
#' Daily Groundwater Levels
#' Daily groundwater data for water year 2008 (October 1, 2007 to 
#'September 30, 2008) for selected wells in the Glacial
#'Ridge National Wildlife Refuge in northwestern Minnesota.
#' @name GlacialRidge
#' @docType data
#' @usage GlacialRidge
#' @format Data frame with 366 rows and 6 columns\cr
#' \tabular{lll}{ 
#' Name \tab Type \tab Description\cr\cr
#' datetime \tab Date \tab Day\cr
#' G01 \tab numeric \tab Data for well G01-R\cr
#' G12 \tab numeric \tab Data for well G12-R\cr
#' G20 \tab numeric \tab Data for well G20S-R\cr
#' G25 \tab numeric \tab Data for well G25-R\cr
#' G22 \tab numeric \tab Data for well G22S-R\cr
#' } Note all
#' groundwater levels are depth below land surface in feet.
#' @references Cowdery, T. K., Lorenz, D. L, Arntson, D., 2008, Hydrology prior
#' to wetland and prairie restoration in and around the Glacial Ridge National
#' Wildlife Refuge, northwestern Minnesota, 2002--5: U.S Geological Survey
#' Scientific Investigations Report 2007-5200, 68 p.
#' @source Data retrieved from NWISWeb
#' (\url{https://nwis.waterdata.usgs.gov/mn/nwis/gw}) on 2012-06-18. The data
#' were rearranged and the columns renamed to the current format.
#' @keywords datasets
#' @examples
#' data(GlacialRidge)
#' # Hydrographs showing the change in variability with depth
#' with(GlacialRidge, plot(datetime, G01, type='l', ylim=c(25, 0), 
#'   ylab="Depth below landsurface, in feet"))
#' with(GlacialRidge, lines(datetime, G12))
#' with(GlacialRidge, lines(datetime, G20))
#' with(GlacialRidge, lines(datetime, G25))
#' with(GlacialRidge, lines(datetime, G22))
USGS-R/smwrData documentation built on Oct. 18, 2022, 9:56 a.m.