datePretty: Pretty Axis

View source: R/datePretty.R

datePrettyR Documentation

Pretty Axis


Constructs information for making a nicely formatted date axis. A support function for creating date/time axes. Understanding the arguments can help in building specially formatted axes.


datePretty(x, major = "Auto", minor = "Auto", tick.span = 1,
  style = c("Auto", "at", "between"), label.abbr = 0)



date and time data


the major tick interval, must be one of "hours," "days," "months," "years," "water years," or "Auto," which will make an intelligent choice from those. "Auto" will also automatically change tick.span. Abbreviations are permitted. See Details.


the minor tick interval, must be one of "min," "hours," "days," "months," "years," or "Auto," which will make an intelligent choice from those, possibly adjusted by a scaling factor. Can also be formatted as an argument to seq, such as "15 mins" for 15-minute ticks. Abbreviations are not permitted to account for the scaling factor.


span between major labels. For example, with "years" option, tick.span=5 would generate labels like 1990, 1995, 2000 and so forth.


the style of labels, must be one of "at," "between," or "Auto," which selects the "best" style. "At" places the labels at the ticks and "between" places the labels between the major ticks. Abbreviations are permitted.


indicator of the degree of abbreviation for labels

0 best guess based on number of intervals
1 shortest (single letter month, for example)
2 USGS abbreviation (3- or 4-letter month name, for example)
3 full text


Setting major to "water year" is practical only for periods of time from 1 to 5 water years in length; also sets the date range to water years.


Formatting information about the axis labels.

See Also

timePlot, month.USGS, timePretty

USGS-R/smwrGraphs documentation built on Oct. 11, 2022, 6:11 a.m.