summary.censReg: Summarizing Linear Model Fits

View source: R/summary.censReg.R

summary.censRegR Documentation

Summarizing Linear Model Fits


Summarizes the output from a censored regression object: method for "censReg" object.


## S3 method for class 'censReg'
summary(object, correlation = FALSE, ...)



an object of class "censReg"—output from censReg.


include the correlation matrix of the estimated parameters?


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


An object of class "summary.censReg" containing the object, the pseudo R-squared, variance inflation factors, a table of diagnostic statistics, critical values for selected diagnostic statistics, an indication of which observations exceed any of the selected diagnostic statistics, and optionally the parameter correlation matrix.


The pseudo R-squared is computed using the McKelvey-Zavoina (1975) method, which tries to describe the proportion of variance explained by the fit and tries to capture the square of the correlation between the fitted and actual values. For uncensored data, it is equal to the usual R-squared for ordinary least squares.


McKelvey, R.D., and Zavoina, W., 1975, A statistical model for the analysis of ordinal dependent variables: The Journal of Mathematical Sociology, v. 4, no. 1, p. 103–120.

See Also


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