
Defines functions checkWQPdates

Documented in checkWQPdates

#' Date Check for Water Quality Portal
#' Checks date format for inputs to the Water Quality Portal. Used in \code{readWQPqw}
#' and \code{readWQPdata}.
#' @param values named list with arguments to send to the Water Quality Portal
#' @return values named list with corrected arguments to send to the Water Quality Portal
#' @export
#' @examples
#' values <- list(
#'   startDateLo = "01-01-2002",
#'   characteristicName = "Phosphorous",
#'   endDate = as.Date("2014-01-01")
#' )
#' values <- checkWQPdates(values)
checkWQPdates <- function(values) {
  dateNames <- c(
    "startDateLo", "startDateHi",
    "startDate", "endDate"

  if (any(names(values) %in% dateNames)) {
    index <- which(names(values) %in% dateNames)

    if ("" %in% values[index]) {
      values <- values[-index[values[index] == ""]]
      index <- which(names(values) %in% dateNames)

    if (length(index) > 0) {
      # If a valid R date was put in, the format needs to be changed to mm-dd-yyyy for the WQP:
      for (i in index) {
        dateInput <- as.character(values[[i]])
        splitDates <- unlist(strsplit(dateInput, "-"))
        if (length(splitDates) == 3) {
          if (nchar(splitDates[1]) == 4) { # R object
            dates <- as.Date(lubridate::parse_date_time(dateInput, "%Y-%m-%d"))
            dates <- format(dates, format = "%m-%d-%Y")
            values[i] <- dates
          } else if (nchar(splitDates[3]) != 4) {
            # The way WQP wants it == 4, so this is probably a 2 digit year or something
              "Please check the date format for the arguments: ",
              paste(names(values)[i], values[i], collapse = ", ")
        } else { # Probably something wrong
            "Please check the date format for the arguments: ",
            paste(names(values)[i], values[i], collapse = ", ")

      names(values)[names(values) == "startDate"] <- "startDateLo"
      names(values)[names(values) == "endDate"] <- "startDateHi"

USGS-R/dataRetrieval documentation built on Feb. 14, 2025, 5:55 p.m.