warning_table: Describe data changes that will occur on combining multiple...

warning_tableR Documentation

Describe data changes that will occur on combining multiple tses


Throw a warning containing a table of resolution & extent changes when var_srces are condensed. Return a smaller table containing the timestep and expected resolution of each var_src after condensing.


warning_table(var_src, condense_stat, data, site_name, version, method, quietly)



a valid variable name for timeseries data (see get_var_src_codes(data_type=='ts')$var_src)


function name used to condense observations to ‘match_var'’s timestep (only for variables with more frequent observations than 'match_var'), or the term 'match' to indicate that the function defined in 'method' will be used to match the timestep of 'match_var'. Function names should be unquoted, where as 'match' should be string. Examples of what to use: mean (default), median, max, and min. A custom function can also be used, but it's input must be a numeric vector and output must be a single numeric value.


list of downloaded timeseries data.frames, as named in var_src


a valid mda.streams site (see list_sites)


character string indicating whether you want to download the ts as an .rds or .tsv


character specifying the method to use to combine timeseries datasets


logical. if one or more timeseries will be truncated, padded with NAs, or condensed, should a warning message be given?

USGS-R/mda.streams documentation built on June 3, 2023, 8:43 a.m.