
Defines functions item_rm_files

Documented in item_rm_files

#' @title Remove files associated with an item
#' @template manipulate_item
#' @param files A character vector of file names to remove. 
#' If not supplied, defaults to removing all attached files.
#' @description Removes existing files associated with an item.
#' NOTE: This function will not alter facets which can also
#' contain facets. To manipulate facets, the facet element of
#' a sciencebase item must be altered and updated with \code{\link{item_update}}.
#' @return An updated object of class \code{sbitem}
#' @description 
#' This function is the key way to remove files attached to SB items. 
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' res <- item_create(user_id(), "item456") 
#' cat("foo bar", file = "foobar.txt")
#' item_append_files(res, "foobar.txt")
#' res <- item_get(res)
#' res$files[[1]]$name
#' res2 <- item_rm_files(res)
#' res2$files
#' }
#' @export
item_rm_files <- function(sb_id, files,...){
	#force a pull of the item to refresh the file info
	sb_id = as.sbitem(sb_id)
	if(is.null(sb_id)) return(NULL)
	item = get_item(sb_id$id)
	#if item has no files, we have nothing to do
	#if files not supplied, set files vector to of files is just going to be empty
		files_to_keep = vector()
		#match the names supplied with the names of item files (sticking to basename, might have paths supplied)
		fnames = sapply(item$files, function(x)x$name)
		files_to_keep = item$files[!fnames %in% basename(files)]
		#files_to_keep = lapply(files_to_keep, function(x){x[c('name', 'title', 'contentType')]})

	if(length(files_to_keep) == 0 && is.list(files_to_keep)) {
	as.sbitem(item_update(item$id, info = list(files = files_to_keep), ...))

USGS-R/sbtools documentation built on Feb. 21, 2024, 10:15 a.m.