
Defines functions check_samplePurp

Documented in check_samplePurp

#' check_samplePurp. flag uncommon sample purpose
#' @description Function to flag uncommon sample purpose
#' @param x A \code{dataframe} output from \code{get_localNWIS}
#' @param returnAll logical, return dataframe containing all results or only return flagged samples. Defualt is FALSE
#' @details Function determines most common sample purpose for all retrieved records and flags all sample purposes other than the most common.
#' @details There are of course valid reasons to have different sample purposes, this is just a check.
#' @details Rejected samples are not included.
#' @examples 
#' data("exampleData",package="sedReview")
#' x <- exampleData
#' samplePurpFlags <- check_samplePurp(x)
#' @importFrom dplyr left_join
#' @importFrom dplyr summarise
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by
#' @export
#' @return A dataframe containing all samples with applicable flags

# x is plotData from NWISodbc data pull
check_samplePurp <- function(x, returnAll = FALSE){
  # remove rejected samples
  x <- x[!(x$DQI %in% c("Q","X")),]
  # sample purposes
  purp <- x[x$PARM_CD == "71999", ]
  purp <- unique(purp[c("UID","SITE_NO","PARM_CD", "PARM_NM", "RESULT_VA")])
    stop("All pulled record numbers missing sample purpose (PARM_CD 71999)")
  # table of unique sample purposes
  sampPurp <- dplyr::summarise(dplyr::group_by(purp, SITE_NO, RESULT_VA),
                               count = length(RESULT_VA))
  # most common samp purpose
  mainPurp <- dplyr::summarise(dplyr::group_by(sampPurp,SITE_NO),
                               max = max(count))
  mainPurp <- dplyr::left_join(mainPurp, sampPurp, by = c('SITE_NO' = 'SITE_NO', 'max' = 'count'))
  mainPurp <- mainPurp[c('SITE_NO','RESULT_VA')]
  names(mainPurp) <- c('SITE_NO','mostCommonPurpose')
  # flag sample purposes other than most common
  purp <- dplyr::left_join(purp, mainPurp, by = 'SITE_NO')
  purp$sampPurpFlag[purp$RESULT_VA != purp$mostCommonPurpose] <- paste("flag uncommon sample purpose ", 
                                                                       purp$RESULT_VA[purp$RESULT_VA !=purp$mostCommonPurpose])
  # list of flagged samples
  ### data frame of all samples with flags
  flaggedSamples <- unique(x[c("UID",
  # append flags
  flaggedSamples <- dplyr::left_join(flaggedSamples, 
                                     purp[c("UID", "PARM_CD", "PARM_NM", "RESULT_VA","mostCommonPurpose","sampPurpFlag")], 
                                     by = "UID")
  if(returnAll == FALSE)
    flaggedSamples <- flaggedSamples[is.na(flaggedSamples$sampPurpFlag)==FALSE, ]

USGS-R/sedReview documentation built on Aug. 24, 2020, 9 p.m.