
#'Data import, export and manipulation functions
#'This package has specialized functions for importing, managing, or
#'manipulating hydrologic data.
#'\tabular{ll}{ Package: \tab smwrBase\cr 
#'Type: \tab Package\cr 
#'Version: \tab 1.1.2\cr 
#'Date: \tab 2015-12-08\cr 
#'License: \tab File CC0\cr 
#'Depends: \tab methods,memoise,digest,lubridate\cr }
#'This package contains functions that import, manage, or manipulate hydrologic data and 
#'functions that apply specialized transformations used in hydrologic analyses amd modeling.
#'A listing of the functions and their description is in the following table.
#'\tabular{ll}{Function \tab Description\cr 
#'\%cn\% \tab Identify character strings that contain the specified pattern.\cr
#'anomalies \tab Break down time-series data into long- and short-term deviations (anomalies) \cr
#' \tab and the high-frequency variation.\cr
#'as.timeDay \tab Convert data to objects of class "timeDay."\cr
#'baseDay \tab Computes the "base" day of the year, a reference value that can be used to \cr
#' \tab group days for the computation of summary statistics.\cr
#'boxCox \tab Apply a Box-Cox power transformation.\cr
#'coalesce \tab Merge a matrix or list of vectors selecting the first non-missing value.\cr
#'conc.meq \tab A list containing necessary information for the function \code{conc2meq}.\cr
#'conc2meq \tab Convert concentration in milligrams per liter to milli-equivalents per liter.\cr
#'daysInMonth \tab The number of days in a month.\cr
#'dectime \tab Convert dates and times to decimal time in years. \cr
#'dectime2Date \tab Convert decimal time in years to an object of class "Date."\cr
#'dlpearsonIII \tab The density of the log-Pearson Type III distribution.\cr
#'dms2dd \tab Convert data in degrees, minutes, and seconds to decimal degrees.\cr
#'dpearsonIII \tab The density of the Pearson Type III distribution.\cr
#'eventLen \tab Compute the length or duration of an event.\cr
#'eventNum \tab Compute the number of an event, identified by a TRUE value in a sequence.\cr
#'eventSeq \tab Compute the sequence number within an event.\cr
#'eventSeries \tab Create regular time-series data from recorded events.\cr
#'exportCSV \tab Export a data frame to a comma-separated values file.\cr
#'exportRDB \tab Export data to an ASCII relational-database file.\cr
#'fillMissing \tab Interpolate missing values in a regular time-series of data.\cr
#'fourier \tab Compute the Fourier series decomposition from date data.\cr
#'group2row \tab Unstack data oriented in columns to rows of data.\cr
#'hyperbolic \tab Apply a hyperbolic transformation.\cr
#'hysteresis \tab Compute a basis for estimating hysteresis effect in some variable related to \cr
#' \tab the argument \code{x}.\cr
#'IboxCox \tab Apply the inverse Box-Cox power transformation.\cr
#'Ihyperbolic  \tab Apply the inverse hyperbolic transformation.\cr
#'importCSV \tab Import a data frame from a comma-separated values file.\cr
#'importRDB \tab Import a data frame from an ASCII relational-database file.\cr
#'index.coalesce \tab Return the index column number instead of the values for the first non-missing value.\cr
#'isCharLike \tab Determine whether the data be treated like character data.\cr
#'IsCurve  \tab Apply the inverse s-curve transformation.\cr
#'isDateLike \tab Deterimne whether the data can be treated like date data.\cr
#'isGroupLike \tab Determine whether the data can be treated like grouping data.\cr
#'isNumberLike \tab Determine whether the data can be treated as numeric data.\cr
#'makeMeta \tab Create a template meta file for a comma-separated values file.\cr
#'mergeNearest \tab Merge two datasets by the nearest date and time.\cr
#'mergeQ \tab Merge flow data with water-quality data.\cr
#'miss2na \tab Convert a coded missing value to NA.\cr
#'more \tab Display the contents of an object by pages.\cr
#'movingAve \tab Compute the moving average in regular time-series data.\cr
#'movingDiff \tab Compute the moving difference in regular time-series data.\cr
#'na2miss \tab Convert NA to a coded missing value.\cr
#'peaks \tab Compute the indices of peaks in time-series data.\cr
#'pick \tab Select a value based on the value of a logical, integer, or character reference value.\cr
#'plpearsonIII \tab Compute the cumulative probability of the log-Pearson Type III distribution.\cr
#'ppearsonIII \tab Compute the cumulative probability of the Pearson Type III distribution.\cr
#'qlpearsonIII \tab Compute the quantile of the log-Pearson Type III distribution.\cr
#'qpearsonIII \tab Compute the quantile of the Pearson Type III distribution.\cr
#'quadratic \tab Compute a basis for an orthogonal second-order polynomial.\cr
#'readList \tab Import data arranged on lines into a list.\cr
#'recode \tab Recode distinct values.\cr
#'regularSeries \tab Put data collected at arbitrary times into a regular time series.\cr
#'rlpearsonIII \tab Compute the random variates of the log-Pearson Type III distribution.\cr
#'rpearsonIII \tab Compute the random variates of the Pearson Type III distribution.\cr
#'sCurve \tab Apply the s-curve transformation.\cr
#'scaleRng \tab Scale data to a specified range.\cr
#'screenData \tab Screen data for missing values or gaps.\cr
#'seasons \tab Create seasonal categories from dates.\cr
#'seqCollapse \tab Collapse a sequence of integers to a compact character string.\cr
#'setFileType \tab Support function to manage file suffixes.\cr
#'setTZ \tab Set the time zone information for dates and times.\cr
#'shiftData \tab Shift time-series data forward or backward.\cr
#'sumComposition \tab Compute the percentages of data within a matrix.\cr
#'timeDay \tab Various methods for manipulating time-of-day data, including conversion to and\cr
#' \tab from character, addition, and others.\cr
#'untable \tab Expand a 2-dimensional table into the raw values.\cr
#'waterYear \tab Compute the water year of date data. The water year ends on September 30 of the year.\cr
#'whichRowCol \tab Identify the row and column indexes for TRUE values in a logical matrix.\cr
#' @name smwrBase-package
#' @aliases smrwBase-package smwrBase
#' @docType package
#' @author Dave Lorenz
#' @importFrom graphics abline par plot title
#' @importFrom stats StructTS approx dgamma dnorm mahalanobis na.omit pgamma pnorm poly qgamma
#' @importFrom stats qnorm qqplot rgamma rnorm runif tsSmooth
#' @importFrom utils head read.csv tail type.convert write.csv write.table 
#' @seealso \code{\link[smwrData:smwrData-package]{smwrData}}
#' @references Lorenz, D.L., 2015, smwrBase---an R package for managing
#'hydrologic data, version 1.1.1: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report
#'2015--1202, 7 p.
#' @keywords package
USGS-R/smwrBase documentation built on Oct. 18, 2022, 9:55 a.m.