
#### Site-Level Assessment: Box Coefficient data pull ####

# match cross section and point samples by time Box Coeff
boxcoef <- eventReactive(list(input$boxPull, input$loadRData),
                           boxcoef.all <<- NULL
                           boxcoef.all <<- find_boxcoef(siteData, 
                                                        site_no = input$varSite, 
                                                        timediff = input$searchInterval, 
                                                        methods_NX = as.array(input$methods_NX), 
                                                        methods_X = as.array(input$methods_X))
                           boxcoef.all <<- boxcoef.all[, c("RESULT_VA_nonXS", 

boxcoeftrim <- eventReactive(list(input$boxPull),
                               boxcoef.trim <<- NULL
                               boxcoef.trim <<- boxcoef()
                               boxcoef.trim <<- filter(boxcoef.trim,
                                                       SAMPLE_START_DT_xsection > as.POSIXct(input$analysisBeginDT, tz = input$tz))

serverTable <- reactiveValues(bx_data = NULL)

               serverTable$bx_data <- boxcoeftrim()[, c("RESULT_VA_nonXS", 
               names(serverTable$bx_data) <- c("NonXS.Pt.SSC",

# output$bx_datadblclickinfo <- renderPrint({
#   nearPoints(serverTable$bx_data, input$bx_plot_dblclick, allRows = FALSE)
# })
# output$bx_datadblbrushinfo <- renderPrint({
#   brushedPoints(serverTable$bx_data, input$bx_plot_brush)
# })

output$boxtable <- DT::renderDataTable(
            extensions = 'Buttons', 
            rownames = FALSE,
            options = list(dom = 'Bfrtip',
                           buttons = 
                             list('colvis', list(
                               extend = 'collection',
                               buttons = list(list(extend ='csv',
                                                   filename = 'BoxCoeffTable'),
                                              list(extend ='excel',
                                                   filename = 'BoxCoeffTable'),
                                              list(extend ='pdf',
                                                   pageSize = 'A4',
                                                   orientation = 'landscape',
                                                   filename = 'BoxCoeffTable')),
                               text = 'Download'
                           scrollX = TRUE,
                           scrollY = "600px",
                           order = list(list(0, 'asc')),
                           pageLength = nrow(serverTable$bx_data),
                           selection = 'single')

observeEvent(input$delete_rows, {
  temp_bx <- serverTable$bx_data[-input$boxtable_rows_selected,]
  serverTable$bx_data <- temp_bx
  boxcoef.trim <<- serverTable$bx_data
  names(boxcoef.trim) <<- names(boxcoef.all)

s1 <- reactive({
output$DelBoxPlot <- renderPlotly(
        ggplot() + 
          geom_point(data = serverTable$bx_data, aes(NonXS.Pt.SSC, X.sect.SSC), color = "red", size = 2) +
          geom_abline(slope = s1(), intercept = 0, col = "black", lty = 2) +
          xlab("Non-Cross Section/Point sample SSC, mg/L") +
          ylab("Cross Section sample SSC, mg/L") 
    }, error = function(e){
      return(message(simpleError("Generate Box Coefficient Pairs plot and table with time interval and method criteria on the left")))
USGS-R/sedReview documentation built on Aug. 24, 2020, 9 p.m.