boxPlot: Box Plot

View source: R/boxPlot.R

boxPlotR Documentation

Box Plot


Produces a truncated, simple, Tukey, or extended box plot.


boxPlot(..., group = NULL, Box = list(type = "truncated", show.counts =
  TRUE, nobox = 5, width = "Auto", fill = "none", truncated = c(10, 90)),
  yaxis.log = FALSE, yaxis.range = c(NA, NA), ylabels = "Auto",
  xlabels = "Auto", xlabels.rotate = FALSE, xtitle = "",
  ytitle = "", caption = "", margin = c(NA, NA, NA, NA))

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
boxPlot(..., group = NULL, Box = list(type =
  "truncated", show.counts = TRUE, nobox = 5, width = "Auto", fill =
  "none", truncated = c(10, 90)), yaxis.log = FALSE,
  yaxis.range = c(NA, NA), ylabels = "Auto", xlabels = "Auto",
  xlabels.rotate = FALSE, xtitle = "", ytitle = "", caption = "",
  margin = c(NA, NA, NA, NA))

## S3 method for class 'list'
boxPlot(..., group = NULL, Box = list(type =
  "truncated", show.counts = TRUE, nobox = 5, width = "Auto", fill =
  "none", truncated = c(10, 90)), yaxis.log = FALSE,
  yaxis.range = c(NA, NA), ylabels = "Auto", xlabels = "Auto",
  xlabels.rotate = FALSE, xtitle = "", ytitle = "", caption = "",
  margin = c(NA, NA, NA, NA))

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
boxPlot(..., group = NULL, Box = list(type =
  "truncated", show.counts = TRUE, nobox = 5, width = "Auto", fill =
  "none", truncated = c(10, 90)), yaxis.log = FALSE,
  yaxis.range = c(NA, NA), ylabels = "Auto", xlabels = "Auto",
  xlabels.rotate = FALSE, xtitle = "", ytitle = "", caption = "",
  margin = c(NA, NA, NA, NA))



the data to plot. Missing values are permitted and excluded from the summary statistics computations.


any vector containing distinct values to create groups of data for individual box plots. Missing values are not permitted. Valid only when a single numeric vector is supplied for ....


control parameters for the box. See Details.


logical, if TRUE, then log transform y axis.


set y-axis range. See Details.


set up y-axis labels. See linearPretty for details; the value for ylabels can be set to an valid value for the label argument in linearPretty or a tagged list with values spcified for the arguments in linearPretty.


set up x-axis labels. Must be either "Auto" or a character vector of the x-axis labels.


logical, if TRUE, then rotate x-axis labels 90 degrees.


the x-axis title (also called x-axis caption).


the y-axis title (also called y-axis caption).


the figure caption


set the plot area margins, in units of lines of text. Generally all NA or the output from setGraph if appropriate.


If group is numeric, then the boxes will be plotted along a continuous numeric axis. Otherwise the x-axis will be discrete groups.
Box is a list with these components:


the type of boxtplot: "simple" the whiskers extend to the minimum and maximum of the data, "truncated" the whiskers extend to percentiles defined by truncated, "tukey" the standard "Tukey" boxplot as described by Helsel and Hirsch (200), and "extended" the whisker extend to percentiles defined by truncated and values outside of that range are shown;


show the number of observations used to compute the boxplot statistics;


only individual values are shown if the number of observations is less than or equal to this value;


the width of the box, in inches;


The color of the filled box or "none" for no fill;


the percentiles to use for the truncated boxplot.

For linear axes, the range can be set to virtually any pair of values. For log axes, the choice of range is more resticted—for less than one log-cycle, powers of whole numbers can be used; from 1 to about 3 log cycles, the choices should be powers of 3 or 10; and for more than 3 log cycles, the range sould be expressed only in powers of 10.


Information about the graph.


A call should be made to setPage to set up the graphics environment before calling boxPlot.
If yaxis.log is set to TRUE, then the quartiles and interquartile range are computed from the log-transformed values rather then the untransformed values, which is common for other box plots. Those computations are in agreement with the box plots generated in the QWGRAPH component of the QWDATA module in the National Water Information System (NWIS) described by Dennis Helsel's 1989 Branch of Systems Analysis Technical Memorandum No. 89.01, available online at Those computations have a significant effect on the appearance the whiskers and outside values of the Tukey box plot and are motivated by the general assumption of a log-normal distribution for most water-quality constituents.


Helsel, D.R. and Hirsch, R.M., 2002, Statistical methods in water resources: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations, book 4, chap. A3, 522 p.

See Also

setPage, dotPlot


## Not run: 
Xbig <- rnorm(100)
# The simple type box plot
boxPlot(Xbig, Box=list(type="simple"))
# For more details of boxPlot see
vignette(topic="BoxPlots", package="smwrGraphs")
vignette(topic="GraphSetup", package="smwrGraphs")
demo(topic="Coplot-simpleBoxPlot", package="smwrGraphs")

## End(Not run)

USGS-R/smwrGraphs documentation built on Oct. 11, 2022, 6:11 a.m.