
context("lining up default arguments")
test_that("leaving y NULL results in x as indices and y as values",{
  expect_equal(gsplot:::set_args("points", 5:10, y = NULL, package="graphics"), 
               list(x=1:6, y=5:10, pch=6, col="red"))

test_that("setting params with class match works as expected",{
  expect_is(gsplot:::function_args("grDevices","points", x~y, use.default='xy.coords')[[1]], 

context("is gsplot")

test_that("is gsplot",{

context("test the override formals")

test_that("can get override for all functions",{
  for (o in names(gsplot:::pkg.env$fun.details)) {
    expect_is(gsplot:::formal_names(o), 'character')
USGS-R/gsplot documentation built on April 17, 2023, 8:45 p.m.