smwrQW-package: Tools for censored water-quality data analysis

smwrQW-packageR Documentation

Tools for censored water-quality data analysis


A collection of tools for the analysis of left- and multiply-censored data that focuses on the analysis of water-quality data.


Package: smwrQW
Type: Package
License: CC0
Depends: dataRetrieval smwrBase smwrGraphs smwrStats
Imports: boot coin lubridate methods mvtnorm survival XML zCompositions
Suggests: smwrData cluster NADA psych

Modern water-quality information requires much more that a value and remark code to characterize the data. The tools in this library focus on the "qw" class, which store the value and the remark code, but also information about the reporting level, the units, the methods of analysis analysis, and the analyte itself.
Some specialized analytical tools for left-only censored data, requiring objects of class "lcens" have been developed and are included in this library. Other analytical tools for multiply- or any censored data are alos included. The tools include automatic conversion of "qw" data into the "best" (left-only or multiply censored) format.
Need a general description of the tools by group–a brief synopsis of the OFR.


Lorenz, D.L., in preparation.

USGS-R/smwrQW documentation built on Oct. 11, 2022, 6:13 a.m.