scdel: Wrapper for remake::delete that permits cache sharing

View source: R/scmake.R

scdelR Documentation

Wrapper for remake::delete that permits cache sharing


remake::delete() claims that for files you can generally just delete the file itself with no need to call remake::delete(). This may also be the case for a shared cache; especially for non-status-indicator files (which have no build status file) however, it seems cleaner to delete the build status files at the same time that one deletes an indicator file.


  target_names = NULL,
  remake_file = getOption("scipiper.remake_file"),
  verbose = TRUE,
  ind_ext = getOption("scipiper.ind_ext")



vector of targets to delete, or NULL to delete the default target. Use the output of list_all_targets() to delete all explicitly named targets in the remake file (excluding tidy, clean, and purge)


as in remake::delete()


as in remake::delete()


the indicator file extension identifying those files for which build/status information will be deleted if their targets are remake::deleted. You should git commit the deletion of any build/status files (unless you immediately rebuild them and commit any changes instead).


The option to set dependencies=TRUE for remake::delete() is omitted because it sounds terrifying to me: as currently implemented in remake, dependencies are the UPSTREAM targets on which the current target_names depend - i.e., if B is built from A and you ask to delete B with dependencies=TRUE, A will also be deleted. Scary, right? So let's not.


## Not run: 
scdel('one_target', 'remake.yml')
scdel(NULL, 'remake.yml') # delete the default target
scdel(list_all_targets('remake.yml'), 'remake.yml')

## End(Not run)

USGS-R/scipiper documentation built on May 25, 2023, 8:47 a.m.