
Defines functions calibrate_sim

Documented in calibrate_sim

#'@title Calibrates GLM-AED2 variables to improve fit between observed and simulated data
#'@description Starts a calibration run with multiple iterations using a GLM-AED2 setup. At the end a output csv.-file of all iterations and a 
#'diagnostic plot are created.
#'@param var Character vector of valid variable names (see \code{\link{sim_vars}})
#'@param path String with the path to the GLM setup
#'@param field_file CSV or TSV field data (see \link{resample_to_field}for format)
#'@param nml_file String of the namelist file that will be calibrated, default is 'glm3.nml'
#'@param glm_file String of the glm-namelist file, default is 'glm3.nml'
#'@param calib_setup Data frame containing information regarding the calibration (see \link{get_calib_setup})
#'@param glmcmd String containing the desired glm run command, default is GLM3r
#'@param first.attempt Boolean, if TRUE a nml-template will be created, set it to FALSE after your first calibration run; default is TRUE
#'@param period List that provides a start and a stop date for the simulation
#'@param scaling Boolean, if TRUE variable values will be scaled on the space (0,10), recommended for CMA-ES, default is TRUE
#'@param verbose should operations and output of GLM be shown. Default is TRUE. 
#'@param method String of the optimization method, default is 'CMA-ES' (Hansen 2009), alternatively you can also use 'Nelder-Mead'
#'@param metric String of the calibration fit metric, default is RMSE
#'@param target.fit Double of your preferred fit, calibration will stop after reaching that; default is 1.5
#'@param target.iter Double of maximum amount of iterations, default is 150
#'@param plotting Boolean, if TRUE plots all results as heat maps
#'@param output Character array of the output folder path 
#'@param conversion.factor Double of the conversion factor between simulated and observed data, default is 1 for temp.
#'@keywords methods
#'@seealso \code{\link{get_calib_setup}}, \code{\link{get_calib_periods}}, \code{\link{get_calib_init_validation}}
#'Robert Ladwig, Tadhg Moore
#'calib_setup <- get_calib_setup()
#'#Example calibration
#'#Copy files into temporary directory
#'sim_folder <- tempdir() #simulation path
#'glmtools_folder = system.file('extdata', package = 'glmtools')
#'file.copy(list.files(glmtools_folder,full.names = TRUE), sim_folder, overwrite = TRUE)
#'field_file <- file.path(sim_folder, 'LakeMendota_field_data_hours.csv')
#'nml_file <- file.path(sim_folder, 'glm3.nml')
#'driver_file <- file.path(sim_folder, 'LakeMendota_NLDAS.csv')
#'period = get_calib_periods(nml_file = nml_file, ratio = 1)
#'output = file.path(sim_folder, 'output/output.nc')
#'var = 'temp' # variable to apply the calibration procedure
#'calibrate_sim(var = var, path = sim_folder, field_file = field_file,
#'              nml_file = nml_file, calib_setup = calib_setup,
#'              glmcmd = NULL,
#'              first.attempt = TRUE, period = period, method = 'CMA-ES',
#'              scaling = TRUE, #scaling should be TRUE for CMA-ES
#'              verbose = FALSE,
#'              metric = 'RMSE',plotting = FALSE,
#'              target.fit = 1.5,
#'              target.iter = 50, output = output)
#' }
#'@import adagio
#'@import GLM3r 
#'@import ggplot2
calibrate_sim <- function(var = 'temp',
                          nml_file = 'glm3.nml',
                          glm_file = 'glm3.nml',
                          calib_setup = NULL,
                          glmcmd = NULL,
                          first.attempt = TRUE,
                          period = NULL,
                          scaling = TRUE,
                          verbose = TRUE,
                          method = 'CMA-ES',
                          metric = 'RMSE',
                          target.fit = 1.5,
                          target.iter = 100,
                          plotting = TRUE,
                          conversion.factor = 1){
  # Development message 
  message('Calibration functions are under development, and are likely to change with future package updates.')
  if (first.attempt){
    if (file.exists(paste0(path,'/calib_results_',metric,'_',var,'.csv'))){
    if (file.exists(paste0(path,'/calib_par_',var,'.csv'))){
    file.copy(nml_file, paste0(path,'/glm4.nml'))
  } else if (first.attempt){
    file.copy(paste0(path,'/glm4.nml'), nml_file, overwrite = TRUE)
  if (is.null(calib_setup)){
    calib_setup <- get_calib_setup()
  pars     <- as.character(calib_setup$pars)
  ub       <- calib_setup$ub
  lb       <- calib_setup$lb
  variable <- var
  if (scaling){
    init.val <- (calib_setup$x0 - lb) *10 /(ub-lb) 
  if (!is.null(period)){
    glmf <- read_nml(glm_file)
    glmf <- set_nml(glmf, arg_list = period$calibration)
  obs <- read_field_obs(field_file, var_name = var)
  calib_GLM(var, ub, lb, init.val, obs, method, glmcmd,
                 metric, target.fit, target.iter, nml_file, glm_file, path, scaling, verbose, pars,

  # loads all iterations
  results <- read.csv(paste0(path,'/calib_results_RMSE_',var,'.csv'))
  results$DateTime <- as.POSIXct(results$DateTime)
  g1 <- ggplot(results, 
               aes(nrow(results):1, .data$RMSE)) +
    geom_point() +
    geom_smooth(se = FALSE, method = "gam", formula = y ~ s(x), color = 'lightblue4') +
    theme_bw() + xlab('Iterations') +
    theme(text = element_text(size = 10), axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
  if (plotting == TRUE) {
    ggsave(filename = paste0(path,'/optim_',method,'_',var,'.png'), g1, dpi = 300,width = 384,height = 216, units = 'mm')
  # Compare simulated with observed data
  if (var == 'temp'){
  temp_rmse1 <- compare_to_field(output, field_file = field_file, 
                                 metric = 'water.temperature', as_value = FALSE, precision= 'hours')
  } else {
    mod <- mod2obs(mod_nc = paste0(path,'/output/output.nc'), obs = obs, reference = 'surface',var = var)
    mod[,3] = mod[,3] * conversion.factor
    temp_rmse1 = get_rmse(mod,obs)
  plot.heat = plot_var_compare(nc_file = output, field_file = field_file, var_name = var,
                               resample = TRUE, conversion = conversion.factor) + 
    labs(title = 'Calibration Period')
  if (plotting == TRUE){
    ggsave(plot = plot.heat, paste0(path,'/calib_',method,'_',var,'_',metric,round(temp_rmse1,2),'.png'))
  # Check the model fit during the validation period
  init.temps <- read_nml(glm_file)$init_profiles$the_temps
  get_calib_init_validation(file = glm_file, output = output)
  nml <- read_nml(glm_file)
  nml <- set_nml(nml, arg_list = period$validation)
  run_glmcmd(glmcmd, path, verbose)
  if (var == 'temp'){
    temp_rmse2 <- compare_to_field(output, field_file = field_file, 
                                   metric = 'water.temperature', as_value = FALSE, precision= 'hours')
  } else {
    mod <- mod2obs(mod_nc = paste0(path,'/output/output.nc'), obs = obs, reference = 'surface',var = var)
    mod[,3] = mod[,3] * conversion.factor
    temp_rmse2 = get_rmse(mod,obs)
  plot.heat = plot_var_compare(nc_file = output, field_file = field_file, var_name = var,
                               resample = TRUE, conversion = conversion.factor) + 
    labs(title = 'Validation Period')
  if (plotting == TRUE){
    ggsave(plot = plot.heat, paste0(path,'/valib_',method,'_',var,'_',metric,round(temp_rmse2,2),'.png'))
  # check the model fit during the whole time period
  nml <- read_nml(glm_file)
  total.list <- period$total
  total.list[['the_temps']] <- init.temps
  nml <- set_nml(nml, arg_list =total.list)
  run_glmcmd(glmcmd, path, verbose)
  if (var == 'temp'){
    temp_rmse3 <- compare_to_field(output, field_file = field_file, 
                                   metric = 'water.temperature', as_value = FALSE, precision= 'hours')
  } else {
    mod <- mod2obs(mod_nc = paste0(path,'/output/output.nc'), obs = obs, reference = 'surface',var = var)
    mod[,3] = mod[,3] * conversion.factor
    temp_rmse3 = get_rmse(mod,obs)
  plot.heat = plot_var_compare(nc_file = output, field_file = field_file, var_name = var,
                               resample = TRUE, conversion = conversion.factor) + 
    labs(title = 'Total Time Period')
  if (plotting == TRUE){
    ggsave(plot = plot.heat, paste0(path,'/total_',method,'_',var,'_',metric,round(temp_rmse3,2),'.png'))
  # print a matrix of our constrained variable space, the initial value and the calibrated value
  calibrated_results <- cbind(calib_setup, 'calibrated' = as.numeric(round(results[1,2:(ncol(results)-1)],4)))
  print(paste('calibration:',round(temp_rmse1,2),' RMSE'))
  print(paste('validation:',round(temp_rmse2,2),' RMSE'))
  print(paste('total time period:',round(temp_rmse3,2),' RMSE'))
USGS-R/glmtools documentation built on March 26, 2024, 5:43 p.m.