Calculate conditional probabilities
#' @description Calculate, for each field sample, Monte Carlo samples of
#' the conditional probability that the field sample is
#' associated with the first probability density function in the finite
#' mixture model.
#' @param transData     List containing the transformed geochemical
#' concentrations and related information.
#' This list is return by function \code{\link{transformGcData}}, for which the
#' documentation includes a complete description of container \code{transData}.
#' @param nPCs
#' Number of principal components that were used in the finite mixture model.
#' @param combinedChains
#' A \code{stanfit} object containing multiple Monte Carlo chains. This
#' object is return by function \code{\link{combineChains}}, for which the
#' documentation includes a complete description of container
#' \code{combinedChains}.
#' @details
#' The conditional probabilities are calculated using the formula in Gelman
#' et al. (2014, p. 540 bottom).
#' @return A matrix containing the Monte Carlo samples of the
#' conditional probabilites. The number of matrix columns equals the
#' number of field samples, and the number of matrix rows equals the
#' number of Monte Carlo samples in \code{combinedChains}. That is,
#' column j of the matrix contains Monte Carlo samples of the conditional
#' probability that field sample j is associated with the first probability
#' density function in the finite mixture model.
#' @references
#' Gelman, A., Carlin, J.B., Stern, H.S., Dunson, D.B., Vehtari, A.,
#' and Rubin, D.B., 2014, Bayesian data analysis (3rd ed.),
#' CRC Press.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' condProbs1 <- calcCondProbs1(transData, nPCs, combinedChains)
#' }
#' @export
calcCondProbs1 <- function(transData, nPCs, combinedChains) {

  theSamples <- rstan::extract(combinedChains)

  nMCSamples <- length(theSamples$theta)
  nFldSamples <- nrow(transData$robustPCs)

  condProb <- matrix(NA_real_, ncol = nFldSamples, nrow = nMCSamples )

  for(i in 1:nMCSamples){

    L_Sigma1 <- theSamples$tau1[i, ] * theSamples$L_Omega1[i, , ]
    Sigma1 <- L_Sigma1 %*% t(L_Sigma1)
    ps1 <- log(theSamples$theta[i]) +
      mvtnorm::dmvnorm( transData$robustPCs[,1:nPCs],
                        mean = theSamples$mu1[i, ],
                        sigma = Sigma1, log = TRUE )

    L_Sigma2 <- theSamples$tau2[i, ] * theSamples$L_Omega2[i, , ]
    Sigma2 <- L_Sigma2 %*% t(L_Sigma2)
    ps2 <- log(1-theSamples$theta[i]) +
      mvtnorm::dmvnorm( transData$robustPCs[,1:nPCs],
                        mean = theSamples$mu2[i, ],
                        sigma = Sigma2, log = TRUE )

    log_denom <- log(exp(ps1) + exp(ps2))
    condProb[i,] <- exp(ps1 - log_denom)


#' @title Calculate observed test statistics for model checking
#' @description Calculate test statistics for posterior
#' predictive checking
#' of the parameters in the finite mixture model. The test statistics pertain
#' to the observed data that have undergone both the isometric log-ratio
#' transform and the robust, principal component transform.
#' @param transData     List containing the transformed geochemical
#' concentrations and related information.
#' This list is return by function \code{\link{transformGcData}}, for which the
#' documentation includes a complete description of container \code{transData}.
#' @param nPCs          Number of principal components that were used in the
#'                      finite mixture model.
#' @param condProbs1
#' A matrix containing the Monte Carlo samples of the
#' conditional probabilites. This matrix is returned by function
#' \code{\link{calcCondProbs1}}, for which the documentation includes a
#' complete description of container \code{condProbs1}.
#' @details
#' Test statistics are defined in Gelman et al. (2014, p. 145) and
#' are used for posterior predictive checking of the finite mixture model.
#' @return A list with the following test quantities is returned.
#' @return \item{mu1}{Mean vector for pdf 1.}
#' @return \item{mu2}{Mean vector for pdf 2.}
#' @return \item{tau1}{Standard deviation vector for pdf 1.}
#' @return \item{tau2}{Standard deviation vector for pdf 2.}
#' @return \item{Corr1}{Correlation matrix for pdf 1.}
#' @return \item{Corr2}{Correlation matrix for pdf 2.}
#' @references
#' Gelman, A., Carlin, J.B., Stern, H.S., Dunson, D.B.,
#' Vehtari, A., and Rubin, D.B., 2014, Bayesian data analysis (3rd ed.):
#' CRC Press.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' obsTestStats <- calcObsTestStats(transData, nPCs, condProbs1)
#' }
#' @export
calcObsTestStats <- function(transData, nPCs, condProbs1) {

  # associated with pdf 1
  S1 <- cov.wt(transData$robustPCs[,1:nPCs], wt = apply(condProbs1, 2, median) )

  # associated with pdf 2
  condProbs2 <- 1 - condProbs1
  S2 <- cov.wt(transData$robustPCs[,1:nPCs], wt = apply(condProbs2, 2, median) )

  return(list(mu1 = S1$center,
              mu2 = S2$center,
              tau1 = sqrt(diag(S1$cov)),
              tau2 = sqrt(diag(S2$cov)),
              Corr1 = cov2cor(S1$cov),
              Corr2 = cov2cor(S2$cov)))

#   areIn1 = as.logical(round(colMeans(condProbs1)))
#   X1 <- transData$robustPCs[areIn1,1:nPCs]
#   X2 <- transData$robustPCs[!areIn1,1:nPCs]
#     return(list(mu1 = apply(X1, 2, mean),
#                 mu2 = apply(X2, 2, mean),
#                 tau1 = apply(X1, 2, sd),
#                 tau2 = apply(X2, 2, sd),
#                 Corr1 = cor(X1),
#                 Corr2 = cor(X2)))


#' @title Plot test statistics for the mean and standard deviation vectors
#' @description Plot test statistics for the mean and standard deviation
#' vectors in the pdfs of the finite mixture model.
#' These test statistics are used for
#' posterior predictive checking of the model.
#' @param combinedChains
#' A \code{stanfit} object containing multiple Monte Carlo chains. This
#' object is return by function \code{\link{combineChains}}, for which the
#' documentation includes a complete description of container
#' \code{combinedChains}.
#' @param obsTestStats
#' List containing the test statistics for the observed data (namely, the
#' principal components). This list is return by
#' function \code{\link{calcObsTestStats}},
#' for which the documentation includes a
#' complete description of container \code{obsTestStats}.
#' @param intervalPercentage Credible interval for the distributions of the test
#' statistic. Typical values might be 50, 90, or 95.
#' @details
#' The plot of the test statistics appears as a 2x2 matrix. The first and
#' second rows pertain, respectively,
#' to the mean and standard deviation vectors.
#' The first and second columns pertain, respectively, to the first and second pdfs
#' in the finite mixture model.
#' The formats of the four plots in the 2x2 matrix are identical,
#' so only one plot is described. The horizontal axis specifies the
#' vector elements
#' within the mean or standard deviation vector. The vertical axis specifies
#' the values for those vector elements. There are two plot symbols for every
#' vector element. One plot symbol pertains to the Monte Carlo samples of the
#' vector element. These
#' samples, which are the replicated data for the posterior predictive check,
#' are one test statistic and are designated "T.rep". The distribution of T.rep is
#' summarized by its median and the credible interval, which are
#' represented by a horizontal line and a vertical line, respectively.
#' The second plot symbol pertains to the value of the vector element that
#' is calculated from the principal components. This value, which is the
#' observed data for the posterior predictive check, is the
#' other test statistic and is designated "T.obs".
#' It is represented by a red dot.
#' The relation between T.obs and the distribution for T.rep is summarized by
#' the posterior predictive p-value, which is printed at the top edge of the
#' plot. The p-value is defined as the probability
#' that the test statistic for the
#' replicated data could be more extreme that the test statistic for the
#' observed data (Gelman et al., 2014, p. 146). In mathematical
#' terms, pvalue = Pr( T.rep >= T.obs).
#' The p-value is close to 1 when T.obs is in the left tail of the
#' distribution for T.rep. This can confuse the interpretation of the p-value,
#' so, for this situation, the mathematical definition is modified slightly:
#'    pvalue = Pr( T.rep < T.obs)
#' (Gelman et al., 2014, p. 148). Consequently, the calculated p-value is
#' always less than 0.5, and it may be interpreted in the standard way.
#' @references
#' Gelman, A., Carlin, J.B., Stern, H.S., Dunson, D.B.,
#' Vehtari, A., and Rubin, D.B., 2014, Bayesian data analysis (3rd ed.):
#' CRC Press.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' plotTMeanSd( combinedChains, obsTestStats)
#' }
#' @export
plotTMeanSd <- function( combinedChains, obsTestStats,
                                intervalPercentage = 95) {

  Internal1 <- function(Tobs, Trep, intervalPercentage, yLabel, plotLabel){

    nComponents <- ncol(Trep)
    nMcSamples <- nrow(Trep)

    tailPercentage <- 0.5*(100.0-intervalPercentage)
    probs <- c(tailPercentage, 50, 100.0-tailPercentage)/100.0
    theQuantiles <- t(apply(Trep, 2, quantile, probs = probs, names = FALSE))

    pValues <- vector(mode="numeric", length=nComponents )
    for(j in 1:nComponents) {
      # defined in Gelman et al., p. 146
      tmp <- sum(Trep[, j] > Tobs[j]) / nMcSamples
      pValues[j] <- ifelse(tmp <= 0.5, tmp, 1-tmp)
    pValues <- round(pValues, digits=2)

    df <- data.frame(x = 1:nComponents,
                     Trep_50 = theQuantiles[, 2],
                     Trep_min = theQuantiles[, 1],
                     Trep_max = theQuantiles[, 3],
                     T_obs = Tobs,
                     pValues = pValues)

    p <- ggplot2::ggplot(df,
                         ggplot2::aes(x = x),
                         environment = environment()) +
      ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(y = Tobs),
                          shape = 16, size = 3, colour="#FF6C91") +
      ggplot2::geom_pointrange(ggplot2::aes(y = Trep_50, ymin = Trep_min,
                                            ymax = Trep_max), shape = 3) +
      ggplot2::xlab("Principal component") +
      ggplot2::ylab(yLabel) +
      ggplot2::ggtitle(plotLabel) +

    p <- p + ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(y = max(Trep_max),
                                             label = pValues),
                                size = 3, vjust = 0, angle = 90,
                                colour = ifelse(pValues < 0.10, "red", "black"))

  p_mu1 <- Internal1( obsTestStats$mu1,
                      rstan::extract(combinedChains, pars="mu1")$mu1,
                      "Mean, pdf 1", "(a)")
  p_tau1 <- Internal1( obsTestStats$tau1,
                       rstan::extract(combinedChains, pars="tau1")$tau1,
                       "Standard deviation, pdf 1", "(c)")
  p_mu2 <- Internal1( obsTestStats$mu2,
                      rstan::extract(combinedChains, pars="mu2")$mu2,
                      "Mean, pdf 2", "(b)")
  p_tau2 <- Internal1( obsTestStats$tau2,
                       rstan::extract(combinedChains, pars="tau2")$tau2,
                       "Standard deviation, pdf 2", "(d)")

  print(p_mu1, vp=grid::viewport(layout.pos.row=1, layout.pos.col=1))
  print(p_mu2, vp=grid::viewport(layout.pos.row=1, layout.pos.col=2))
  print(p_tau1, vp=grid::viewport(layout.pos.row=2, layout.pos.col=1))
  print(p_tau2, vp=grid::viewport(layout.pos.row=2, layout.pos.col=2))


#' @title Plot test statistics for the correlation matrices
#' @description Plot test statistics for the correlation matrices in the pdfs
#' of the finite mixture model. These test statistics are used for
#' posterior predictive checking of the model.
#' @param combinedChains
#' A \code{stanfit} object containing multiple Monte Carlo chains. This
#' object is return by function \code{\link{combineChains}}, for which the
#' documentation includes a complete description of container
#' \code{combinedChains}.
#' @param obsTestStats
#' List containing the test statistics for the observed data.
#' This list is return by function \code{\link{calcObsTestStats}},
#' for which the documentation includes a
#' complete description of container \code{obsTestStats}.
#' @details
#' The plot of the test statistics appears as a 2x2 matrix. The first and second
#' rows pertain to the first and second pdfs of the finite mixture model.
#' The first column
#' presents comparisons of the correlation matrices.  For each pdf, the
#' comparison is a composite of the upper triangle of the
#' correlation matrix that is calculated from the principal components and
#' the lower triangle of the correlation matrix that is the median of its
#' Monte Carlo samples. Corresponding elements in the upper and lower triangles
#' should be almost identical.
#' The second column presents the posterior predictive p-values for every
#' element in the correlation
#' matrices. To simplify the explanation, consider a p-value for one
#' matrix element.
#' The p-value is calculated from two test statistics: One
#' test statistic is the correlation
#' calculated from the principal components, which are the observed data for
#' the posterior predictive check. This test statistic is designated "T.obs".
#' The other test statistic is the specified matrix element
#' from the Monte Carlo sample of the correlation matrix, which is
#' the replicated data for the posterior predictive check. This test statistic
#' is designated "T.rep". Because
#' there are many Monte Carlo samples, there are many values for T.rep.
#' The relation between T.obs and the distribution for T.rep is summarized by
#' the posterior predictive p-value. The p-value is defined as the probability
#' that the test statistic for the
#' replicated data could be more extreme that the test statistic for the
#' observed data (Gelman et al., 2014, p. 146). In mathematical
#' terms, pvalue = Pr( T.rep >= T.obs).
#' The p-value is close to 1 when T.obs is in the left tail of the
#' distribution for T.rep. This can confuse the interpretation of the p-value,
#' so, for this situation, the mathematical definition is modified slightly:
#'    pvalue = Pr( T.rep < T.obs)
#' (Gelman et al., 2014, p. 148). Consequently, the calculated p-value is
#' always less than 0.5, and it may be interpreted in the standard way.
#' For each pdf, the p-values are presented within the upper triangle of a
#' matrix having the same dimension as the correlation matrix. Consequently, the
#' relation between this matrix of p-values and the correlation matrix is
#' readily apparent.
#' The color scale ranges from the smallest calculated p-value to 0.5,
#' which is the largest possible p-value.
#' @references
#' Gelman, A., Carlin, J.B., Stern, H.S., Dunson, D.B.,
#' Vehtari, A., and Rubin, D.B., 2014, Bayesian data analysis (3rd ed.):
#' CRC Press.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' plotTCorr(combinedChains, obsTestStats)
#' }
#' @export
plotTCorr <- function( combinedChains, obsTestStats) {

  Internal1 <- function(obsCorr, repCorr, plotLabel) {
    Y <- apply(repCorr, c(2,3), median)

    M <- nrow(obsCorr)
    Z <- matrix(1.0, nrow = M, ncol = M, dimnames = list( 1:M, 1:M))
    Z[upper.tri(Z)] <- obsCorr[upper.tri(obsCorr)]
    Z[lower.tri(Z)] <- Y[lower.tri(Y)]

    X <- reshape2::melt(Z)
    X <- na.omit(X)

    w <- ggplot2::ggplot(X, ggplot2::aes(Var2, Var1))+
      ggplot2::geom_tile(data=X, ggplot2::aes(fill=value), color="white")+
      ggplot2::scale_y_reverse() +
      ggplot2::scale_fill_gradient2(low="blue", high="red", mid="white",
                                    midpoint=0, limit=c(-1,1),
      ggplot2::xlab("Principal component") +
      ggplot2::ylab("Principal component") +
      ggplot2::coord_equal() +
      ggplot2::ggtitle(plotLabel) +


  Internal2 <- function(obsCorr, repCorr, plotLabel) {

    theDimensions <- dim(repCorr)
    nMcSamples <- theDimensions[1]
    M <- theDimensions[2]

    pValues <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = M, ncol = M, dimnames = list( 1:M, 1:M) )
    for(i in 1:(M-1)) {
      for(j in (i+1):M) {
        tmp <- sum(repCorr[ , i, j ] > obsCorr[i,j]) / nMcSamples
        pValues[i,j] <- ifelse(tmp <= 0.5, tmp, 1-tmp)

    # The rational for the following code is presented in function Internal1.
    pValues <- pValues[rev(rownames(pValues)),]

    Z <- reshape2::melt(pValues)
    Z <- na.omit(Z)

    w <- ggplot2::ggplot(Z, ggplot2::aes(Var2, Var1))+
      ggplot2::geom_tile(data=Z, ggplot2::aes(fill=value), color="white")+
      ggplot2::scale_y_reverse() +
                                   high = "#132B43", low = "#56B1F7",
      ggplot2::xlab("Principal component") +
      ggplot2::ylab("Principal component") +
      ggplot2::coord_equal() +
      ggplot2::ggtitle(plotLabel) +


  calcCorrMatrixSamples <- function(L_Omega) {

    corrMatrixSamples <- array(NA_real_, dim=dim(L_Omega) )
    nMcSamples <- dim(L_Omega)[1]
    for(i in 1:nMcSamples) {
      corrMatrixSamples[i, , ] <- L_Omega[i, , ] %*% t(L_Omega[i, , ])

  L_Omega1 <- rstan::extract(combinedChains, pars="L_Omega1")$L_Omega1
  corrMatrixSamples <- calcCorrMatrixSamples(L_Omega1)

  p1 <- Internal1(obsTestStats$Corr1, corrMatrixSamples, "(a)")
  p2 <- Internal2(obsTestStats$Corr1, corrMatrixSamples, "(b)" )

  L_Omega2 <- rstan::extract(combinedChains, pars="L_Omega2")$L_Omega2
  corrMatrixSamples <- calcCorrMatrixSamples(L_Omega2)

  p3 <- Internal1(obsTestStats$Corr2, corrMatrixSamples, "(c)")
  p4 <- Internal2(obsTestStats$Corr2, corrMatrixSamples, "(d)" )

  print(p1, vp=grid::viewport(layout.pos.row=1, layout.pos.col=1))
  print(p2, vp=grid::viewport(layout.pos.row=1, layout.pos.col=2))
  print(p3, vp=grid::viewport(layout.pos.row=2, layout.pos.col=1))
  print(p4, vp=grid::viewport(layout.pos.row=2, layout.pos.col=2))


#' @title Back transform to the simplex
#' @description Back transform the mean vectors and covariance matrices
#' of the finite mixture model to the corresponding quantities for the simplex
#' (that is, compositional means and variation matrices).
#' @param gcData
#' List containing the geochemical and related data. This container is
#' described in the package documentation.
#' @param nPCs
#' Number of principal components that were used in the finite mixture model.
#' @param transData
#' List containing the transformed geochemical
#' concentrations and related information.
#' This list is return by function \code{\link{transformGcData}}, for which the
#' documentation includes a complete
#' description of container \code{transData}.
#' @param combinedChains
#' A \code{stanfit} object containing multiple Monte Carlo chains. This
#' object is return by function \code{\link{combineChains}}, for which the
#' documentation includes a complete description of container
#' \code{combinedChains}.
#' @return A list with the following components is returned.
#' @return \item{compMean1}{Matrix containing Monte Carlo
#' samples of the compositional mean vector for pdf 1.
#' The first dimension of the matrix
#' pertains to indices of the samples; the second dimension pertains to
#' indices of the compositional mean vector.}
#' @return \item{compMean2}{Matrix containing Monte Carlo
#' samples of the mean vector for pdf 2. Its structure is identical to
#' that for \code{compMean1}.}
#' @return \item{varMatrix1}{Array containing Monte Carlo samples of the
#' variation matrix
#' for pdf 1. The first dimension of the array pertains to indices of
#' the samples; the second and the third dimensions pertain to indices of
#' the variation matrix.}
#' @return \item{varMatrix2}{Array containing samples of the variation matrix
#' for pdf 2. Its structure is identical to that for \code{varMatrix1}.}
#' @references
#' Hron, K., Filzmoser, P., 2015, Exploring compositional data with the robust
#' compositional biplot, in Carpita, M., Brentari, E., Qannari, M., eds.,
#' Advances in latent variables - Methods, models and applications,
#' Springer, p 219-226.
#' Pawlowsky-Glahn, V., Egozcue, J.J., and Tolosana-Delgado, R., 2015, Modeling
#' and analysis of compositional data: John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' simplexModPar <- backTransform( gcData, nPCs, transData, combinedChains)
#' }
#' @export

backTransform <- function(gcData, nPCs, transData, combinedChains) {

  # dimension within the simplex --- the addition of 1 accounts for
  # "everything else", which is the sum of all unmeasured/deleted
  # element concentrations
  D <- ncol(gcData$concData@data) + 1

  theSamples <- rstan::extract(combinedChains)

  nMcSamples <- length(theSamples$theta)

  # subset now, so that it won't be done repeatedly
  rEV <- transData$robustEigenvectors[,1:nPCs]
  rEVt <- t(rEV)

  # undo the rotation and translation, which are associated
  # with the principal component transformation
  tmp.center <- rep.int( 1, nMcSamples ) %o% transData$robustIlrCenter

  mu1.tmp <- theSamples$mu1 %*%  rEVt + tmp.center
  mu2.tmp <- theSamples$mu2 %*%  rEVt + tmp.center

  # Back-transformation to concentrations
  compMean1 <- CalcInvIlr( mu1.tmp, t(transData$Psi), kappa = gcData$constSumValue )
  compMean2 <- CalcInvIlr( mu2.tmp, t(transData$Psi), kappa = gcData$constSumValue )

  varMatrix1 <- array( NA_real_, dim=c(nMcSamples, D, D))

  varMatrix2 <- varMatrix1

  for(i in 1:nMcSamples) {

    # undo the rotation, which is associated
    # with the principal component transformation

    L_Sigma1 <- theSamples$tau1[i, ] * theSamples$L_Omega1[i, , ]
    Sigma1 <- L_Sigma1 %*% t(L_Sigma1)
    Sigma1.tmp <- rEV %*% Sigma1 %*% rEVt

    L_Sigma2 <- theSamples$tau2[i, ] * theSamples$L_Omega2[i, , ]
    Sigma2 <- L_Sigma2 %*% t(L_Sigma2)
    Sigma2.tmp <- rEV %*% Sigma2 %*% rEVt

    # Back-transformation to concentrations within the simplex
    varMatrix1[i, , ] <- InvCovTransform( Sigma1.tmp, transData$Psi )
    varMatrix2[i, , ] <- InvCovTransform( Sigma2.tmp, transData$Psi )

  # assign element names
  elementNames <- c( names(gcData$concData), "EE" )

  colnames(compMean1) <- elementNames
  colnames(compMean2) <- elementNames

  dimnames(varMatrix1) = list(NULL, elementNames, elementNames)
  dimnames(varMatrix2) = list(NULL, elementNames, elementNames)

  return( list( compMean1 = compMean1,
                compMean2 = compMean2,
                varMatrix1 = varMatrix1,
                varMatrix2 = varMatrix2))


#' @title Calculate sample statistics pertinent to the simplex
#' @description Calculate the sample center, total variation matrix, and
#' the metric variance.
#' @param gcData
#' List containing the geochemical and related data. This container is
#' described in the package documentation.
#' @details
#' The sample statistics are described in
#' section 5.2 of Pawlowsky-Glahn et al. (2015).
#' @return A list with three elements is returned. Variable D is the number
#' of geochemical concentrations reported for each sample.
#' @return \item{sampleCenter}{Vector of length D.}
#' @return \item{variationMatrix}{Matrix of dimension D x D.}
#' @return \item{metricVariance}{Scalar. The metric variance is also called
#' the total sample variance.}
#' @references
#' Pawlowsky-Glahn, V., Egozcue, J.J., and Tolosana-Delgado, R., 2015, Modeling
#' and analysis of compositional data: John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' simplexStats <- calcSimplexStats(gcData)
#' }
#' @export
calcSimplexStats <- function(gcData) {

  X <- as.matrix(gcData$concData@data)

  # Add a column "everything else" that accounts for element concentrations
  # that are not measured or have been deleted
  y <- gcData$constSumValue - rowSums(X)
  X <- cbind(X, y)

  colnames( X ) <- c( names(gcData$concData), "EE" )

  sampleCenter <- CalcCompCenter( X, kappa = gcData$constSumValue )
  variationMatrix <- CalcVariationMatrix( X )
  metricVariance <- CalcTotalVariance( variationMatrix )

  return( list(sampleCenter = sampleCenter,
               variationMatrix = variationMatrix,
               metricVariance = metricVariance))

#' @title Plot translated compositional means
#' @description Plot translated compositional means for the pdfs in the
#' finite mixture model.
#' @param simplexModPar
#' List containing Monte Carlo samples of four parameters
#' in the finite mixture model.
#' These parameters (namely, the mean vector and covariance matrix for
#' each pdf) are expressed in terms of their equivalent values in the
#' simplex (namely, the compositional mean vector and the variation matrix
#' for each pdf).
#' This list is return by function \code{\link{backTransform}}, for which the
#' documentation includes a complete description of this container.
#' @param simplexStats
#' List containing statistics for the simplex, which will be used for the
#' translation. This list is return by function
#' \code{\link{calcSimplexStats}}, for which the
#' documentation includes a complete description of this container.
#' @param gcData
#' List containing the geochemical and related data. This container is
#' described in the package documentation.
#' @param elementOrder
#' Vector specifying the order in which the elements are plotted.
#' @param intervalPercentage
#' Credible interval for the distributions of the translated
#' compositional means. Typical values are 50, 90, or 95.
#' @param symbolSize
#' The size of the plotting symbol.
#' @param yLimits
#' Vector of length 2 specifying the limits of the y-axis. If an element is NA
#' then ggplot computes the corresponding axis limit.
#' @param isEePlotted
#' Logical variable specifying whether the amalgamated concentration "EE",
#' which accounts for all omitted and unmeasured element concentrations, is
#' included in the plot.
#' @details
#' The compositional means for each pdf, which are within container
#' simpleModPar, are translated by sample center, which is within
#' container simplexStats. (Alternatively, the user can pick a composition to
#' perform the translation that is
#' most helful to the interpretation.) The translation is
#' the simplex operation that is called "perturbation difference"
#' (Pawlowsky-Glahn,  2015, p. 24-25).
#' The translated compositional mean is a vector, in which each vector element
#' corresponds to a chemical element (or a amalgamation of chemical elements).
#' The Monte Carlo samples
#' of this vector comprise Monte Carlo samples of each vector element, which
#' must be summarized so that they can be visualized.
#' For each vector element, three quantiles of the samples
#' are computed. (The quantiles always include the
#' 0.50 quantile. The other two quantiles define the credible interval.
#' For example, if argument \code{intervalPercentage} is set to its
#' default value, then the other two quantiles are
#' the 0.025 and 0.975 quantiles.) Within the plot symbol, the 0.50 quantile
#' is represented by a dot, and the credible interval is represented by
#' a vertical line.
#' @references
#' Pawlowsky-Glahn, V., Egozcue, J.J., and Tolosana-Delgado, R., 2015, Modeling
#' and analysis of compositional data: John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' plotTransCompMeans(simplexModPar, simplexStats, gcData, elementOrder)
#' }
#' @export
plotTransCompMeans <- function(simplexModPar, simplexStats, gcData,
                               elementOrder, intervalPercentage = 95,
                               symbolSize = 0.75, yLimits = NULL,
                               isEePlotted = FALSE) {

  Internal1 <- function(compMeans, center, constSumValue, elementOrder,
                        interval, pdf, isEePlotted ) {

    X <- Perturb(center[elementOrder]^(-1), compMeans[, elementOrder],
                 kappa = constSumValue)

    if( !isEePlotted ) {
      index <- which(colnames(X) == "EE", arr.ind = TRUE)
      X <- X[, -index]
      elementOrder <- elementOrder[-index]

    theQuants <- t( apply(X, 2, quantile, probs=c(interval, 0.50 ),
                          names = FALSE ) )

    # The code for "Elements" ensures that the chemical elements are
    # plotted in the order specified by elementOrder.
    b <- data.frame( qlower = theQuants[, 1],
                     qupper = theQuants[, 2],
                     qmid = theQuants[, 3],
                     Elements = factor(elementOrder, levels = elementOrder),
                     Pdf = rep.int( as.character(pdf), nrow(theQuants) ))


  # barycenter for the standardized concentrations
  # Strictly, the barycenter is a vector in which all elements are equal. Here
  # variable barycenter is a scalar, which records the value of one element.
  barycenter <- gcData$constSumValue / length(simplexStats$sampleCenter)

  tailPercentage <- 0.5*(100.0-intervalPercentage)
  interval <- c(tailPercentage,100.0-tailPercentage)/100.0

  df1 <- Internal1(simplexModPar$compMean1, simplexStats$sampleCenter,
                   gcData$constSumValue, elementOrder, interval, 1, isEePlotted )
  df2 <- Internal1(simplexModPar$compMean2, simplexStats$sampleCenter,
                   gcData$constSumValue, elementOrder, interval, 2, isEePlotted )

  compData <- rbind(df1, df2)

  # The environment is set to the local environment, so that local variables
  # (namely, barycenter and symbolsize) can be found. Otherwise, ggplot
  # will search the global environment.
  w <- ggplot2::ggplot(compData,
                       ggplot2::aes(x = Elements, y = qmid,
                                    ymin = qlower, ymax = qupper,
                                    colour = Pdf),
                       environment = environment() ) +
    ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(values=c("blue","red")) +
    ggplot2::geom_hline(ggplot2::aes(yintercept=barycenter)) +
    ggplot2::geom_pointrange(size=symbolSize) +
    ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(colour = "black")) +
    ggplot2::ylab("Translated concentrations (no units)")

  if(!is.null(yLimits)) {
    w <- w + ggplot2::ylim(yLimits)



#' @title Plot compositional means
#' @description Plot the compositional means for the pdfs in the
#' finite mixture model.
#' @param simplexModPar
#' List containing Monte Carlo samples of the selected parameters
#' in the finite mixture model.
#' These parameters (namely, the mean vector, the standard deviation vector,
#'  and the correlation matrix for
#' each pdf) are expressed in terms of their equivalent values in the
#' simplex (namely, the compositional mean vector and the variation matrix
#' for each pdf).
#' This list is return by function \code{\link{backTransform}}, for which the
#' documentation includes a complete description of this container.
#' @param elementOrder
#' Vector specifying the order in which the elements are plotted.
#' @param symbolSize
#' The size of the plotting symbol.
#' @param symbolShape
#' The shape of the plotting symbol.
#' @param yLimits
#' Vector of length 2 specifying the limits of the y-axis. If an element is NA
#' then ggplot computes the corresponding axis limit.
#' @param isEePlotted
#' Logical variable specifying whether the amalgamated concentration "EE",
#' which accounts for all omitted and unmeasured element concentrations, is
#' included in the plot.
#' @details
#' The compositional mean is a vector. The Monte Carlo samples of each v
#' ector element are summarized by their median.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' plotCompMeans( simplexModPar, gcData, elementOrder)
#' }
#' @export
plotCompMeans <- function(simplexModPar, elementOrder,
                          symbolSize = 2, symbolShape = 1,
                          yLimits = NULL,
                          isEePlotted = FALSE) {

  Internal1 <- function(compMeans, elementOrder, pdf, isEePlotted) {

    a <- apply(compMeans[, elementOrder], 2, median )

    if( !isEePlotted ) {
      index <- which(names(a) == "EE", arr.ind = TRUE)
      a <- a[-index]
      elementOrder <- elementOrder[-index]

    # The code for "Elements" ensures that the chemical elements are
    # plotted in the order specified by elementOrder.
    b <- data.frame( qmid = a,
                     Elements = factor(elementOrder, levels = elementOrder),
                     Pdf = rep.int( as.character(pdf), length(a) ))

  df1 <- Internal1(simplexModPar$compMean1, elementOrder, 1, isEePlotted )
  df2 <- Internal1(simplexModPar$compMean2, elementOrder, 2, isEePlotted )

  compData <- rbind(df1, df2)

  # The environment is set to the local environment, so that local variables
  # (namely, symbolsize) can be found. Otherwise, ggplot
  # will search the global environment.
  w <- ggplot2::ggplot(compData,
                       ggplot2::aes(x = Elements, y = qmid, colour = Pdf),
                       environment = environment() ) +
    ggplot2::scale_y_log10() +
    ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(values=c("blue","red")) +
    ggplot2::geom_point(size=symbolSize, shape = symbolShape) +
    ggplot2::ylab("Concentration (mg/kg)")

  if(!is.null(yLimits)) {
    w <- w + ggplot2::ylim(yLimits)



#' @title Plot the combined, scaled variation matrices
#' @description Plot the combined, scaled variation matrices.
#' Because a variation matrix is symmetric and its diagonal is zero, the
#' two variation matrices from the two pdfs are combined into a single matrix.
#' The matrix is then scaled by the square root function, to reduce its range.
#' @param simplexModPar
#' List containing Monte Carlo samples of four parameters
#' in the finite mixture model.
#' These parameters (namely, the mean vector and covariance matrix for
#' each pdf) are expressed in terms of their equivalent values in the
#' simplex (namely, the compositional mean vector and the variation matrix
#' for each pdf).
#' This list is return by function \code{\link{backTransform}}, for which the
#' documentation includes a complete description of this container.
#' @param elementOrder
#' Vector specifying the order in which the elements are plotted.
#' @param colorScale
#' Character string specifying the color scale for
#' the plot. The choices are either "spectrum" (default) and "rainbow."
#' @param scaleRange
#' Vector of length 2 specifying the range of the color scale.
#' @param isEePlotted
#' Logical variable specifying whether the amalgamated concentration "EE",
#' which accounts for all omitted and unmeasured element concentrations, is
#' included in the plot.
#' @details
#' In the plot, the upper triangle is the upper triangle from the
#' variation matrix for pdf 1, and the lower triangle is the lower triangle
#' from the variation matrix for pdf 2.
#' The pixels represent scaled variances of the log-ratios
#' between the respective chemical elements. The scaling is desirable because
#' it reduces the large range of the variances, making it easier to
#' visualize all of the variances together. The scaling function is the
#' square root; so, the pixels represent standard deviations
#' of the log-ratios between the respective chemical elements.
#' @references
#' Pawlowsky-Glahn, V., Egozcue, J.J., and Tolosana-Delgado, R., 2015, Modeling
#' and analysis of compositional data: John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' plotSqrtVarMatrix(simplexModPar, elementOrder, colorScale = "rainbow")
#' }
#' @export
plotSqrtVarMatrices <- function(simplexModPar, elementOrder,
                                colorScale = "spectrum", scaleRange = NULL,
                                isEePlotted = FALSE ) {

  # D is the standard notation, and is concise.
  D <- dim(simplexModPar$varMatrix1)[3]

  medVarMatrix1 <- apply(simplexModPar$varMatrix1, c(2,3), median)
  medVarMatrix2 <- apply(simplexModPar$varMatrix2, c(2,3), median)

  # reorder
  medVarMatrix1 <- medVarMatrix1[elementOrder, elementOrder]
  medVarMatrix2 <- medVarMatrix2[elementOrder, elementOrder]

  Z <- matrix( NA_real_, nrow=D, ncol=D, dimnames=list(elementOrder,elementOrder) )
  Z[upper.tri(Z)] <- medVarMatrix1[upper.tri(medVarMatrix1)]
  Z[lower.tri(Z)] <- medVarMatrix2[lower.tri(medVarMatrix2)]

  if( !isEePlotted ) {
    index <- which(colnames(Z) == "EE", arr.ind = TRUE)
    Z <- Z[-index, ]
    Z <- Z[, -index]
    elementOrder <- elementOrder[-index]

  # If matrix Z were plotted in its current configuration,
  # the first row would be at the bottom, the second row
  # would be the second from the bottom, and so on. Consequently,
  # the diagonal would extend from the lower-left corner to the
  # upper-right corner. So, the matrix is plotted in an unfamilar way.
  # The problem is corrected by reversing the rows.
  Z <- Z[rev(rownames(Z)),]

  Z <- sqrt(Z)

  Z <- reshape2::melt(Z)
  Z <- na.omit(Z)

  zRange <- range(Z$value)
  cat(sprintf("The range of matrix elements: %10.3g  %10.3g\n",
              zRange[1], zRange[2]))

  if(is.null(scaleRange)) {
    scaleRange <- zRange

  w <- ggplot2::ggplot(Z, ggplot2::aes(Var2, Var1)) +
    ggplot2::geom_tile(data=Z, ggplot2::aes(fill=value), color="white") +
    ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle=90,vjust=0.25,colour = "black")) +
    ggplot2::theme(axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_text(colour = "black")) +
    ggplot2::theme(panel.background = ggplot2::element_blank()) +
    ggplot2::theme(panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_blank()) +
    ggplot2::xlab("Element") +
    ggplot2::ylab("Element") +

  if(colorScale == "spectrum") {
    myPalette <- colorRampPalette( c("blue", "green", "yellow", "orange", "red"),
                                   space="rgb", interpolate="linear" )

    w <- w + ggplot2::scale_fill_gradientn(limit=scaleRange,
                                           colours = myPalette(10),
                                           name="Std dev")
  } else if(colorScale == "rainbow") {
    w <- w + ggplot2::scale_fill_gradientn(limit=scaleRange,
                                           colours = rev(colorspace::rainbow_hcl(7)),
                                           name="Std dev")
  } else {
    stop("The color scale is not recognized.")



#' @title Plot the field samples as clusters
#' @description Plot the locations of the field samples on a previously-plotted
#' map. The attributes of each location symbol (for example, color) indicate the
#' cluster to which the field sample belongs. That is, the attributes indicate
#' the conditional probability that the field sample is associated with
#' a particular pdf in the finite mixture model.
#' @param gcData
#' List containing the geochemical and related data. This container is
#' described in the package documentation.
#' @param condProbs1
#' A matrix containing the Monte Carlo samples of the
#' conditional probabilities. This matrix is returned by function
#' \code{\link{calcCondProbs1}}, for which the documentation includes a
#' complete description of container \code{condProbs1}.
#' @param probIntervals Vector containing intervals of conditional
#' probability. All field samples within an given interval are plotted the same
#' way.
#' @param symbolIndices Vector containing the indices of the plotting symbols
#' for the conditional probability intervals.
#' @param symbolSizes Vector containing the relative sizes of the plotting symbols
#' for the conditional probability intervals.
#' @param symbolColors Vector containing the colors of the plotting symbols
#' for the conditional probability intervals.
#' @details
#' The conditional probabilities indicate the extend
#' to which the field samples are associated with the first pdf in the finite
#' mixture model. The conditional probabilities
#' in container \code{condProbs1} are Monte Carlo samples,
#' and their medians are used to assign plotting attributes for the field
#' samples.
#' The plotting attributes are specified by arguments \code{probIntervals},
#' \code{symbolIndices}, \code{symbolSizes}, and \code{symbolColors}. To
#' understanding the specification of these attributes, consider their default
#' values, which pertain to four probability intervals.
#' Vector \code{probIntervals} has elements 0, 0.1, 0.5, 0.9, and 1. These five
#' elements specify four probability intervals: [0,0.1], [0.1,0.5],
#' [0.5,0.9] and
#' [0.9,1]. Notice that the first and last elements of \code{probIntervals}
#' are 0 and 1 respectively. The probability intervals are used to
#' classify the field samples based upon their associated conditional
#' probabilities:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item If the conditional probability of a field sample is
#'  within the interval [0,0.1], then the field sample is classified as
#'  "strongly associated with pdf 2" and is assigned the color red. This
#'  color is consistent with the colors used in functions
#'  \code{\link{plotStdCompMeans}} and \code{\link{plotCompMeans}}.
#'  \item If the conditional probability of a field sample is
#'  within the interval [0.1,0.5], then the field sample is classified as
#'  "moderately associated with pdf 2" and is assigned the color yellow.
#'  \item If the conditional probability of a field sample is
#'  within the interval [0.5,0.9], then the field sample is classified as
#'  "moderately associated with pdf 1" and is assigned the color green.
#'  \item If the conditional probability of a field sample is
#'  within the interval [0.9,1], then the field sample is classified as
#'  "strongly associated with pdf 1" and is assigned the color blue. This
#'  color is consistent with the colors used in functions
#'  \code{\link{plotStdCompMeans}} and \code{\link{plotCompMeans}}.
#' }
#' Because, in this explanation, vector \code{probIntervals} specifies four
#' probability intervals, arguments for vectors \code{symbolIndices},
#' \code{symbolSizes}, and \code{symbolColors} must have four elements.
#' The symbol indices, symbol sizes, and symbol colors are described in
#' Murrell (2006, p. 55-56, 68, 69).
#' This function adds symbols to a map that has already been plotted.
#' @references
#' Murrell, P., 2006, R graphics: Chapman & Hall / CRC.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' map('state', fill = TRUE, col = "gray60", border = "white")
#' plotClusters(concentrationData, condProbs1)
#' }
#' @export
plotClusters <- function(gcData, condProbs1,
                        probIntervals = c( 0, 0.1, 0.5, 0.9, 1.0 ),
                        symbolIndices = c( 16, 16, 16, 16 ),
                        symbolSizes = c( 1/3, 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 ),
                        symbolColors = c( "red", "yellow", "green", "blue" ) ) {

  locations <- sp::coordinates( gcData$concData )

  # median of conditional probabilites
  g <- apply(condProbs1, 2, median)

  for (i in 1:(length(probIntervals)-1)) {

    areInInterval <- probIntervals[i] <= g & g <= probIntervals[i+1]

    if( sum(areInInterval) == 0 ) next

    locations.sp <- sp::SpatialPoints( locations[areInInterval, ],
                                       proj4string = sp::CRS( "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84" ) )
    sp::plot( locations.sp, add=TRUE, pch=symbolIndices[i],
              col=symbolColors[i], cex=symbolSizes[i] )



#' @title Split the geochemical data
#' @description The geochemical data, which have been clustered, are split
#' into two groups based on their conditional probabilities.
#' @param gcData
#' List containing the geochemical and related data. This container is
#' described in the package documentation.
#' @param condProbs1
#' A matrix containing the Monte Carlo samples of the
#' conditional probabilites. This matrix is returned by function
#' \code{\link{calcCondProbs1}}, for which the documentation includes a
#' complete description of container \code{condProbs1}.
#' @param threshold
#' The threshold used to split the data into two groups. (See details.)
#' @details
#' For each
#' field sample, the median of the Monte Carlo samples of conditional
#' probability
#' is calculated. If this median is between 1-threshold and 1, then the
#' field sample is associated with pdf 1 in the finite mixture model. However,
#' if this median is between 0 and threshold, then the field sample is
#' associated with pdf 2 in the finite mixture model. This criterion is
#' used to split the field samples into two groups.
#' Argment \code{threshold} must be greater than 0 and less than 0.5.
#' @return A list with four components is returned.
#' @return \item{gcData1}{List containing the geochemical and related data that
#' are associated with pdf 1. The format of this container is the same
#' as the format of \code{gcData} and is described in the package
#' documentation.}
#' @return \item{analysisData1}{Dataframe containing data that are helpful in
#' analyzing the samples associated with pdf 1. The data are the sample
#' number, the conditional probability associated with the sample, the
#' longitude, and the latitude.}
#' @return \item{gcData2}{List containing the geochemical and related data that
#' are associated with pdf 2. The format of this container is the same
#' as the format of \code{gcData} and is described in the package
#' documentation.}
#' @return \item{analysisData2}{Dataframe containing data that are helpful in
#' analyzing the samples associated with pdf 2. The data are the sample
#' number, the conditional probability associated with the sample, the
#' longitude, and the latitude.}
#' The information in components \code{analysisData1} and \code{analysisData2}
#' is also in components \code{gcData1} and \code{gcData2}, except for the
#' conditional probabilities. The reason for generating these containers with
#' redundant information is that their format is simple, so that the containers
#' can be passed to other programs for further analysis.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' theSplits <- splitGcData(gcData, condProb1, threshold = 0.10 )
#' }
#' @export
splitGcData <- function(gcData, condProbs1, threshold = 0.10 ) {

  if(threshold <= 0.0 || 0.5 <= threshold)
    stop("Argument threshold must be > 0 and < 0.50.")

  g <- apply(condProbs1, 2, median)

  areInPdf1 <- 1.0-threshold <= g & g <= 1.0
  areInPdf2 <- 0.0 <= g & g <= threshold

  gcData1 <- list(concData = gcData$concData[areInPdf1, ],
                 censorIndicators = gcData$censorIndicators[areInPdf1, ],
                 constSumValue = gcData$constSumValue )

  analysisData1 <- data.frame( sampleName = rownames(gcData1$concData@data),
                    conditionalProb = g[areInPdf1],
                    Longitude = gcData1$concData@coords[, 1],
                    Latitude = gcData1$concData@coords[, 2] )

  gcData2 <- list(concData = gcData$concData[areInPdf2, ],
                 censorIndicators = gcData$censorIndicators[areInPdf2, ],
                 constSumValue = gcData$constSumValue )

  analysisData2 <- data.frame( sampleName = rownames(gcData2$concData@data),
                               conditionalProb = g[areInPdf2],
                               Longitude = gcData2$concData@coords[, 1],
                               Latitude = gcData2$concData@coords[, 2] )

  return( list(gcData1 = gcData1, analysisData1 = analysisData1,
               gcData2 = gcData2, analysisData2 = analysisData2))

USGS-R/GcClust documentation built on April 17, 2023, 8:08 p.m.