
Defines functions Hydrovol

Documented in Hydrovol

#' Hydrovol
#' Computes volumes and max discharge for hydrographs given the discharge time series and 
#' the begin and end dates and times of the hydrographs. Dates must be in POSIXct format.
#' @param dfQ dataframe with Q and time
#' @param Q string name of column in dfQ with Q, defaults to "Q"
#' @param time string name of column in dfQ with POSIXct time, defaults to "pdate"
#' @param df.dates dataframe with begin and end dates/times in POSIXct format
#' @param bdate string begin date in POSIXct column name, defaults to "bpdate"
#' @param edate string end date in POSIXct column name, defaults to "epdate" 
#' @param volume string name of resulting volume variable, defaults to "event.vol"
#' @param Qmax string name of Qmax variable, defaults to "Qmax"
#' @param duration string name of resulting duration variable, defaults to "Eduration"
#' @examples
#' sampleData <- sampleData
#' flowData <- flowData
#' Hydrovol(dfQ=flowData,Q="Q",time="pdate",
#'          df.dates=sampleData,bdate="Hbpdate",edate="Hepdate")
#' @export 
#' @return df.dates2 dataframe
Hydrovol <- function(dfQ, Q="Q", time="pdate", df.dates, bdate="bpdate",edate="epdate",volume="event.vol",Qmax="Qmax",duration="Eduration"){
  # Compute volumes and max for each hydrograph defined in the df.dates dataframe
  event.vol <- numeric()
  event.max <- numeric()
  dfQ <- dfQ[order(dfQ[,time]),]
  for (i in 1:nrow(df.dates)){
      event.vol[i] <- NA
      event.max[i] <- NA
    #Determine rows with range of times from last time step before hydrograph to one time step
    #after hydrograph ends and subset that time series
     begin.row <- max(which(dfQ[,time]<=df.dates[i,bdate]))
     end.row <- min(which(dfQ[,time]>=df.dates[i,edate]))
     subdfQ <- dfQ[begin.row:end.row,]

    sub.rows <- nrow(subdfQ)
    if(sub.rows<3) {
      event.vol[i] <- NA
      event.max[i] <- NA
    #Estimate begining Q
    if(subdfQ[1,time] != df.dates[i,bdate]){
      Q1 <- subdfQ[1,Q]
      Q2 <- subdfQ[2,Q]
      time1 <- subdfQ[1,time]
      time2 <- subdfQ[2,time]
      stime <- df.dates[i,bdate]
      qest <- (Q2-Q1)*(as.numeric(difftime(stime,time1, units = 'mins')))/(as.numeric(difftime(time2,time1, units = 'mins')))+Q1
      subdfQ[1,Q] <- qest
      subdfQ[1,time] <- df.dates[i,bdate]
    #Estimate ending Q
    if(subdfQ[sub.rows,time] != df.dates[i,edate]){
      Q1 <- subdfQ[(sub.rows-1),Q]
      Q2 <- subdfQ[sub.rows,Q]
      time1 <- subdfQ[(sub.rows-1),time]
      time2 <- subdfQ[sub.rows,time]
      stime <- df.dates[i,edate]
      qest <- (Q2-Q1)*(as.numeric(difftime(stime,time1, units = 'mins')))/(as.numeric(difftime(time2,time1, units = 'mins')))+Q1
      subdfQ[sub.rows,Q] <- qest
      subdfQ[sub.rows,time] <- df.dates[i,edate]
    #sum individual volumes
    Volumes <- numeric()
    for (j in 2:sub.rows){
      meanQ <- mean(subdfQ[c(j-1,j),Q])
      timeGapSecs <- difftime(subdfQ[j,time],subdfQ[(j-1),time],units="secs")
      Volumes[j] <- meanQ*timeGapSecs
    event.vol[i] <- sum(Volumes,na.rm=T)
    event.max[i] <- max(subdfQ[,Q])
  Eduration <- as.numeric(difftime(df.dates[,edate],df.dates[,bdate],units="hours"))
  df.dates2 <- cbind(df.dates,data.frame(event.vol=event.vol,Qmax=event.max,duration=Eduration))
  colnames(df.dates2) <- c(names(df.dates),volume,Qmax,duration)
USGS-R/USGSHydroTools documentation built on April 17, 2023, 8:09 p.m.