
#' webgeom class
#' The \code{webgeom} class represents a web feature service (WFS) dataset.
#' WFS is an open geospatial consortium standard for spatial data on the web. WFS supports 
#' filtering of spatial elements and this object can support many of those filters. 
#' @slot url URL of web feature service endpoint. 
#' Can be set or accessed using \code{\link[geoknife]{url}}
#' @slot geom character for geometric feature name. 
#' Can be set or accessed using \code{\link[geoknife]{geom}}
#' @slot attribute character for feature attribute (used for filtering and naming in output)
#' Can be set or accessed using \code{\link[geoknife]{attribute}}
#' @slot values character vector of attribute values to be used in processing (a subset, or all if NA)
#' Can be set or accessed using \code{\link[geoknife]{values}}
#' @slot version a character that specifies the web feature service (WFS) version to use.
#' Can be set or accessed using \code{\link[geoknife]{version}}
#' @slot GML_IDs (_private) IDs that correspond to \code{values}. Used internally for processing. 
#' @slot WFS_NAMESPACE (_private) web location of web feature service namespace
#' @slot GML_NAMESPACE (_private) web location of GML namespace
#' @slot GML_SCHEMA_LOCATION (_private) web location of GML schema location
#' @seealso \code{\link{webgeom}}, \code{\link[geoknife]{url}}, \code{\link[geoknife]{geom}}, 
#' \code{\link[geoknife]{attribute}}, \code{\link[geoknife]{values}}, \code{\link[geoknife]{version}}
#' @rdname webgeom-class
#' @exportClass webgeom
  Class = "webgeom",
  prototype = prototype(
    url = paste0(pkg.env$urls$geoserver_base, "/wfs"),
    geom = as.character(NA), 
    attribute = as.character(NA),
    values = as.character(NA), 
    version = '1.1.0'
  representation = representation(
    url = "character",
    geom = "character",
    attribute = "character",
    values = "character",
    version = "character",
    GML_IDs = "character",
    WFS_NAMESPACE = "character",
    GML_NAMESPACE = "character",
    GML_SCHEMA_LOCATION = "character")

setMethod("initialize", signature = "webgeom",
          definition = function(
            .Object, url = .Object@url, geom = .Object@geom, 
            attribute = .Object@attribute,
            values = .Object@values, 
            version = .Object@version
            .Object@url= url
            .Object@geom = geom
            .Object@attribute = attribute
            .Object@version = version
            .Object@GML_NAMESPACE = pkg.env$NAMESPACES[['gml']]
            .Object@WFS_NAMESPACE   = pkg.env$NAMESPACES[['wfs']]
            values(.Object) = values

#' create webgeom object
#' A class representing a web available feature geometry.
#' @slot url value of type \code{"character"}, the web location for the web feature service
#' @slot geom value of type \code{"character"}, the feature for webgeom
#' @slot attribute the attribute (e.g., "State")
#' @slot values the values of the attribute, (e.g., "Wisconsin") or NA (all)
#' @details slots can be accessed or set with methods of the same names 
#' (e.g., url(webgeom()))
#' @seealso \code{\link{url}}, \code{\link{geom}}, \code{\link{attribute}}, \code{\link{values}}
#' @param .Object any object that can be coerced into \linkS4class{webgeom}
#' @param \dots additional arguments passed initialize method (e.g., \code{\link{url}}). See 
#' the named slots above for arguments for \dots
#' @return the webgeom object representing a dataset and parameters
#' @author Jordan S Read
#' @rdname webgeom-methods
#' @examples
#' wg <- webgeom(geom = "sample:CONUS_states", 
#'  attribute = "STATE",
#'  values = "New Hampshire")
#'#-- use available state datasets:
#' wg <- webgeom('state::New Hampshire')
#' wg <- webgeom('state::New Hampshire,Wisconsin,Alabama')
#'#-- use available Level III Ecoregion datasets:
#' wg <- webgeom('ecoregion::Colorado Plateaus,Driftless Area')
#'#-- use available simplified HUC8s:
#' wg <- webgeom('HUC8::09020306,14060009')
#' wg <- webgeom()
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Steps to find data on Howard County in Texas:
#' #1) locate the \code{geom} for counties by looking at the options for geoms
#' query(webgeom(), 'geoms') # discover sample:Counties
#' #2) locate the \code{attribute} for county names by looking at the options for attributes
#' query(webgeom(geom='sample:Counties'), 'attributes') # discover FIPS
#' #3) find the appropriate fip code for the county:
#' howard.fips <- "48227"
#' #4) create a webgeom for the Howard County in Texas
#' stencil <- webgeom(geom='sample:Counties', attribute='FIPS', values=howard.fips)
#' #5) get data for Howard County
#' fabric <- webdata(url = 'https://cida.usgs.gov/thredds/dodsC/stageiv_combined', 
#' variables = "Total_precipitation_surface_1_Hour_Accumulation", 
#' times = c(as.POSIXct("2016-06-06 05:00:00"), 
#'           as.POSIXct("2016-06-07 05:00:00")))
#' job <- geoknife(stencil, fabric, wait = TRUE)
#' precipData <- result(job)
#' head(precipData)
#' }
#' @export
setGeneric("webgeom", function(.Object, ...) {

#' @rdname webgeom-methods
#' @aliases webgeom
setMethod("webgeom", signature('missing'), function(.Object, ...) {
  ## create new webgeom object
  webgeom <- new("webgeom", ...)

#' @rdname webgeom-methods
#' @aliases webgeom
setMethod("webgeom", signature('ANY'), function(.Object, ...) {
  ## create new webgeom object
  webgeom <- as(.Object, "webgeom")
  if (!missing(...)){
    webgeom <- initialize(webgeom, ...)

setAs("character", "webgeom", function(from){
  datasets <- list('state' = 
                     list(geom = "sample:CONUS_states",
                          attribute = "STATE"),
                   'ecoregion' = 
                     list(geom = "sample:Ecoregions_Level_III",
                          attribute = "LEVEL3_NAM"),
                   'HUC8' = 
                     list(geom = "sample:simplified_huc8",
                          attribute = "HUC_8"))
  pieces <- strsplit(from, split = '::')[[1]]
  if (length(pieces) > 2)
    stop('invalid value for ', from, call.=FALSE)
  quickgeom <- match.arg(pieces[1], names(datasets))
  values <- strsplit(pieces[2], split = ',')[[1]]

  args <- datasets[[quickgeom]]
  args$values <- values

  return(do.call(webgeom, args))
USGS-R/geoknife documentation built on April 17, 2023, 8:26 p.m.