xyPlot-censored: Censored Data Methods for Function 'xyPlot'

xyPlot-censoredR Documentation

Censored Data Methods for Function xyPlot


Creates a line/scatter plot: selected methods for "lcens," "mcens," and "qw" data.

Setting xlabels to 0 or negative values will suppress ticks and labels. If negative, then try to create that absolute value number of labels. That can be useful for relative axes or specialized labeling, but is only valid for numeric x.


## S4 method for signature 'numeric,lcens'
xyPlot(x, y, Plot = list(name = "", what = "points",
  type = "solid", width = "standard", symbol = "circle", filled = TRUE, size =
  0.09, color = "black"), yaxis.log = FALSE, yaxis.rev = FALSE,
  yaxis.range = c(NA, NA), xaxis.log = FALSE, xaxis.range = c(NA, NA),
  ylabels = 7, xlabels = 7, xtitle = deparse(substitute(x)),
  ytitle = deparse(substitute(y)), caption = "", margin = c(NA, NA, NA,
  NA), Censored = list(name = "", what = "points", symbol = "circle", filled =
  FALSE, size = 0.09, color = "black", width = "hairline", bar = FALSE), ...)

## S4 method for signature 'numeric,qw'
xyPlot(x, y, Plot = list(name = "", what = "points",
  type = "solid", width = "standard", symbol = "circle", filled = TRUE, size =
  0.09, color = "black"), yaxis.log = FALSE, yaxis.rev = FALSE,
  yaxis.range = c(NA, NA), xaxis.log = FALSE, xaxis.range = c(NA, NA),
  ylabels = 7, xlabels = 7, xtitle = "",
  ytitle = deparse(substitute(y)), caption = "", margin = c(NA, NA, NA,
  NA), Censored = list(name = "", what = "points", symbol = "circle", filled =
  FALSE, size = 0.09, color = "black", width = "hairline", bar = FALSE), ...)

## S4 method for signature 'lcens,lcens'
xyPlot(x, y, Plot = list(name = "", what = "points",
  type = "solid", width = "standard", symbol = "circle", filled = TRUE, size =
  0.09, color = "black"), yaxis.log = FALSE, yaxis.rev = FALSE,
  yaxis.range = c(NA, NA), xaxis.log = FALSE, xaxis.range = c(NA, NA),
  ylabels = 7, xlabels = 7, xtitle = deparse(substitute(x)),
  ytitle = deparse(substitute(y)), caption = "", margin = c(NA, NA, NA,
  NA), Censored = list(name = "", what = "points", symbol = "circle", filled =
  FALSE, size = 0.09, color = "black", width = "hairline", bar = TRUE), ...)

## S4 method for signature 'numeric,mcens'
xyPlot(x, y, Plot = list(name = "", what = "points",
  type = "solid", width = "standard", symbol = "circle", filled = TRUE, size =
  0.09, color = "black"), yaxis.log = FALSE, yaxis.rev = FALSE,
  yaxis.range = c(NA, NA), xaxis.log = FALSE, xaxis.range = c(NA, NA),
  ylabels = 7, xlabels = 7, xtitle = deparse(substitute(x)),
  ytitle = deparse(substitute(y)), caption = "", margin = c(NA, NA, NA,
  NA), Censored = list(name = "", what = "points", symbol = "circle", filled =
  FALSE, size = 0.09, color = "black", width = "hairline", bar = TRUE), ...)



the x-axis data.


the y-axis data.


control parameters of the plot for uncensored data.


log-transform the y axis?


reverse the y axis?


set the range of the y-axis.


logical, if TRUE, then log-transform the x axis.


set the range of the x-axis.


set up y-axis labels. See linearPretty for details.


set up x-axis labels. See Details.


the x-axis title.


the y-axis title.


the figure caption.


set up the plot area margins.


control parameters of the plot for censored data. Same arguments as for Plot, but adds bar which if set to TRUE will draw lines from left-censored values to the minimum and draw lines from right-censored values to the maximum. No bars are drawn for interval censored values.


additional arguments for specific methods.


Information about the graph.


A call should be made to setPage to set up the graphics environment before calling xyPlot.

USGS-R/smwrQW documentation built on Oct. 11, 2022, 6:13 a.m.