Defines functions plotEGRET

Documented in plotEGRET

#' Create an EGRET-style plot
#' @description Use loadflex data frames, but create an EGRET plot.
#' @param plot.name the name of the plot the user wants to create. See Details 
#'   for current options. For now, only one allowed at time.
#' @inheritParams convertToEGRET
#' @param eList an EGRET eList, as output from EGRET or 
#'   loadflex::convertToEGRET, to override separate inputs of \code{load.model},
#'   \code{newdata}, \code{data}, and/or \code{meta}
#' @param moreTitle additional text to include in the fluxBiasMulti plot title. 
#'   The EGRET default is "WRTDS", so this changes the default to "loadflex".
#' @param plotFlowNorm logical indicating whether or not to plot the normalized 
#'   flow lines. This defaults to FALSE, which overrides the EGRET default TRUE.
#'   Applicable in plotFluxHist and plotConcHist.
#' @param ... additional arguments to pass to the plot
#' @details EGRET plots that require \code{data, meta}: \itemize{ \item 
#'   boxConcMonth \item plotConcTime \item plotConcQ \item plotFluxQ } EGRET 
#'   plots that require \code{data, newdata, preds, meta}: \itemize{ \item 
#'   boxQTwice \item multiPlotDataOverview \item plotConcTimeDaily \item 
#'   plotFluxTimeDaily \item plotConcPred \item plotFluxPred \item plotResidPred
#'   \item plotResidQ \item plotResidTime \item boxResidMonth \item boxConcThree
#'   \item plotConcHist \item plotFluxHist \item fluxBiasMulti }
#' @importFrom EGRET boxConcMonth
#' @importFrom EGRET plotConcTime
#' @importFrom EGRET plotConcQ
#' @importFrom EGRET plotFluxQ
#' @importFrom EGRET boxQTwice
#' @importFrom EGRET multiPlotDataOverview
#' @importFrom EGRET plotConcTimeDaily
#' @importFrom EGRET plotFluxTimeDaily
#' @importFrom EGRET plotConcPred
#' @importFrom EGRET plotFluxPred
#' @importFrom EGRET plotResidPred
#' @importFrom EGRET plotResidQ
#' @importFrom EGRET plotResidTime
#' @importFrom EGRET boxResidMonth
#' @importFrom EGRET boxConcThree
#' @importFrom EGRET plotConcHist
#' @importFrom EGRET plotFluxHist
#' @importFrom EGRET fluxBiasMulti
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' # Load necessary data + create the appropriate metadata
#' data(lamprey_nitrate) # interpolation data (grab sample obs)
#' fitdat <- lamprey_nitrate
#' data("lamprey_discharge")
#' estdat <- lamprey_discharge # estimation data (15 min interval)
#' estdat <- subset(estdat, DATE < as.POSIXct("2012-10-01 00:00:00", tz="EST5EDT")) 
#' estdat <- estdat[seq(1, nrow(estdat), by=96/4),] # only keep 4 observations per day
#' meta <- metadata(
#'   constituent="NO3", 
#'   flow="DISCHARGE",
#'   dates="DATE", 
#'   conc.units="mg L^-1", 
#'   flow.units="cfs", 
#'   load.units="kg",
#'   load.rate.units="kg d^-1", 
#'   site.name="Lamprey River, NH",
#'   site.id="01073500",
#'   consti.name="Nitrate")
#' # Run your model and get your predictions
#' no3_lm <- loadLm(
#'   formula=log(NO3) ~ log(DISCHARGE), pred.format="conc", 
#'   data=fitdat, metadata=meta, retrans=exp)
#' # Now you can plot
#' plotEGRET("boxConcMonth", data = lamprey_nitrate, meta = meta)
#' plotEGRET("multiPlotDataOverview", load.model=no3_lm, newdata=estdat)
plotEGRET <- function(plot.name, 
                      load.model = NULL, newdata = NULL, data = NULL, meta = NULL, eList = NULL,
                      moreTitle = "loadflex", plotFlowNorm = FALSE, ...) {
  # If eList not given, check and convert loadflex objects to an eList
  if(is.null(eList)) {
    req_missing <- switch(
      # require data & meta
      boxConcMonth = ,
      plotConcTime = ,
      plotConcQ = ,
      plotFluxQ =  
        is.null(load.model) && (is.null(data) || is.null(meta)),
      # require data, newdata, & meta
      boxQTwice = ,
      multiPlotDataOverview = 
        (is.null(load.model) && (is.null(data) || is.null(meta))) || is.null(newdata),
      # require load.model and newdata
      plotConcTimeDaily = ,
      plotFluxTimeDaily = ,
      plotConcPred = , 
      plotFluxPred = , 
      plotResidPred = ,
      plotResidQ = ,  
      plotResidTime = ,
      boxResidMonth = ,
      boxConcThree = , 
      plotConcHist = , 
      plotFluxHist = ,
      fluxBiasMulti = 
        is.null(load.model) || is.null(newdata),
      # default if no name matches
    if(req_missing) {
      stop(paste0("missing data requirements for ", plot.name, ". See ?plotEGRET"))
    eList <- convertToEGRET(load.model, newdata, data, meta)
    # require data & meta
    boxConcMonth = boxConcMonth(eList, ...),
    plotConcTime = plotConcTime(eList, ...),
    plotConcQ = plotConcQ(eList, ...),
    plotFluxQ = plotFluxQ(eList, ...),
    # require data, meta, newdata, and preds
    boxQTwice = boxQTwice(eList, ...),
    multiPlotDataOverview = multiPlotDataOverview(eList, ...),
    plotConcTimeDaily = plotConcTimeDaily(eList, ...),
    plotFluxTimeDaily = plotFluxTimeDaily(eList, ...),
    plotConcPred = plotConcPred(eList, ...), 
    plotFluxPred = plotFluxPred(eList, ...), 
    plotResidPred = plotResidPred(eList, ...),
    plotResidQ = plotResidQ(eList, ...),  
    plotResidTime = plotResidTime(eList, ...),
    boxResidMonth = boxResidMonth(eList, ...),
    boxConcThree = boxConcThree(eList, ...), 
    plotConcHist = plotConcHist(eList, plotFlowNorm = plotFlowNorm, ...), 
    plotFluxHist = plotFluxHist(eList, plotFlowNorm = plotFlowNorm, ...),
    fluxBiasMulti = fluxBiasMulti(eList, moreTitle = moreTitle, ...),
    # default if no name matches
    stop(paste('unrecognized plot.name:', plot.name)))
USGS-R/loadflex documentation built on July 26, 2023, 9:54 p.m.