get_remake_status: Produce a table describing the remake build status relative...

View source: R/status_info.R

get_remake_statusR Documentation

Produce a table describing the remake build status relative to 1+ targets


Describes the hash, build time, and dependencies as of the most recent build of each target. If the dependencies have changed since that last build, those new dependencies are not described here. See why_dirty() to compare the old and new dependencies.


  target_names = NULL,
  remake_file = getOption("scipiper.remake_file"),
  format = c("nested", "flat"),
  RDSify_first = TRUE



character vector of targets for which to determine build status, including status for dependencies of the named targets. If NULL will return status for the default target and its dependencies.


filename of the remake YAML file from which status should be determined


if "nested", returnes a nested tibble with tibble list columns for 'depends' and 'functions'. if "flat", returns character columns for 'depends' and 'functions' that are ugly, flattened versions of the tibbles. "flat" can be useful for comparing status before and after an operation using dplyr joins (e.g., within scmake()).


logical. Should the info in build/status/*.yml files be copied over to the remake RDS-based status database before querying for target cleanliness?


Runs faster when RDSify_first = FALSE, but the default is TRUE so that you can usually pretend that there's no extra step between a git pull and updating the remake database.


## Not run: 
# assuming you have a file named remake.yml:
get_remake_status() # get status for the default target and its dependencies
get_remake_status(list_all_targets(), RDSify_first=FALSE) # status for all targets in remake.yml

# or to get status for all targets in a different remake YAML:
get_remake_status(list_all_targets('other_remake.yml'), 'other_remake.yml')

## End(Not run)

USGS-R/scipiper documentation built on May 25, 2023, 8:47 a.m.